This is it

Well biz, just finished cashing out $1.2MM worth of eth over the past couple weeks and I think this is it. Left $20k in crypto but I won't be checking on it for another year or so. Been here since 2014 and its been a hell of a time shilling with you faggots, but it's time for me to go out and live.
For those wondering I made most of my gains buying vertcoin in Oct 2016 and selling at $7 or so.
See ya fags, link $1000 eoy.


try not to buy some car

is cashing out that much tedious? a lot of sites seem to have limits

You did it user. You are living the dream. Hopefully you use that cash to make your life amazing.

how do you plan on using your money now? what investments come to mind?

Give us the info.

How did you cash out?

Did you have the help of a lawyer and/or a CPA?

Are you going to pay your taxes on the gains?

Yeah I used a few different exchanges to expedite the process

If not a larp I'd like to know this as well

I plan to.
Haven't thought about it too much yet. Probably something boring honestly, thinking about getting a rental property
Used kraken, gemini, coinbase. No lawyer, am paying taxes as I am in US. Logged all trades

what are you leaving your money in OP?

Bye user be safe out there

Nice, enjoy your gains bro. One day that'll be me.

Unironically 50% link, 50% ven

ur such a larping faggot, u can literally cash out all at once using coinbase or gemini,

>see ya fags

>no really i'm going to go now

1 mil aint that much now days after taxes.

>there it is

He's going to triple his gains with Link alone!!!


Checked and good luck, most important thing is to make sure you dont lose it

dat bitch got finger-toes

congrats user, see you soon

Got any proofs?

I've been avoiding buying Veeky Forums's shillcoin of choice (link), but if someone who actually made it recommends...then I'm in.

If Kek's 7's aren't enough proof than you don't deserve to make it.

t. 100% in Link with 90k

Time to read the whitepaper, user