I mean, you recognise that finding God is bullshit right? Sure it serves a social purpose and it might help this user, but you do realize they are fables right?
Guys i think i am in a depression i don't even know why am i writing this on an online image board but i'll take the...
Race is seriously the only thing that exists to you, christ. Philosophy can do a lot more for someone than make them depressed. If you think that thinking about the nature of life and reality can only bring sadness then you should probably just kill yourself.
I mean, I am of the belief that this purposeless life has more than enough to keep one entertained/happy, but Jesus you polfags can find the most bullshit reasons to be happy. Christ.
No muslims, no tax on crypto, but a lot of gypsies. Its a great place for a retirement
Honestly, it would be wrong for me to say there is a certain list of literature one needs to read to find peace. It’s much more complicated than that. But Kierkegaard is great to read. Read Jungs “Man and his symbols” and just read detailed summaries of his notions. He outlined a great deal of information taught by sages throughout human history. Joseph Campbell, M. Scott peck, and Nietzche provided useful information for me as well.
Race isn't the only thing that exists to me. I'm actually the nicest person in the world. I don't actually have a problem with other races. The reason I have problem with other races is because they are brainwashed into hating white people by the kikes.
Look around you dude. Our country is being invaded by 3rd world filth. And they hate whites. I wish it wasn't the reality but it is.
I'm going to go out having a fun time and ruffling feathers. Cuz these mongoloid Spicks coming here do not like whites. And these Muslim inbreds hate whites. I'm a nice guy and wish it wasn't that way but I'm going to stand my ground and raise hell.
I believe you are a nice guy, and for a while I felt equally vindictive. But it’s terrible for your body and mind. All you can do is prepare for the worst or escape before the fire rises. Minorities are being manipulated to hate whites in the west. It’s going to get worse but you can aid changing suc( perspective by showing your kindness. I changed a lot of minds when I worked in the city. They’re just ignorant. I still get mad sometimes, but save your bite for when you need to.
Help change their perspectives*
>took huge profit end of december
>cashed out
>been partying since january (get high everyday playing videogames)
>already buying back into super cheap alts
>trippled my position in different coins
>comfy awaiting the upcoming bullrun