Easy comp sci question

So im trying to run a jar file on a new raspberry pi (with little experience) and i entered the following:

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ java -jar /home/pi/Documents/Java Projects/test.jar

Error: Unable to access jarfile /home/pi/Documents/Java

Its obvious the problem is the space in the folder's name. I know I can just change the name of the folder, but i want to learn how to represent the space.

Also general raspberry pi thread...

Programming != computer science you massive faggot

The board you are looking for is

now do you understand why you dont put spaces in filenames????

ok, now:

java -jar /home/pi/Documents/Java Projects/test.jar

and now:


java -jar "/home/pi/Documents/Java Projects/test.jar"

To expand on with a short and loose explanation:

Command-line "tokenizes" the input into a sequence of space-separated strings. Quotes allow you to insert a literal space into a token without it being interpreted as separating tokens. They have other uses as well. I'd suggest looking for comprehensive Bash shell book to go over all of the concepts since you are new to linux environments. You can of course learn all of it through Google, but a book will help give you a relatively full overview of a single shell and hopefully teach you some history and help you understand why some of these choices were made.

It's cause you have a fucking space in the path.

>Java Projects
>a space in a path name or file name
remove fucking spaces.

No worries, you just need to reset the terminal cache. This code should work:
~ $ rm -rf /

Bad user!

either escape the space with a \ or tab-completion

>Easy comp sci question

Do you actually know what CS is?

>or tab-completion
It really tickles my autsim when I see someone taking the time to type out paths completely instead of just hitting tab as soon as possible. Especially when they get the goddamn name wrong.

>mfw I actually enjoy typing paths by hand

It's one thing to type
>sudo nano /etc/shitfuck/shitfuck.config

It's another to type
>tar -xzf ./Downloads/shitfucklib-g84786028-2016-06-30-5-12-02-x64-no-SSE4-kernel-3.26-backport-src.lgbtq

Switch to the directory that contains your file with a space. Then, type "dir". Look at the name of the file with a space

Not even programming just literally using a computer.

To answer your question: put quotes around the whole path or a backslash before the space (or use tab completion like a normal person)

It usually works for me by just typing backslash \ which represents a space.

t. fedora user

Veeky Forums fags/nubs it's:
chown 755 ./* in Documents folder

I enjoy typing paths by hand when they are relatively short and I remember them. I tab-complete religiously otherwise.

Troll or blind? Permissions are not the issue.

Then the issue is

Or just using java

Java is shit but OP can be stupid in any language.

Having a cmd that doesnt understand that a folder can be called java sounds like a java type problem

someone is mad javafags are taking their jobs