is it just me or is shorting btc like really fucking stupid
Is it just me or is shorting btc like really fucking stupid
Right now it isn't so stupid.
shorting anything is really fucking stupid in the long run
Yeah lol really stupid
>he just admitted he's a newfag and/or he wants to be banned
Enjoy your inevitable ban.
only sometimes, user
there are times where it's a surefire way to make serious money, but it's generally before most people would consider shorting it
shorting isnt stupid if you aren't and know how to employ risk management.
BTC is dying.
>posting a screenshot to show you saged
>even though announcing sage is against rules
>and doing something so stupid is more likely to get people to respond to your dumbass post without sage, thus bumping the thread more
I suspect you are OP trying to psy ops your own thread