>29 years old
You're a men, so the age for you is not a problem like with women. Men age like wine, women like milk.
>no driver's license
Dunno where are you from, but if you're a Veeky Forumsnesman, than you probably should have enought money to cover to course, and since it looks like you're a NEET, you have enought time to do it
>still a Virgin
Literally it feels better to put your cock inside a fleshlight, than inside of modern women. For example if someone weren't in spain, He's a virgin when it comes to traveling to spain, if someone never ate truffle, than he's a virgin in eating truffles. Women use shaming language everyday, and bluepilled cucks are getting fooled by that everyday. And if you really want to loose the V card, than you can spend few hundred bucks for a hooker.
>barely can roll out of bed in the mornings due to chronic depression
Been there. So far only meditation helped me with depression.
>knees are bending inward from gaining weight
stop eating. I lost 9 KGs in one month, but it's too extreme. You can easily loose 4KG, each month without any risks.
>starting to go bald
You can be good looking, and with a bald head. Another female trick to shame men. If you'll get rich, women won't even notice.
>pain in my shoulders when I sit down
Get to doctor.
>start to have shaky hands when talking girls talk to me
When it comes to me, I realized, that since I don't have a chance with the particular women, than I don't have anythink to be afraid of. There are two options here. You can either jack off frequently, and if you talk with a women, when you're drained, you probably won't look at her in a sexual way, or you can do nofap, and after few weeks the effect should be permament. Imo 2nd option is better.
>begin sweating and hyperventilating whenever I'm in the presence of a good looking woman.
Again, women are trying to shame bad looking men, and make them feel inferior towards them. You should get some MGTOW redpills.