Stupid Question Thread /SQT/

My question:

1) What is the formula to calculate the number of ways you can write out a set with two distinct elements consisting of a,b in an ordered pair?

For instance, in this case it's simply:



2) if you take those 4 ordered pairs to be a column of four possible ordered pairs of elements and to the right of is a mapped value of either a or b how do you calculate the different mappings?? the answer is 16, but what is the general formula for this as well?

a few examples are:




and so on...

Looking for generalized formulas here.

Other urls found in this thread:; CRAIG - Introduction to Mathematical Statistics (4th Edition)(1).pdf

1) 2!, or n!

2) (n!)^2? I'm sleepy.

3) Use the catalog, SQT exists currently named QTDDTOT.

Sorry, didn't see that! I searched for "SQT" my bad!

For 1) If the answer is 2! then that means there are 2 ways to order an ordered pair of elements that contain a,b.

But the book gives:


Which is 4. This confuses me.

What is the 2) equation called?

Figure it out. It'll be fun!

don't mind me, just testing some things. polite sage.

P.79: (Modern treatment, together with Ahmose's version and a bit of culture, all in a few posts):

Consider the finite geometric series [math] \displaystyle a_{1} + ... + a_{n} [/math] with the first term being equal to the common ratio of terms, or [math] \displaystyle \frac{a_{k}}{a_{k-1}} = a_{1} = 7 \;\; ; \;\; 2 \leq k \leq n [/math]

Observe that, as Chace points out, since the first term is equal to the common ratio, the following holds:


\displaystyle \sum\limits_{k=1}^{n} 7^{k} = 7 \bigg( \sum\limits_{k=1}^{n-1} 7^{k} + 1 \bigg)


Let n = 5 and do the following:

a) Find the sum by computing the LHS by directly summing its terms, and
b) Find the same sum by computing the form inside parentheses on the RHS (state this result), and finally by multiplying by 7.

Ans, a&b): 7+49+343+2401+16807 = 7(2801) = 19607. Ahmose gives the sum when n = 5 by employing both methods, although he simply states "multiply 2801 by 7" in as many words without mentioning the derivation of 2801, which suggests some cleverness, per the above.

Now, the fun bit. :D Ahmose presents a) as a table, together with some familiar words:


\displaystyle \begin{bmatrix}

houses & 7 \\
cats & 49 \\
mice & 343 \\
spelt & 2401 \\
hekat & 16807 \\
Total & 19607 \\



Even Chace cannot help making the comparison right in the midst of his text: "As I was going to Saint Ives, I met a man with seven wives. Every wife had seven sacks..." A spelt, btw, is just a thing of wheat. This will need another post to do it justice.

So I thought that if a probability includes "or," you add the probabilities of the individual cases. For example, if you flip a coin once, p of heads = 1/2. The p of heads of the first flip or the second flip is 1/2 + 1/2 = 1, which is obviously false, it's .75. Does the "or" addition rule only apply for single-trial cases? What is the mathematical way to calculate the p of the second question, besides just counting it?

Something like:
[A]=number of different possible symbols in the 'elements'
[B]=size of set input
[C]=size of set output

For your case:

Your description is confusing but according to how I understand it 1) should just be k^n, where n is the length and k is the number of symbols, in this case 2. So 2^n.

Thank you. How did you figure that out?

literally just read about combinatorics

Okay will do.

Is there a specific name to the formulas you provided? I'll pick up a combinatorics book either way.

the formula is P(E1 or E2)=P(E1)+P(E2)-P(E1 and E2)
with P(E1 and E2) being 0 for mutually exclusive events.

What's the point in using a taylor series? Why approximating a function if you already know it?

For calculating shit.
Also, you don't always know it.

Google perturbation theory.
Also, almost everything in physics is based off of a Taylor expansion.

"Everything is harmonic on the second order."

How did you go about deriving this? This works for this particular problem. Would it work on general for such a problem? Thank you so much!

Alright my man what is the sin of 3 to 3 decimal places?

Taylor series are also incredibly useful for more theoretic purposes. Approximations need to be made in physics and numerical analysis, and Taylor series are usually the way to go.

Define an operation * as following:

1)a*b is defined for every ordered pair (a,b)
2)a*b must be uniquely defined
3) a*b must be closed


is a*b = |a-b| on the set {n in Z: n>=0} an operation?

I know |a-b| has two solutions

x=a-b and x= -a + -b

so due to that is it correct to say that |a-b| is not an operation?


Is a*b = sqrt(|ab|) on the set Q an operation?

How do I go about solving this?



No really though I want to spend some time studying before starting my Master's program in late August but I genuinely have no knowledge of efficient study methods, how-to, so on and so forth. I'll accept literally any suggestions.

If given an infinite amount of time, could someone of exactly average intelligence (let's say 100iq, he's white) be able to solve even the most complex math problem?
Bare in mind he has infinite time. Would natural intelligence provide an unbreakable barrier?

>x=a-b and x= -a + -b
Shouldn't that be:
>x=a-b and x= -a + b

Spaced repetition, mnemonics/association/rote, etc.

"solving" is a complex notion. Einstein "solved" gravity, which required many mathematicians to be consulted. Euclid's Postulates "solved" a lot of geometric problems. I did not mean to pair them up on purpose, although they did work on a lot of geometry.

If you mean the general "apply x, get y", then I'd say no. At some point you run out of concurrent associations. Generally look at it this way, if your computer only had 2GB of ram, could you solve a computation that "required" 4GB? In principle, yes, because you could repeatedly store and pull back information from either external or internal long-term storage. Someone's short-term memory capacity is extended this way, you just learn enough shit to make the exchange between long-term and short-term memory be indistinguishable from someone who's using significantly more short-term memory. The problem is this has a significant cost of time, and if the cache is not reliable or spacious enough to accommodate the ideas, then you're fucked.

I consider people who can't handle fractions dyscalculic. My definition though means like 85% of people are dyscalculic.

Yeah, you're right

x=|a-b| has a positive solution: (a-b)

and a negative solution: -(a-b) = (-a+b)

Does this violate the definition of an operation which I defined?

Not that user. For a given (a,b), |a-b| is a number which is (a - b) if a > b and (b - a) otherwise. It is not an equation which you need to solve.

Okay that makes sense. So it doesn't violate rule 2 since for any (a,b) it has a unique solution.

That's correct

Okay great, thanks!

Can someone explain what the hell I'm doing wrong here? According to Wolfram, the answer is 6.97846, which works when checked, but my calculator keeps giving me -3.something. Even breaking up the log into sums and differences and entering it that way gives me a different answer.

Note: Not homework, just reviewing/ practicing on my own.

>Note: Not homework, just reviewing/ practicing on my own.
Nobody cares if it is anyway provided that you don't make dedicated threads for help.

what happened to the 1 in the denominator from step 1 to 2?

What's the result of [math]x\cdot (1-x)^{4\cdot10^{14}} = 1.25\cdot 10^{-15}[/math]?
Wolfram alpha sucks

First author article got accepted by Nature Genetics guys.

How do I celebrate?

Can someone tell me what the name of this graph is?
I've seen it several times before but I can't for the life of me remember the name.

I've just begun learning about space and fundamental forces, and I have a few questions.

1 It is my understanding that no matter can be accelerated to the speed of light. However, space is relative. Does that mean that nothing can go faster than light relative to another object? Can you accelerate something to over half C in one direction and another object to over half C in the opposite direction?

2 If moving faster slows time for the object that is moving, and two objects are moving relative to one another, how do you know which object is relatively at rest since there is no absolute space? For which object does time pass more slowly?

3 Where does quantum "chance" come from?

It's possible that I am missing or misunderstanding some of the concepts here, and these questions don't even make sense. Please help me understand.

I just read this in a comment somewhere:

>DC current travels through the whole cross section of the wire, AC current flows across the surface and down to a certain depth, past that depth current does not flow. The higher the frequency of AC current the thinner the layer of conduction is.

Is this true?

Can anyone recommend a good resource for middle school to high school math?

I've tried using Khan before, but many of the videos weren't in order which is really frustrating to deal with when my math knowledge is all over the place.

The exponent was negative, so I moved 25e... oh, I think I got it, the exponent only applies to e, so the 25 should have stayed on the bottom.

Is there a rigorous derivation for the electrical power formula [math]P \,=\, U\,I[/math]?

To the first part, you're starting to ask the right questions--i.e., 'relative to what?' The foundations of special relativity are all about motion relative to inertial frames (moving at a fixed velocity, since acceleration is absolute relative to these guys). You need to look into Lorentz transformations and the relativistic formula for relative velocities. They don't add like you would expect, the way these add means it's impossible to accelerate a particle to the speed of light and it's also impossible to move to an inertial frame which would measure any massive particle moving at the speed of light. Interestingly, massless particles move at the speed of light in any reference frame as well.

2) The confusion is that you must remember there's no longer an absolute time/static frame in which time moves. Typically, you'd pick an inertial frame and discuss proper times of particles in this frame. If you attach yourself to a particle, it'd better be at a constant velocity to stay with special relativity. If the particle you're measuring is also at constant velocity (its rest frame is also inertial), then indeed each of those particles will see the other as experiencing time faster in its rest frame. These are relative effects and seem strange--but you can build invariants that won't be affected by such frame games.

3) I don't know what you mean here, being genuine. You should look up the probabilistic interpretations of quantum mechanics. Some 'basic' questions require quite a bit to tackle in quantum mechanics, you've really got to throw away pop sci ideas to get a grip on the subject.

At what level do you mean?
Fundamentally: (charge)x(potential) is a measure of potential energy for a charged particle. So the rate of charge transfer, the current in a single wire, provides the rate of (potential) energy being transferred through the wire or the power throughput.
For AC circuits, this holds instantaneously--since it's the instantaneous rate of energy delivery--but the averages depend strongly on the time varying nature of the generator.

The model I'm most familiar with is the Drude model. So it is as simple as derivating [math]\Delta E \,=\, q \,U[/math] and you get the change in potential energy for a particle going through the dipole?

In the function f(X)= 1 - abs( x - 1 ), why is the critical number 1?
When you take the derivative, you get -1 and 1.
I thought critical numbers were when f(c) = 0
In this case, nothing you input would equal 0?

If gravity is real how do balloons go up?


Something like Thomae's function maybe

Thanks. That was exactly what I was looking for.


Thanks for the detailed information senpai.

f(x) = 1 - (x - 1) x > 1 => f'(x) = -1, x > 1
f(x) = 1 - (-(x-1)) x < 1 => f'(x) = 1 x < 1
at x = 1, something is up.

the first derivative test and critical numbers are used to show when the graph changes direction
critical numbers also can occur when the derivative doesn't exist, which happens at the sharp turn at x = 1

I'm reading a book on set theory, and the author says that if I take the set L of real numbers 0≤x≤2, and then it's subset S that contains the elements of L for which x^2

Read carefully. That example is taking L,S to be subsets of the rational numbers.

I tend to mix up the reals and the rationals, because both start with R, but now I can see why S has no lowest upper bound.
Thank you for your answer.

Why do Veeky Forums dislike Vsauce?
Not baiting or repping, just looked and videos and don't really spot so much flaws. Then again, Might just be an idiot.

Because it actually explains nothing and is just a string of shallow thought experiments found on the web.

Why my teacher says the two resistors are in paralel, in the question number 4, i dont get it

Alright this might be a really dumb question but why is the idea or hypothesis of a dyson sphere a bad idea? I saw a thread about it on /g/ but figured Veeky Forums would be better suited to answer. (Other than it would be a colossal challenge to build and require many resources.)

I moved to the EU last year, more specifically Denmark, and to attend uni I need to do an entry qualification exam.
So my question is what should I know. On the school's site they only mentioned mathematics and chemistry, but to what level exactly?
I've recently learned I like chemistry, but the three high schools I went to in the US didn't teach it and I'm not sure if I'm behind.

There's this thing called the square-cube law, which basically says that the bigger something is, the weaker it is (relative to its weight), so if you start increasing something in size, it will eventually collapse under its own weight. I don't think even memetubes are strong enough to create such a gigantic structure. Another thing is that what the fuck would we use all that energy for?

Different books approach it differently.

Some teach using algorithms and then generalize them.

Some start with set theory and prove it that way.

Some start with the binomial theorem.
It all ties together any way you look at it.

How many brain cells do chickens have? I can't find anything about it on wikipedia or the first page of google.

You really think anyone would count them?

Is it worth to learn GAP (The programming language) at the same time that I'm learning abstract algebra?

I've been learning measure-theoretic probability. What's an example of a set of real numbers that's not part of the Borel algebra on [math]\mathbb{R}[/math]?

I would like to learn C as my first programming language. Does anyone have some good sources for a noob? Also, should I use an IDE or just notepad? Part of the reason I want to learn C is to instill good programming habits early on, an I fear using an IDE might defeat the purpose. Any advice is appreciated

what is estimation

Work through this and you'll be a master

My C course assigned us Programming in C by Kochan. We were to read something like 1/3 of the book, of course all of my programming courses were garbage for the masses. I read the entire book in 2-3 weeks and I found it to be pretty decent, but I have never compared it to other intro books so this is just "what I used".

Notepad++ for syntax highlighting, or even better, pick up a Unix/Linux command-line book and use a virtual machine to get used to the tools of the trade. Microsoft is currently paying Canonical (owners of Ubuntu) to port command-line tools officially to Windows, so you don't have to be a Linux user for this knowledge to be useful, they're doing it for a reason, Windows programming has always been held back by using completely different tools. But that can be later, notepad++ and mingw (now mingw-w64) is what I used for two years before getting a Linux laptop.

IDEs aren't evil, but beyond learning the tools used by the open source world, it's good to get used to picking up new stuff constantly (one of the most important skills in computing) and I feel that IDEs try to shelter you from that experience.

I disagree with your recommendation. I tried to like Zed and continually come back to the mindset that he's a conceited edgy manchild with no business as the teacher he is attempting to be. I recommend a real textbook, not a shitty ebook.

Thanks. You know of any tutorials that you do like?
CodeAcademy? Coursera? Udacity?

The velocity of a 3.3 kg particle is given by vec{v}=(2t i+7t^2 j), where v is in m/s and t is in seconds. At the instant when the net force on the particle has a magnitude of 40 N, what is the angle between the particle's acceleration and the particle's direction of motion? Give your answer in degrees.

So I'm fairly sure I'm doing this right when I divide the 40N/3.3kg = Accel

Then i take the deriv of the vector and get Accel^2=4 i + 14t
Acel^2-4^2= y component

y component/ 14t = time

after that I get the cos-1 to get the angle of acceleration

Then using the time I got from before I plug that into the velcotiy formula and then get the x/y comp, then doing the pythagorean to get the hypotenuse.

From there I can do another cos-1 to get the angle and then subtract that from the angle of accel

Am I doing this correctly or no?

Didnt mean to link and also

I figured out what I did wrong, after reading it I realized I was doing
14/ycomp not ycomp/14

/end blogpost

is the math guide in the sticky good or will i get meme'd

What is 'ad hoc honoraria' listed as Conflict of Interest in some studies?

>I moved to the EU last year, more specifically Denmark
You have to go back. That is what you have to do.

>racism outside of /pol/

It is not racism. You are just leeching other countries resources,giving nothing in return. You have to go back.

I don't see how people can fuck up this badly. This is simple, less than undergrad math.

If you make n choices out of m possibilities there are m^n ways to do so. (This should be easy to prove by induction)
So with your pairs you choose twice (first and second element) out of 2 options (a or b) so it's 2^2=4

For all possible definitions of the mapping, you have to choose 4 times (4 inputs) from 2 possible outputs (a and b). So it is 2^4=16

You should be complaining about your NEETs instead of complaining about an american who decided to move to Denmark to progress with his studies.

1) Let [math] X [/math] be a set with [math] n [/math] elements.
> Number of ordered pairs with different elements, not considering the order
[math] C_{n,2} = \frac{n!}{2!(n-2)!} = \frac{n(n-1)}{2} [/math]
> Considering the order
[math] V_{n,2} = 2 C_{n,2} = n(n-1) [/math]
> Adding the pairs of the form [math] (x,x) [/math]
[math] N = n(n-1)+n = n^2 [/math]

2) You ask for all possible mappings between [math] X \times X [/math], the set with [math] n^2 [/math] ordered pairs and [math] X [/math]. I assume that you only want the mappings which assign [math] x [/math] or [math] y [/math] to the pair [math] (x,y) [/math]. So:
> The pairs of the form [math] (x,x) [/math] have only one possibility, [math] x [/math]
Then we have to assign values to
[math] N-n = n(n-1) [/math]
ordered pairs.
> Each of the remaining ordered pairs has two distinct possibilities, so the final number is
[math] N_{\text{mappings}} = 2^{n(n-1)} [/math]

NEETs are the true master race, do not try to lower their status

Gotta love Australia almost excluded in the map. Fucking aussies.

What's a good book for basic mathematics I can breeze through?

>You should be complaining about your NEETs
I do. That doesnt make you less of a leech,when you will just leech tax payers money,and then leaving back to your country,making the investment pointless.. You are fucking over the SS because your greed. You have to go back.

I have worked and payed taxes since I moved here. I don't know if you know much about immigration into Denmark from outside the EU, but you need a job and a residence to get a residence permit, /pol/ friend.

>I have worked and payed taxes since I moved here
Do you know how much does college enrollment cost? You barely paid a year of college with your taxes. You are a leech. Deal with it.

What is ad hoc honoraria?

Does anybody know any good texts books I can use to learn Probability and Statistics

The one where you use google, the sticky, or lurk for more than 20 minutes before posting.; CRAIG - Introduction to Mathematical Statistics (4th Edition)(1).pdf

This is what I used when I took it. I was a bio grad student and had only had calculus 1 and 2, and discrete math at the time.

If all cells have the same DNA, what was the point of the human genome project? Why not stick to only one cell

Also, if all humans are different, what was the point of studying the DNA of one person and how did they extend it to everyone

(I'm new to biology as you can see)

Try turning the book around the right way

All cells in one organism have the same dna. Different organisms have different dna.

Anyone here with some experience in telescopes?
I've been thinking about buying some kind of entry-level scope after watching Stargazing Live(damn you Brian Cox).
What kinds of scopes would be suitable for someone completely new? Say I want to get a decent view of Jupiter and the Galilean moons or similar shit, without having to pawn a kidney

There are genes that I have and you don't, furthermore there are Genes in my body that are activated but in time can be deactivated (read more about DNA Methylation)

So I have kept statistics over events where I use math to prediect a value, let's call it x. The problem is that there is another variable in the data called y, which affects x in some way I don't know, other than knowing a value of y over 1 will exponentially make x lower. How would I go about making a formula for how y affects x, with the data I have? Do I just guess formulas and see which one comes the closest to the statistics?

No idea if this is the right place to ask but I can't find much at all on youtube, it all assumes I already know the basics.

What the fuck are watts, volts, amps and ohms? I know Ohms is a measure of resistance, but not what it impacts and that one of them (watts?) is the other two multiplied together, but that means fuck all when it comes to trying to understand simple electronics, it's all just magic to me.

I remember it being explained in terms of conveyor belts or some shit at secondary school, and even then I didn't understand it, thankfully the GCSE exams were luck of the draw as to what topics come up and I don't think there was a single question on electronics so I aced it if I recall.

I'd love for it to be explained as an analogy of water in a pipe, but I don't know if that's possible.

I like to think of wires as pipes. Voltage is like pressure, amperage is like flow rate and conductivity (1/resistance) is like pipe diameter, since the more pressure, the higher the flow rate, just like more volts more amps. Larger pipe (more conductive/less resistant wire) means higher flow rate (amperage) with the same pressure (voltage). Watts are power, you need more power (work done per unit time) to push the same amount of water with higher pressure through a smaller pipe, just like you need higher voltage to send the same current through a less conductive wire.
This is, of course, a rough analogy, as the equations describing the relation of pressure, flow rate and pipe diameter are nothing like the equations in electronics, but it is useful to get a picture about why the variables are related the way they are, since we have good intuition about water flowing through pipes.

The Coulomb (which you didn't mention) is the unit of electrical charge. An electron has a charge of −1.602e-19 Coulombs. 6.242e18 electrons have a charge of -1 Coulomb.

An Ampere is simply a current (rate of movement of charge) of one Coulomb per second.

The Watt is measure of power (rate of energy production/consumption/transfer), equal to one Joule per second. A Joule is the energy required to move an object a distance of one metre against a force of one Newton. A Newton is the force required to accelerate a mass of one kilogram at one metre per second per second. One horsepower (HP) is around 740 Watts (depending upon which definition of the horsepower you use).

The Volt is measure of electrical potential (the energy required to move a charge from low potential to high potential, or the energy imparted to a charge moving from high potential to low potential). One Volt is equal to one Joule per Coulomb or one Watt per Ampere.

The Ohm is a measurement of resistance: the potential difference (voltage) required to force a given current to flow. One Ohm is equal to one Volt per Ampere. Its reciprocal is the Siemens, a unit of conductance equal to one Ampere per Volt.

How do I take the modulus of a complex number in polar form?

z = x+yi = re^iθ but r is already the modulus of z.