500K/year fishermen

>make 500k a year as a fishermen
>house already paid off
>own hilux and jetski
>29 years old, married to amazing wife
>stable family life.
>discovered Veeky Forums in trump election from Alex Jones broadcast
>recently heard about this board from Pol
>come here and see this huge fucking ponzi scam of everyone lying about investments and scams.
Holy fucking Christmas it was true. I stumbled upon you idiots from Pol I guess some of your cancer found its way over to our pure board. Holy shit this board is full of fucking scams and ponzi schemes.
Why the fuck don't you idiots learn that the only way to get ahead in life is by getting a successful career? Take me for example I dripped out of highschool to pursue a fisherman career. Working up in northern Canada catching crabs they pay us a fucking killing.
I started work at 6:00 AM today. I was able to catch 5000 crabs giving me ~30000$. I found another 1000 crabs later for another ~6000$for 30 minutes of work.

Also dont forget the actual fucking crab you eat at your local restaurant is caught by me.
Seriously though at least at the end of the day I can actually hold my hard earned cash in my hands. All you guys have is these imaginary useless coins. Do yourselfs all a favour. Pull up your boot straps and get a job because that's the only way you'll make it.

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cool story bro

Wait cunt, weren’t you a pipe welder 5 minutes ago?

I make more than you as a sandwich artist, get on my level nerd.

OP is a faggot

this is the only way to make $500k/year doing manual labor

because oil companies will actually pay you since they make a shit ton of $

Nice copy pasta

actually the captains of those crab boats in deadliest catch actually do make 500k

i make 750k from cleaning toilets lmfao college is a joke


you don't have the slightest idea how the banking system works and how much money your true salary would be. Go get us some big juicy yellowtails.

>tfw make hundreds of millions on my fishing company
>Own a house on every continent and most countries in Western Europe
>Own so many cars I've literally forgotten I even owned some of them before. Not even getting into all the other vehicles
>Have a wife, a girlfriend and a few different side hos as well four multiple ex-wives that got too old for my liking.
>tfw never even seen a crab that wasn't on a plate in front of me
>mfw this poorfag OP that probably works for me is trying to front

Nice copy and pasta just bought 100k bitcoinss

yesterday you were a pipe welder, i recruit fishermen and boilermakers / pipe welders, you fags make 120k max with 10+ years experience, go larp somewhere else fag

weren't a pipe welder in the previous time you posted this?

do autistic teenagers get off to larping?

I work at a University and the person who earns the most money in the whole place is the fucking gook who owns the takeaway shop

Because maintaining a boat doesn't cost money.

5,000K/year Janitor here.

manual labor is for apes

there are folks on here that made your net worth off of just stop losses yesterday.

>make 500k a year selling farts
>house already paid off
>own a tesla and a surfboard towed by dolphins
>29 years old, married to amazing wife
>stable family life.
>discovered Veeky Forums in trump election from Alex Jones broadcast
>recently heard about this board from Pol
>come here and see this huge fucking ponzi scam of everyone lying about investments and scams.
Holy fucking Hanukkah it was true. I stumbled upon you idiots from Pol I guess some of your cancer found its way over to our pure board. Holy shit this board is full of fucking scams and ponzi schemes.
Why the fuck don't you idiots learn that the only way to get ahead in life is by getting a successful career? Take me for example I dripped out of highschool to pursue a career packaging my wife's farts and selling them for Veeky Forums users to buy. Working up in northern Canada catching crabs they pay us a fucking killing.
I started work at 6:00 AM today. I was able to ignore the symptoms of crabs because of ~30000$. I enjoyed omelettes with my wife and we watched tv ~6000$for 30 minutes of work.

Also dont forget the actual fucking fart you sniff in your local basement is caught by me.
Seriously though at least at the end of the day I can actually hold my hard earned cash in my hands. All you guys have is these imaginary useless coins. Do yourselfs all a favour. Pull up your boot straps and get a job because that's the only way you'll make it.

>tfw want to be a fisher or foreseter
>tfw am a dirty 3rd worlder so I cant bring myself to be a dirty immigrant or some shit
>cant do jack shit in this country

Man, conflicting feels abound.

I read this article a while back, that said that Microsoft employs more millionaire secretaries than any other company in the world. They took stock options over Christmas bonuses. It was a good move.

I remember there was this photograph of one of the groundskeepers next to his Ferrari. Blew my mind. You see shit like that, and it just plants seeds, makes you think its possible, even easy. And then you turn on the TV, and there's just more of it. The $87 Million lottery winner, that kid actor that just made 20 million on his last movie, that internet stock that shot through the roof, you could have made millions if you had just gotten in early, and that's exactly what I wanted to do: get in.

I didn't want to be an innovator any more, I just wanted to make the quick and easy buck, I just wanted in. The Notorious B.I.G. said it best: "Either you're slingin' crack-rock, or you've got a wicked jump-shot."

Nobody wants to work for it anymore. There's no honor in taking that after school job at Mickey Dee's, honor's in the dollar, kid. So I went the white boy way of slinging crack-rock: I became a fisherman.

The garbage man one was funny af.