I maxed out my credit cards with cash advances to buy Bitcoin when it was at $18k...

I maxed out my credit cards with cash advances to buy Bitcoin when it was at $18k. If Bitcoin doesn't go over $20k this month I'm fucked. I don't make enough to cover the minimums. I'll be forced to selling soon.

Are you retarded?

Stay poor retard, cryto not for u

Just send your remaining coins to me and then kys

user... you don't invest money you don't have. always be prepared to lose 100% of your investment when it comes to crypto.

Holy shit OP
> wtf were you thinking?
>find a new hobby outside giving away money
> holy balls you’re dumb OP

Is this real?

i was in the same boat as you OP in September.

maxed out my credit cards when bitcoin was $5k.

sold at 19k in late December.

Lannisters always pay off their debts.

You guys should show more sympathy to this guy. As if none of you ever bought at ath.

Is there any chance Bitcoin will make a new ATH before taxes are due?

lol everyone here bought at ath too. but never with credit card. no one in right mind would mix crypto and credit card.

Taxes for 2020? That could work.

All you asshats were saying it would be at $50k in a few months and jon mcaffee said $500k. WTF how are all of you so fucking stupid?

I can't believe I listened to you faggots. This shit was actually caused by all of you not me.

>Is this real?
Everything you read on the internet is real.

These are fake posts. You are being manipulated

hory sheeeeeeeit if this is true. fucking hell user. anyway you wont be "fucked", just dont answer your door when they come knocking, delay that shit as long as you can. theres not a lot anyone can do to you for the time being. just tie them up for a while with dickaround tactics

>This shit was actually caused by all of you not me.
oh hes black. kek

I was actually going to kill myself tonite because I'm depressed from being a failure but your posts makes me feel like a winner now OP. Thank you.

who cares, its just good fun. "manipulated". fucking hell some people take this way too seriously.

what is wrong with you

>all so fucking stupid

We aren't the ones who took out a loan to pay for a highly speculative investment based on anonymous advice on a Mongolian basket weaving forum.

OP... listen to me... you are fine. Don't pay back anything. Here is what you need to understand. Your credit rating doesn't matter because the credit markets are going to implode soon anyway. Credit rating won't mean shit in 2 years tops. Sell your remaining bitcoin now. Buy gold and wait for the dollar to collapse later this year. Gold will mostly likely be revalued much higher somewhere between 10k and 50k per ounces. 11k will buy you like 6 ounces of gold. Pay off your debt and you'll have tons left over.

I promise you. Follow this strategy and you'll be ok. Your gay fucking credit rating won't mean shit soon. Everything is going to colllapse.

We don't live ina pajeet country where you go to jail for being in debt

You are a 4channer and hate jews. Who do you think benefits from that interest? Jews do. Fuck them and don't pay

The absolute state of you mate
I hope you lose everything you entitled prick

both of you give away your coins before you die..

damn op thats messed up.. ive left myself with alot less money for things during the month but never let myself get tht in debt.

You're all a bunch of stupid assholes. I made all that shit up. I bought all my Bitcoins 10 years ago and I'm a billiionare. I psoted a screenshot of my wallet I still got over 200k left. I'm on my yaht right now and I just got done fucking 5 escorts that are $1000 an hour. Fuck all you poor losers!

>still got over 200k left
not anymore m8

If you seriously maxed out fucking credit cards on a speculative asset, you not only are GREEDY and stupid, but you deserve to LOSE IT ALL. And to think people took out fucking loans on this shit...GREEDY hands get nowhere.

how much you wanna bet op is a black man


Send me a hAlf a bitcoin and I'll confirm you aren't bullshiitig when I get it

Jeez OP, no need to sperg out on us

Also BTC turned 9 in January of this year, so...

youd be in heaps of trouble if you ever tried to the police

already called it when he said it was "our fault". i really wish it was a true story..

You all dumb as shit. I already paid back all my cash advances cuz I'm a billionaire.



pssh give 15 bitcoins to everyone if you're so rich. I could use that money to sit on massive dogecoins and retire

You'll just have to declare bankruptcy or work with the credit card companies to work out a reduced payment plan. Either way say goodbye to your credit score for at least a decade.

I think hes more concernd with paying off the debt than a poor credit rating.

BitMEX. Short the next pump once it starts collapsing.


Find a crypto farm owner and murder him. Make public statement you did that as punishment for hyping bitcoin and ruining your life.

I know you don’t give a shit but if you could give anything to a broke college student that would be nice

You are an Idiot, show some self-responsibility, its your fault alone