TA: BTC is going up and down

I analised btc and I am 100% sure the price is going up and down. I repeat: UP and DOWN!!!


What about side to side?

It appears to be moving from left to right most of the time

I just want to know where the bottom is going to be, shit is going to hit 12k by the end of the month

Looks like it's going North East to South east to me. Almost like it's drunk. In any case, one thing is for sure: whatever it's running away from is coming from the West.

ok guys, hear me out.

can it go... diagonal?

Excactly as said. If you sit for a while and observe it you will notice slight movement to the right. I call it a GLACIER formation!!!

Diagonal movement is just a combination of horizontal and vertical movement ya dingus. If you do it just right, you can move at ~1.4 speed whereas normies will go at 1 max
Look into old shooters around pre half life era to achieve maximum movement

If we assume that progress to north east and south east occur completely randomly, the norht and south movements cancel each other out on a long enough timescale, leaving us with only east movement, so there is definetely a push factor to be found west and a pull factor somewhere east.

You nailed it user... We need to look west.. Even North West as that seems to be the prevailing direction the attack is from... It makes sense now. We gotta go west Fellas!!!

It may even go higher but first it's gonna test the supports. Next up is 10.2-10.3k.
If we go below 10k we're likely to see shorts being closed and many bears joining the bulls.
I doubt we're going below 9.5

>there is definetely a push factor to be found west and a pull factor somewhere east

Satoshi is from far east. BTC is trying to get back to it's creator. Before doing that it must shake off as many westerners as possible, that is why we witness those rapid up and down moves.

please tell me more

That's literally what a currency does, it goes up and down and you can make or lose money by betting on which of those it is currently doing. Genius-tier TA from you OP.

i dont usually understand TA but i think its finally starting to make sense


if btc hits 12k by friday im going to analise my gf this weekend
if it goes below 10k she will analise me

cant tell if bait...

my analysis shows it's going DOWN

>fewer blankets

If it's somewhere between, you gotta go ass to ass like in Requiem for a Dream.

Rotate chart 90 degrees counterclockwise >> bitcoin always goes up!

okey then, if u are such an amazing econmist tell me how can i quess when it goes up?

classic scene tbqfhf