How much crypto does he have?

How much crypto does he have?

>tfw they realize this is what a 5/10 woman looks like outside of America
>fat women are accepted in America which makes skinny, flat chested women think they are 10s

You nailed the coffin

Not enough to actually touch this chick

hover hands. I bet this guy represents 95% of you fucking beta neckbeards on this board

Northern Ireland here, you 100% correct

I bet 95% of this board thinks theyre in the 5%.
At least Iam for sure

Check his fooking hand mate. It's unbelievable what they have done to the 56% face male in the US.

I hold family friends wives by the hip when I kiss them hello
and they move into it :)

Who cares, it's all about that badass shirt.

Also Northern Ireland here. The cows in this shithole are no better if not worse.

>Who cares, it's all about that badass shirt.
>joker printed t
quintessentially Veeky Forums

Doesn’t seem too fucked.

Just a fucked picture and he has a tattoo on his forearm. Probably a normal dude with some good coke.

Keep telling yourself that, user.

Not a 5 and I'm Ukranian. She's probably a 6-7 "cute" here, alright face + nice tan + tits and ass. Only flaws ares her hair looks bad and lips look deflated.

she's not that hot. 6/10. she just has a hot pink push up bra/shirt. otherwise her face looks like it hit a wall.

seems like the crow and the joker. pretty dope

Yeah OK, I have been to Ireland and the women were much uglier than the rest of Europe (not including UK). Your average is considerably worse than the rest of the worlds.

Nobody wears edgy shit like that in person.

that makes no sense. are u saying he's in his house?

I'm saying don't dress like this. Graphic tees are for edgy teens, wear plain solid color shirts that fit well.

Average looking asian girls look so hot

yea. style and taste.

Nice friend you are. And nice friends you have. The fact you're even mentioning this and overthinking it makes you sound like a total pleb.

you're obviously toasty

Stahp posting please, my cringe muscles can't handle this shit.

apparently not enough crypto because this bitch is ugly and has the face only a mother could love


dude i like irish/celtic girls but they seem kinda meh
this guy has a point

not really. I responded because it made me remember the other week when I had a get together and had greeted a woman that way. The fact you soyboys and/or legbeards are getting all flustered over it though kind of indicates that you find overt heterosexuality to be a problem, which is to say, you are faggots

Damn they all look like weird soulless birds. I like the one top row on the right though. I bet he has a big cock

travel around Europe for work, can confirm
lol no, anglo and irish women are the worst looking as far as white people are concerned.

i fucking lol'd. poor dude needs help though. hopefully he gets it

I was in Ternopil with my gf, holyshit girls were cute af. Some had brownish skin (looked like latinas) with green eyes, dick was diamonds my whole trip.