Are there any rational and valid arguments against "unethical" science practices...

Are there any rational and valid arguments against "unethical" science practices? For example human experimentation on criminals that received the death penalty.
Why shouldn't we do that?

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Just go to China or Russia they don't give a shit.

because there are no rational and valid arguments pro death penalty.

are you living in the past m8?

There are plenty you faggot.

Because cloning them or interbreeding them for thousands of generations until we have a genetically identical population is impractical since humans take so long to mature, and then you have an ethical problem if testing on the clones/offspring who didn't do anything. There's a reason we use rats and mice, you retard.


assuming prison wouldn't require more resources than it produces, how would infinite incarceration not be better in any case?

Sadistic sociopath, will not stop killing, even with 'rehabilitation'. Why is death penalty acceptable? He is objectively threatening human existence, because he will not stop killing, lowering population. Although, you could argue that we are over-populated. However, he could be killing people with unique talents, ideas and intellect, thus damaging the human species as a whole. Therefore, he should be killed for the objective reason of human survival and successful propagation.

What are you even talking about you half wit.

Because it is pretty straightforward to say that justice is served wheb a murderer is killed.

probably 'cruel and unusual punishment'
I somewhat agree but I'd say it's a subjective topic

You can also have them live in prison for ever, instead of killing them.

And what massage does this send to society if you kill a murderer? Killing is wrong unless you have a good reason? Guess what, murderers usually also feel justified and in the right when they kill someone.

>ethics is unrational and invalid

Load your questions much? Feel free to fuck off and die any time soon while you are at it.

>Killing is wrong unless you have a good reason?
Well yes? That's why you can shoot someone who is trying to kill you and it is perfectly legal.

>Are there any rational and valid arguments against "unethical" science practices? For example human experimentation on criminals that received the death penalty.
>Why shouldn't we do that?

Is the convict in prison still trying to kill civilians? No?

That's not the point, I was taking a case were killing is justified. It can be justified by other reasons.

Also it's just an open debate. How can you feel offended by that you colossal faggot?

>You can also have them live in prison for ever, instead of killing them.
So spend fuck loads on keeping them in prison, or just putting them down like a lame horse? I'd rather take the cheaper option, so would an objective society.

And those other reasons are? I can't imagine any other justifications that wouldn't just end up being your personal opinion and not an objective standard. Killing in self defense is pretty much the only okay reason.

The death penalty is more expensive than keeping inmates incarcerated though

That's because you can't just shoot them anymore, or just hang them. Those options would easily be cheaper, without bureaucratic red tape and paying for 'humane' killing equipment.

Again, a simple and pragmatic approach is that to serve justice, you need to kill the murderer. My point is that it is stupid to say there is no conceivable argument as if you have everything figured out.

Another take would be that prison does nothing but just create worse criminals or perpetuate an environment were criminals can still act like they used to. So if reformation is not an option, killing someone who is a potential threat is something sensible to do.

Decapitation is fast and ends suffering in a matter of second. I don't know why they use drugs nowadays.

The same rationale that was behind the formation of the first empires and kingdoms, later leading to modern democracy and socialism: a country with a hundred warring tribes or civil wars due to unhappy peoples could never advance and flourish.

The same reason the rich, peaceful, educated and well off 1:st world countries as a rule have far more lenient penalties and criminal justice system than 3:rd world countries: violence and brutality begets violence and brutality, to build a stable, productive society, you need to focus on peaceful, intellectual pursuits, mercy and humane aspects in general over barbaric manners on a fundamental level.

Unethical, immoral, are just words, human concepts. Though we understand them as some kind of a universal good or evil, on a personal level, their origins are in purely practical reasons. Something as barbaric as experimentation on people isn't really shunned because it's "evil", or immoral. It's shunned because opening that door would lead to other similar actions down the line, which would eventually summon up the more beastly and anarchistic features of mankind, destabilizing our society and creating a similar political environment as in the middle ages.

>just shoot people who are accused of crimes without due process lol xddd

I agree with this user.

An immoral person is who does immoral acts.

Okay I noticed that a lot of people are just shitposting. I'm gonna tell you about a guy who argued exactly that.

Paul Feyerabend

Read up on him and his philosophy of epistemological anarchism. I can't do it great justice, but his books are really fascinating reads. I recommend Against Method.

What kind of experiments are you referring to exactly?

It would also be cheap and highly effective.

>Not noticing I was talking about the actual execution process.

We shouldn't be creating more incentives to throw people into jail. There are enough as it is.

Rehabilitation senpai it works in other countries are our criminals somehow unable to rehabilitated?

I can understand Russians and their pragmatism and the fact that it's a product of their viciously unforgiving environment,but I will never understand the Chinese and their modern philosophy.

>experimentation on criminals that received the death penalty.
>Why shouldn't we do that?
Because we don't want to give the government incentive to kill people.

>Because cloning them or interbreeding them for thousands of generations until we have a genetically identical population is impractical
>What are you even talking about you half wit.

He means mice (for instance) that are used in experiments are nearly genetically identical, and humans used for the same purpose should also be nearly genetically identical.

..but keep calling people half-wits when you're the one that doesn't know what's going on, I'm sure that will work out fine.

>Because it is pretty straightforward to say that justice is served wheb a murderer is killed.
OK, your delicate personal feels aside, what's the advantage of killing convicts?

>I will never understand the Chinese and their modern philosophy.
The key to culture is language.
We "think in" our native tongue.
The Chinese language is such a cluster-fuck that they might as well be highly intelligent animals.

This. One trip to bestgore or the darker edges of liveleak and you'll notice a pattern of countries that show up- 3rd world poor countries that stand on a foundation of brutality and corruption

>some fag bursts in my home and kills my parents
>lol just rehabilitate him bro

Fuck off, this is Newton's Third. Fucker deserves to hang and have some actual consequences for his actions besides a cushy bed and some subpar food like those Nordic pussies do justice.

didn't mean to reply