Every time I see a foreskin it makes me sad. No matter how much money I make I will never get mine back, and I never even had any say in the matter. Maybe ForeGen will be successful, and I can buy a foreskin to have for the second half of my life. Pic somewhat related.

What is this i don't even...

Grab the popcorn guys

the g forces alone would kill a normal person. link marines will survive

A whale is basically stop limit fishing. Because the volume is soo low, he could easily push the price down several levels to trigger everyone's stop limits at the lower prices, than immediately buy up all the cheap link. Thats why you see an immediate spike in buys after he triggers his sell.

Thats why using stop limits can screw you over in low volume cryptos. People can artificially trigger it and buy your cheap link in an instant.

thanks. makes sense
why does the buys shoot up past the average then on the second candle..
hes just looking to fill x amount with a market buy?

so youre how would one take advantage of this? i dont feel like swing trading because i only got into link for the passive income so i never sell it. just put a low sell order and pray?

The whale wantes to increase his position in limk without making the price climb. So instead of just slowly buying, he puts a massive market sell to push the price down and trigger a lot of stop limits for the coin at drastically cheaper prices, then immediately market buys. The guy probably instantly made tens of thousands more link using the stop limit fishing technique. Do not use stop limit sells on low volume cryptos! You'll get rekt!

Place your buy limits at or just below significant whole number thresholds. In this case, at 5000 satoshis. It will force the whale to have to sell you his link before he can pass the psychological thousand sats level where most people place their stop limits.