After reading several of the books in pic related I have realized one thing...

After reading several of the books in pic related I have realized one thing. NONE of these books exactly tell you how to get rich or successful nor give a blueprint that is atleast scientifically verifiable. They always give anecdotes with a survivorship bias about their success and how they always got "lucky" being at the right place and right time. Even most of the investment strategies are bogus and literally just boil down to "buy low and sell high".

Literally what was the point of cutting down tens of thousands of trees to beat them into sheets of paper for these books just to write down that everything in life is just due to pure dumb random luck? I might aswell put it all on red at the casino or a shitcoin desu

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You are so close to the meta redpill regarding 'success'/self help literature. You can do it user, the lesson is in your heart.

Exactly, you're right. It's 99% luck, so go maximise your exposure to luck. Read Nassim Taleb, or even Dilbert Merchant on that point.

I've read all of Taleb's books: Black Swan, Fooled by Randomness and Skin in the Game.

But it doesn't offer any solutions on how to increase your luck desu.

Why is there Dostoevsky in the pic?

>Be poorfag
>Want to get rich
>Write a book about how you're super rich and share bullshit advice about how you acquired your imaginary wealth
>Loads of other poorfags who want to be rich believe you and buy your book
>yfw you're not a poorfag anymore
>yfw you realize that positive thinking wasn't bullshit and it actually did make you rich as long as you BELIEVED you were rich.

Because everybody should read Dostoyevsky.

But why the fuck did they pick The Idiot?

Common sense says getting rich is basically hard work combined with intelligence OR git lucky. Why the fuck do you need tons of books to realize this?

You're redpilled on almost all succes books after you've realized this. Kek.

But Antifragile does. You just need to expose yourself to situations where your luck upside is uncapped and your downside capped.

How to be rich

>have value for other people (aka help them have a better life)

How to be poor

>Have no value

Most people are just useless, you included. Dont be mad, the books are wrong not you. KEK.

people are buying these books so they guy who is already rich is getting even richer.

Read any Harry Dent?

>be rich
>out of all the things choose to right a book

Of course they're trash, either these people are poor and need to make money or they are working to feed their ego which means the books will tell things by their perspective

if you measure your wealth in gold you will be come rich as fast as things are becoming cheaper with zero roi

I think OP's problem is that he doesn't know HOW to find situations like that. And I guess from The Black Swan my answer is that you can't, really. dilbert merchant suggests continually learning new skills, and finding unique combinations thereof to increase odds of being able to find and utilise luck.

A consistent theme I've seen people say is that you can't be rich without starting a business.

Talent stacking is such bullshit it hurts. He forgets the part where you need perfect timing and a lot of luck for whatever you made to snowball into a huge success You are much better off developing one or two skills that are in demand more than other people do.

Have actually read N. Taleb, 3 books. He doesn't say anything about success blueprint, but he shows quite important things to keep in mind while doing your own decisions. His books will not make you rich, but will shape your mind.

I understand your point, but I'm not selling you these books to get few bucks. Yea I know it's hard to get across 2000 pages of person which ego is size of universe, but it's a good read.

As you see, few anons above also did it. Go download this shit somewhere and become smarter.

He also has Dynamic Hedging book, and it was evaluated by one of guys who works in Swiss crypto hedge-funds as "smart"


How to be rich?
Just stop being poor nigger

The answer to questions like this will always be just kys. Really. I'm serious. There is no point in being "redpilled" or "woke" if you are a poorfag or a beta autist, because the "truth" will just paralyze you into doing nothing other than further entrench you into misery and depression. When a normie or chad gets redpilled he starts a radio talk show, a blog, a patreon, a youtube channel, and then gets rich selling books and merch and vitamin pills to dumb normies.

>Literally what was the point of cutting down tens of thousands of trees to beat them into sheets of paper for these books just to write down that everything in life is just due to pure dumb random luck?
The point was for you to give them money.

Antifragile by Nassim Taleb tells you how to get rich.

He literally referrals to maximising exposure to positive asymmetrical (black swan) optionality the “philosophers stone”.

>just bee yourself bro

his 100s of pages of smug elitist ranting can pretty much be summed to this

blyat the idiot is a good book, the 2nd best imo that he wrote, after the niggabrothers

read reality transurfing. trust.

The Idiot probably hits too close to home for posters on here.

True, but they give you a valuable mindset to work and some of these are solid fundamentals that if you master will be all you need.As far as i see it almost every moment in this era and in the recent past had opportunities to make millions. Its a contest to see who can grab them and come up with good ideas and i guess that requires a little luck. Im putting my resources into learning how Dapps work.

There is a great book I read recently. No self-help mumbojambo, written by somebody who understands investment in and out.
Check out the amazon reviews..

Fortune favours the brave, that's why I'm gabling on shitcoins

antifragile tells you nothign. everyone knows that a high upside combined with a low downside is good. fuck you dont taleb to tell you that

what he could have done is given some advice on how to spot those gems i real life. but he didnt. think about that. why didnt he?

read rich dad poor dad.

Conceptually explains how to get rich.

Why on earth would someone just give you their way of making money?

Dude just buy houses lmao.

Most of these kind of books are written to support the author's main business which is doing tours and giving speeches even a lot of the old famous ones are that way it's basically advertising to get you to buy more into their brand

congrats user you have discovered the red pill regarding self help literature

the only way to get rich without nepotism is to be good at something and monetise it, and yes, that's incredibly difficult and unlikely if you're an average person

even if rich guy tells you exact same steps youd still fail at executing