E day

Recently realized that the only good candidate for a date marked in mm/dd/yy form to resemble the digits of e would be on the 7th of February in 2018 (2/7/18). So since that'll be the most logical day to celebrate this constant, how would one go about celebrating e day in a pi day sort of fashion? Only eating foods that start with e? Opening a Roth IRA?

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Why not the 27/1/2082 ?

or the 2nd of July 2018


>mm/dd/yy form
Why? dd/mm/yyyy or yyyy/mm/dd, any other order is illogical.

Because that's the arbitrary form that my country decides to list dates in. That's not really the point though, just wondering what an e day celebration might look like.

>Why? dd/mm/yyyy or yyyy/mm/dd, any other order is illogical.

dd/mm/yyyy is nearly as wrong as mm/dd/yyyy.
At least the American system is right as long as you leave the year off (mm/dd).


>dd/mm/yyyy is nearly as wrong as mm/dd/yyyy.
No, it's not. I prefer yyyy/mm/dd but at least there is some semblance of logic in reverse order as opposed to complete lack of logic in mixed order. I don't see how "at least it's in order if you chop part off" matters.

well lets see.
you seem to say
yyyy > mm > dd
is correct, but that
dd < mm < yyyy
is almost as wrong as
mm > dd < yyyy

seriously? do I have to explain to you why you are retarded? (and this has nothing to do with any ISO standards you goddamn fucktard)

yyyy.mm.dd vs dd.mm.yyyy really depends on your purpose. For archiving use the former, but for everyday things the latter. I don't think I need to be reminded what year it is (or month most of the time either) if I e.g. want to meet up with a friend.

American dates use the "/" European dates use the "."
2.7 second day of July
2/7 seventh day of February

This. It's always as much numbers as possible.

>this has nothing to do with any ISO standards you goddamn fucktard
>do I have to explain to you why you are retarded?

It has everything to do with the ISO standard, watch:
yyyy > mm > dd
so far so good?
let's look closer:
y>y>y>y > m>m > d>d
...still nice and tidy.

now the Euro system:
d>d < m>m < y>y>y>y
and America:
m>m > d>d < y>y>y>y

Arabic numerals go from general to specific, left to right, mm/dd makes sense, dd/mm is all mixed up.

That was fun!
Someone clearly put effort into make it have only one solution.

>e day
2/72 oh well.
2/8 would work according to rounding logic.

Euros uses dashes, Yankee.

brexit uses d/m/y with /

>rounds to 2/8
user PLS


If you go by value of numbers
Month: 1 to 12
Day: 1 to 31
Year: -x to +x

hey stupid, both systems of measurement are just as arbitrary. It really doesn't matter.

I wonder what the time complexity is for generating a dog search of a given size with only one solution