How do we save bees?

how do we save bees?

are they fucked, right?

"just bee urself"
AmIrite? xDD

sorry man, they're about to exeunt..

just keep posting b

Become a beekeeper. Store them in an indoor cabinet.

stop poisoning their food

There is literally no reason to save them


Are artificial bees possible ?

All according to plan, now the farmers will need to buy my robo-bees

dumb goyim

but the media says with their extinction we're fucked, too. care to explain?

we may lose crops that bees pollinate and some species that rely on those plants, but it's not a huge deal. However it's always sad to lose species due to our negligence

Bees enhance greatly polinisation, they evolved together with flowers and today a lot of plants species will straight out die without them.

Thank you for contributing so well to the conversation...

Go back to the circlejerk hugbox you came from you stupid frogshit loser. >>>/reddit9k/

>Some houses on my street get bees in wall cavity
>Not harming anyone
>Will be gone by October
>Everybody kills them but me..

I look like crazy bee guy now. I don't care though, they're only bumblebees and they do my garden a world of good since it's mostly self-seeded flowers.

I let bees build hives, it's cool, bees are cool.

Fuck wasps though.

This 100%

wasps are cool too. if you don't do anything wrong, they don't sting. i've let them crawl on my face several times. no sting. added bonus, if you're around idiots, they'll sting them for you. its called symbiosis.

/pol/ please go

>if you don't do anything wrong, they don't sting.
When they build a nest against your house, they decide you have done something wrong for living there. Doesn't help if you are allergic -- I'm not, but my mother is.