I've seen the archived posts. I've done the research. Everything is the same-The FUD and the obscene optimism. Buy don't buy whatever Idc I'm about to double my stack at this rate. I only have 5K now, but even that will be enough if they meet real world application. I honestly believe I'll be set. Maybe at the EOY 2018, maybe not until 2020. Seriously LINK is one of a kind and they have years of a head start. Haters gonna hate, potatoes gonna potate.

>potatoes gonna potate

You could be an old far. I haven't seen that in a while.

>thinking he recognizes oldfags

the singularity is near.

Ethereum skyrocketed because of scam ICOs and people fomoing into it to buy those scam ICOs
You can't buy ICOs with link so it will never skyrocket
ChainLink is a bank coin so expect a ripple kindaprice @ ATH

I agree, obviously I dont know shit but no other coin (I missed ETH at ~1) have been fudded and shilled to this extent. It has the product, but it has no hype. Which is why the fudding works and people don't know what to think, if you ask leddit they will all say its a scam or a Veeky Forums meme, so it clearly is working. 99% of crypto investors that came recently only go by hype. Which explains why tron, verge, Ripple and those coins exploded. Hype + retards = big pump into big dump.

What will hallen with link?no idea, but it will moon, that is a fact. But will it be 100% or 10000%, in a month or a year, no one knows. All we can do is keep on fudding and accumulating until mainnet comes.

>ripple value

so 100 times the market cap link has now? Nice.

>link wont moon, its like Ripple!
>Ripple literally went like 3300x in 2 years

Yes yes link no moon

Chainlink will keep bleeding out until the product is finished. Sell now and buy back cheaper later on

I refuse to miss out on this one. I was too busy circle jerking in /pol while I could have bought ETH at around $10 or less-give me singularity or give me death

Every day I am only using 2$ for food, the rest of my little meager salary is used to buy chainlink every single month. I have been doing it since sibos now and with that I have been eating only oatmeal and 100 gram chicken for almost 4 months now.I wake up I eat oatmeal, in the afternoon I eat oatmeal, and in the night I eat oatmeal + 100 gram chicken.
I am so fucking hungry
At least I'll be rich one day

How many LINKers will stake and how many will sell large portions of their stack I wonder. You'd have to think most people will stake thus the singularity? What's the minimum you should have for 5K enough should I have 10K at least if I wanted to live off the link dividend once it gains traction?

everybody knows it's 10k

I've got 5k right now and ofc trying to get more pre-pump, but with the current state I would stake 4-4.5k and keep a small part to get me through the waiting time for the singularity. I keep forgetting about 2k REQ that I have lol, so if this moons first I will get to stake all of them.

Fuck off. We seen the shills, we seene the posts, we get your opinion. Now shut the fuck up and go fuck yourself.

>potatoes gonna potate

Why don't you want to weathly? I'm doing this for people just like you. I love you user 8177056. Together we can make it, but only if you feel the love and embrace it. I was scared and angry too, now I'm not anymore, and you don't have to be either. shhhh shhh its okay...its gonna be okay

what a guy

fuck I guess I should get to work then

The link hysteria by Veeky Forums is potentially genius. The Veeky Forums memes scare off most of the normie shills. So most people who get in are not gonna get in because of hype but because they believe in the product and the team. Thus allowing LINK to grow naturally.

If LINK manages to reach top 10 based on the quality of the product and not because of hypebeasts we'll all get our moon lambos.

Heres a tip pajeet: stop typing, it reveals your shitty language skills and your intent. Just post any of the thousands of memes on link that you find when its time to shill, at least that way you can pretend like you belomg here

OP here(as you might have figured out)

We're not your pajeets, buddy. This must be reverse fudology. Sorry I'll tone it down and let you continue to accumulate....for now.

Oatmeal bro, if you do this everyday you will starve to death. Make sure to overeat at least one day a week

whens mainnet launch?

June 2021. So pumped.

layers my friend. czechalslovak

thanks, gonna start slowly accumulating now as the TA looks pretty good.

KEK if anyone deserve wealth it got to be you.

How big is your stack?

Link $68.92 May 2018

$1000 EOY

$60 a month on food is suicide
dude I bought 6.5lbs of chicken breast at Alid's for $11...freeze 1.25lbs portions in separate ziplocks and eat brown rice etc lots of greens spinach, cuke, scallions, cilantro and onions garlic cloves. I feed myself high quality wholefoods for 120-140/month tops. sometimes I get bacon and filter and save the fat afterwards. add as spoonful to the rice cooking for added calories and great taste. stock up on variety of seasonings they last forever...pork sausage is cheap a'f too. also only drink black tea coffee water, and milk in moderation.

Literally nothing wrong with green tea

You know if you do IF you won't be so hungry, put all of that into one meal a day instead of 3 and you won't be as hungry all the time.

>ripple value
>so 100 times the market cap link has now? Nice.


I've found black tea to be cheaper, taste better, and I like the light caffiene boost, but yea green is also great for you. I just can't ever get it to taste how I want. Also no more processed sugar people it literally lowers your IQ, makes you complacent and is as addictive as cocaine, and good luck because the food jews put it in everything and its borderline impossible to avoid. Clover honey is life. I haven't had processed sugar in years...just natural from fruit and honey. I'm borderline austistic with my diet though.

I'll take it

That is absolutely fine. Honestly in the dumpster fire we're looking at for the next 6+ months $5EOY would be great

Putting my monthly neetbux into LINK, at about 1.5k$ now, will i make it

The greatest trick that Veeky Forums ever played was getting the internet to believe that Chainlink was just a meme.

Forgot the picture for

To be honest, LINK resembles Bancor

i just bought 2k more over the past few days. Enjoying this fire sale. Almost 10k now.


Bet you like parsley faggot

I have 15k. Not sure if I should buy more now or wait. It always dump after I buy anyways.

Reminder you need 20k to make it...35k to be sure..

I'm at 70K and I always want more. I'm starting to feel I might have fucked up buying so many.

Am I deluded in thinking this will make me a multimillionaire? I'm tired of wagecucking. I'm tired of being underemployed. Everyday I just think about what I'm gonna do when I make it.
Until then, back to wagecucking it is.

its never going to be enough, accumulating is addicting.

"im at 5k, but i really need 10k to make it"

"im at 25k but only people with 40k will be able to quit their jobs"

and so on and so on. be happy with your investment, have enough patience to stomach uncertainty for a long period of time. accumulate wisely when/if you can. buy dips. and don't overspend yourself and be like the guy who only eats $2 worth of food a day. i hope that guy gets a better job so that he can eat $20 worth of food a day before chainlink makes him rich

At 93k and I want more, ride never ends.

>be happy with your investment, have enough patience to stomach uncertainty for a long period of time.

You're right. I'll probably delete blockfolio too.
I am happy because I know that Chainlink is the thing that will bring crypto up another notch. It's just hard waiting doing a meaningless job when you know you already "made it".

You know he's just going to spend that extra $18 on Link. It's like giving money to a crackhead.

Herbs are great for the body and add tons of flavor. I have dried parsley but honestly I prefer basil. Now go finish your 3rd Moutain Dew 2 liter kike

Well my biggest problem personally isn't the amount, I got 20050 and I'm pleased with just holding. However, what fucks with me is that I know I could've made trades with other coins to increase my stack, and as every day passes the risk of selling my link to catch a 10-100% increase just becomes more and more risky, and I think back like "fuck, why didn't I sell that time, or this time" and I end up holding. And I still think of selling but now we're getting close to Q2 and who knows how soon mainnet might be announced.

I just hope link makes Veeky Forums happy, feels like there are a lot of people who deserve better here than being some wageslave.

We didn't make it. This could still fall apart. I've accepted this already and refuse to believe we will all make it.

Anything can happen, for sure. I'm not saying I'll kill myself if LINK doesn't fulfill its prophecy'll hurt like hell knowing I didn't make it.

i recognise this fuck i must be an old fag apparently

Once LINK blows up and makes its mission to Saturn, I think /biz will overload... a plethora of suicides, heart attacks, and probably murders of passion(2nd degree) will hit the news

>However, what fucks with me is that I know I could've made trades with other coins to increase my stack

we all know that feel, but its so hard to accurately predict the market that the safest bet is to usually hold unless you're super sure something is about to moon or that link is dumping.

before the bitcoinsuperconferenceextravaganza a couple of weeks back i dumped most of my link thinking the "sell the news" paradigm would hold true since its held true for every other investment ive had in the crypto space. then link mooned hard and i didn't buy back until just yesteday at around 50K sats, was mad the entire time because i could have caught that moon and sold somewhere around the top.

nothing feels worse than losing links and potential links.

>I just hope link makes Veeky Forums happy, feels like there are a lot of people who deserve better here than being some wageslave.

from your mouth to Kek's ears

only thing worse is losing real Links, which I did with some bad trades around the conference

Parsley a shit, comfy inherited euro cooking GOAT (homemade stroganoff)

dumping ETH 2015-2016 FUD for my linkies

he has 5 link




Is anyone else watching this dump on binance?

I am using the dump to sell my other shitcoins for link, feelsaccumulatingman

ITT: survival bias

What do you hold, user? What do you think is the real moonshot coin?

*breathes in*


thats what coping looks like

Fuck I've never had goat can you describe it? but I'd try it for sure. It looks tasty, just be careful of those goddamn processed and nutritionless carbs


Well said user

Fuck you asshole!
15k is enough! Barely bought yday 4 k to get there.I can't do it no more! Moon allready !

Wonder how that user feels now. Fucking faggot nocoiners always lose.

This might be the best one I've ever seen. Thanks for this, its fucking fantastic. Hes on cloud 9 assuming he didn't sell at the first 10x

Gamey as venison without the taste desu, same with kangaroo but roo is sweeter

the comparison between eth and link's fud is uncanny.
However this is still confirmation bias. If you post screenshots of similar stuff about any other coin, it's the same except for them not being valued at 800$.

I'm not selling my links either way though.

Also abortions user. Don't forget about abortions. The spontaneous kind.

I hope 15k is enough user. we're all gonna make it.

God bless you.
Also Kek praises for you.

if want something surprisingly addicting try some alligator

that guy must be eating big macs and fucking escorts.

Crocs are protected here so no chance on getting big reptile meat anytime soon unless you go hunting but you will get fucked major if caught

>that guy must be eating big macs and fucking escorts.


checked and probably human combustion, also the spontaneous kind

ah well its good. try it when you can

Y'all motherfuckers eat everything...shit I've never even had buffalo before, but I'm picking up a cut next time I go out, you have inspired me.

we are going to make it.
it is inevitable.

Looking to probably go around the states sometime in the next 5-8 years, any suggestions on attaining alligator meat or anywhere that serves it

It's like a mix between crab and chicken, love it. Based dino meat

stinky linkies will be eating the highest quality meat and $400 a can rare deep sea octopus caviar in 2 years

and victoria secret model pussy for dessert

Indeed the comparisons are, I actually feel comfy for once, also pro-tip people check out Nebulas, I think its under the radar because its on lower tier exchanges, but it has founder's from Antshares/NEO who started it. It hasn't had a proper moon mission yet. I may drop 3K on it but I haven't completed proper vetting yet. Or you could just buy more LINK if you don't care about diversifying.

That would probably be amazing, I'm interested

I just haven't seen that posted in a long time. I'm from 2008

What value it need to reach though?

He’s definitely got that Volvo though.

Making it on here varies a lot...anywhere from 1 to 10 mil it seems like. I'll stake on a node and hope to bring in at least 4-5K/month I would hope I can get there with at least 10K LINK. Its all too soon to know the passive income numbers I'd imagine though

The Tricolour @170.
Those Dubs.
We're going to make it, user.

At 35k link I need link to reach $50 to have a million euro after converting from dollars and paying capital gains tax. then i retire/semi-retire. Thats what I'm aiming for.

beir bua

>mission to Saturn