Can someone explain to me wtf just happened here?
which page is that
just wanted to post this too. I caught the VEN dip though. Nice 20 VEN swingtrade increase in 10s.
wtf is going on
EVERYTHING just got market sold like a motherfucker, not sure whats going on. btc didnt pump. no reason for this to occur
Same with LINK, ICX, REQ, QSP. Still dumping.
triple bottom or prepare your anus
binance desktop app
thats the red spiral dump formation
Aren't they cashing out massive amounts of BTC ? Perhaps there's some behind the scenes fuckery where instead of dumping BTC to 0 they dump several alts. Not sure how thatd work just a thought
You didn’t think we’d train you to expect consistent pattern only to change them the monute you started making strategies with them, did you user? Thats too bad.
exit scam
Buy the fucking dip.
well the push the 11.5k btc was clearly a bulltrap. crypto is actually dead and we're bearish for at least another 6 months
everyone smart caught that signal and is cashing out
Pretty much every chart on binance has these big red shadows. Something strange....
What the fuck happened
This, btc is about to dump hard.
Link from 5100 to 4700 to 5400 wtf is going on lol
Happened with AION and REQ too
I don't know what's going on anymore
the only reason btc isnt 8k right now is because they aren't done cashing out
AMB XRP VEN ICX CDN ETH you name it.
Someone just existed all alts for thousands of BTC
90% of the market are bots.
Do the math, idiots.
This but crypto is actually dead and bearish until it becomes completely worthless
what the fuck does that mean? do we exit all alts or is that what they want?
Maybe someones bot broke lmao
This is all on BINANCE ONLY.
Any Binance fud we should know about?
Insiders that know about a Binance hack?
HAHAHAHAAHAHAH nocoiners fud
Get shrekt while total market cap goes to 2 trillion and beyond this year, betamax.
I just made 3.5k in 10 minutes with only 10k portfolio, thank you bogs
Is the Binance app good? I sometimes have trouble logging in on their website.
Stop hunts to accumulate cheaply before moon missions start at the end of the week. We're a few hours away from the bottom
Yeah, it's good, very smooth. I switch recently. Fucking webpage always freezes when enter buy values.
this guys, prices are correlated
its amazing, gets rid of the screen freezing during high volume. also 4 charts at once is comfy.
this is the first positive post I'v eread today thank you for making me smile
who else went all in on funfair
Thanks I'll try it out
a whale or group of binance decided to exit alts. At the same time they didn't tether. BTC bullrun?
coordinated whale dump using bots
WOW OP -5%!!!!!
almost every coin on binance crashed briefly, neck yourself if you think thats normal
>babby's first exchange bot manipulation
How do you think they liquidate those positions goy?
Not a dump technically. Flash crash glitch.
Source: I bot trade. Gotta be careful and test things thorough. Some whale somewhere is currently wailing and smashing up his pc at losing a LOT of money.
Hilariously, lots of bots are programmed to detect this shit and quickly buy the bargains! Lotta people just made money kek
By selling slowly and carefully in small chunks so they don't crash their own sale price. Fucking brainlet. This was a fuckup not a plan.
keep telling yourself that nigger
Binance knows a big alt dump is coming due to massive Bitcoin rally... it's standard business practice to secure profits
Either a bot fuckup or a whale got hacked. Either way, somebody is crying right now. 100%
have you ever heard of bots?
Someone dumped all alts on Binance, and used all of that btc to buy VIA.
Check out that stupid "chart" (is it still a chart?) on VIA on Binance.
All bot faggots deserve this.
Non-botting amateur who doesn't understand market manipulation detected. Stay poor newfag.
My own bot just bought a ton. Who's getting liquidated?
Lol. somebody got hacked bros. he then set insane sell orders for this low volume shitcoin and the hacker market bought everything after dumping his alts
Kek, butthurt poorfag non-botter! Keep feeding my machines with your coins, I appreciate it.
>poorfag relies on bots
I have 200K in ETH and 300K in BTC, some in alts. Keep fiddling your dumbass bot, poorfag.
Jokes on you my bot crashed it after shorting x100
What the actual fuck