Initial investment:

Initial investment:
Cashed out (y/n):

Let's go

Other urls found in this thread:

Initial investment: 3k
ATH: 50k
Currently: 7k
Cashed out (y/n): y 35k

Initial investment: 2k
ATH: 70k
Currently: 25k
Cashed out (y/n): n

yes, 10k

Initial investment: 10k €
ATH: 175k €
Currently: 44k €
Cashed out (y/n): no

On a scale from rekt to rekt, I am rekt

Initial investment - $8000 MAY 2017
ATH - $1.2M
current - $300k
cashed out $10k near ATH

I fucking hate myself

3 weeks in the gaem, only swapped eth and Ltc for Req and Link yesterday.
No cashout sir.

Initial 8.5k
ATH 15k
currently 7.5k

being a decemberfag is suffering

initial: $500
ATH: $25k
current: $14k
cashed out: $2k

around $11000 as of yesterday

Please explain how the fuck you went from $8k to over $1 million. Thanks.

Initial investment: 16 btc, ~$16k
ATH: 113 btc
Currently: 11 btc (-4 btc margin debt hold)
Cashed out (y/n): never, fiat is ded


Initial 300
Now 250
Im mad

I'm very similar to you. Just slightly higher currently.

Initial investment: 0.5 but mostly time and services
ATH: 750,000
Currently: 350,000 after crash
Cashed out (y/n): only some to pay

Initial investment: $500
ATH: $250k
Currently: $130k
Cashed out (y/n):n, but I put 5% in dai (decentralised stablecoin) early jan.

Initial investment: 750€
ATH: 688€
Currently: 602€
Cashed out (y/n): N but these bags are getting heavy

Initial Investment: $17, a drawing of a sailboat, and 56 Chuck-E-Cheese tokens.
ATH: 14.6M
Current: 14.5M
Cashed out (y) at 14.4M

>tell me about it

5 months of doing nothing into december and i would have had $2M

also. OMG KEK

Initial investment: 7k
ATH: 13k
Currently: 3.5k
Cashed out (y/n): n, but I threw all of it into FairGame, because I love comic sans and just fuck my shit up.

Initial 7.5 k
Now 4.9k

Cashed out 50% yesterday...

Initial: 400$
ATH: 25k
Currently: 3k
Cashed out: 20k

No larp.
$250 eoy 2013
Ath $820k
Current $450k

Dogecoin, verge and zcl moons caught to get Ath
Currently in link coss gatcoin and btcp.

Hell my m8, 500euros invested into right coin in spring of 2017 could have brought you in over 5mil ez ath

Never cashed out.

Initial: 600 €
ATH: 30,500 €
Currently: 30,300 €
Cashed out (y/n): y, two days ago

ATH: 3.5k
Current: 2.67k

Current €27k and dropping faster than the speed of Brraaaaaaaaaapppp !

Nothing has done 10000x in that timeframe.

All in on bitbean, then all in on XVG?

You're gonna have to explain this. When did you put your initial in?

Initial: $1.5k
ATH: $13.5k
Currently: $6.8k
Cashed out: ~$1.5k

initial: 1.5k
ATH: 8k
currently 1.2k
cashed out: no

$500 in Bitbean from ATL to ATH would net you a $mil.

The first one I found

Initial investment: $3,000
ATH: $25,000
Currently: $7,800
Cashed out (y/n): n

Doable, but that's two consecutive shitcoins and therefore not within the phrasing of the statement.
$400 (But really the equivalent in £) in to BTC end of 2013, $140 (£100) into ETH august 2015. I didn't get in the presale because I wanted to see a working network, but right after they went live I got in.

Initial investment: 60,000
ATH: 1,440,000
Currently: 970,000
Cashed out (y/n): 350,000

Initial: $500
Ath: 120k
Now: 35k
Cashed out : 56k

Initial Investment: $10k
ATH: $450k
Currently: $200k
Cash Out: Yes, but not enough. $20k

Initial investment:35k
ATH: 35k
Currently: 28k
Cashed out (y/n): n

>Initial investment:
About $10-15k
>Cashed out (y/n):

>initial investment
>Cashed out
I've taken out £11,300

brety gud

Okay, verge did. But that's probably the only one.

ATH: 2.7K
Currently: $350
Didn't cash out and i probably never will

Initial: 10k
ATH: 210k
Currently: 130k
Cashed out : y, 30k

Initial investment:2.7k
ATH: 5k
Currently: 2k
Cashed out (y/n): n

4k initial yirobucks, 20k taken out tax free, 10k left in crypto
ATH around 50k, got rekt, bitmexrekt
Feels good not being a 56% denbt slave


Initial Investment: 4k
ATH: 500k
Currently: 500k
Cashed out: Y, like $300

Initial investment: $5750
ATH: $7100
Currently: $2100
Cashed out (y/n): n

And I’m still getting fucking destroyed


Initial investment: $8500
ATH: $18000
Currently: $4800
Cashed out (y/n): n

It hurts.

init: 350
ATH: 4850
Currently: 450
Cashed out: no
I learned a lesson with DBC, is that when you gain money fast you get used to it and forget about risks, I suppose it's even more valuable in long-term than 4k$, despite the fact it's a lot of money in my country(almost my annual salary). But it still hurts.
My father is giving me 0.1 btc for birthday so maybe I will try daytrading in a couple days

I know that feel. Losing $2.2k is like months of salary here in Brazil. But i learned a lesson.


These gains are pretty impressive, considering some have cashed out. I wonder if it can continue like that...

Initial investment: $2500
ATH: $22,450
Currently: $6,600
Cashed out (y/n): n
Not cashing out until i make 2 mil

Initial 500K
ATH 2.2M
Currently 1.3M

>Initial 500K


Initial investment: 3k
ATH: 9k
Currently: 1k
Cashed out (y/n): Pic related is me

Initial investment: 14XX€
ATH: 28XX€
Currently: 1560€
Cashed out (y/n):n

I make 300k/yr and had savings to invest.

No, keep hodling