Who is the smartest man who ever lived

Ok, Veeky Forums, who is the smartest man who ever lived ? Who is it ? And how did he contribute to this world ?

define smart


jacob barnett



chris langnan


>pretending to be a dumb nigger
>gets elected to the most powerful position in the world
> shits the country up
>gets re-elected
>people (especially overseas) think he's the best thing ever

only a genius could get away with deception at this level

That would be Isaac Newton without a question.

Neil Degrasse Tyson

Terrible choice

This or Euler/Jacobi

t. high school calculus kid

shit choice from a shit poster, what a surprise?

Its advanced math ok?



Probably Jon von Neumann.

Socrates obviously.

Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. No Doubt

My nigga Da Vinci


Literally no competition

Jon Von Neumann

"Man" ok hardmode Veeky Forums
Who is the smartest women who ever lived


That astrophysicist who discovered the stars are mostly hydrogen

Emmy Noether.

This is impossible to know. In Von Neumann's own words, the smartest person to ever live in terms of raw intellect most likely lived and died unknown and in poverty.

hard to say. a lot of people say Von Neumann.
i'm going to throw Ramanujan out there.

That isn't hardmode at all.

probably jacob "triple integral" barnett


>Invented calculus
>Discovered gravity
>Formulated the laws of motion

>not smart

She's my personal pick for smartest person alive or dead.

>invented calculus
Leibniz is rolling in his grave right now

Nikola Tesla because he could do integral calculus in his head when he was a child and recite entire books from memory. He invented the radio (not Marconi), the remote control, the induction motor,Tesla coil, neon lights, flourescent lights, lasers... pretty much everything.

it's funny

reading about him makes him seem like an idiot

he didn't like math/theory, didn't believe in atomic theory (electrons included) or einstein's relativity, and wanted to impose eugenics to make a superhuman race

T. Somebody who can't do integral calculus


if not penrose pic related

The more I think about it, the more I am convinced that it was Isaac Newton.

Sounds like Veeky Forums.
If Reddit didn't love him so much, or Veeky Forums didn't have a kneejerk reaction to hating everything reddit, he might be the king of Veeky Forums

Fuck off, coming up with something like Newton did is insanely hard. Read about him and you'll see how the man was fucking genius.

Leibniz notation is better, Newton BTFO.

Pretty much

Euler pretty much created modern mathematics, so him.

>shitting the country up worse than bush or reagan

alabama sisterfucker detected

And YOU figured it all out.
Must be YOU then.

Cosmological Argument

jacob barnett is the king of Veeky Forums

and tesla is retarded in terms of Veeky Forums not to mention an engineer too

Just nitpicking from a MUH LINGUISTICS standpoint, but I believe it's a lowercase "t" which denotes the proper response for the off-hand "regards".

t. Linguistics Minor

Nice meme.

Exaggerated nonsense, the cult of Tesla hits people so hard I had someone actually try and tell me he was magic. And not some retard either, he was studying the same undergrad as me.

He was an inspired engineer with great ideas but farrrrrr from the most intelligent person ever.

People like Gauss, Euler, Newton/Leibniz (depending on your outlook on life), Darwin (I know I will get hate for that), Curie, Me etc etc would be up there in sci and math.

Figures like Alexander the great, Genghis Khan, Confucius, Shakespeare, Homer, J.S. Bach would also be considered rare geniuses in their respective fields and should not be discounted.

It depends what mood I am is as to which one I land on; if I am using pretty much any field on Maths it is Gauss, if I am using genome models to predict phylogeny (which is a lot of the time) its Darwin or Me, if I am listenieng to the Goldberg variations it is J.S. Bach.

You may as well ask "who is the most attractive person in history".

Audrey Hepburn?

Newton was incrediblely clever, sure, he produced one of the most, if not the most, significant piece of physics in history. Newton was also fucking mental and lifted ideas from others without every giving them due credit they deserve.

Aristotle definitly. He could legit say that he "invented" logic


What the fuck are you smoking?


We get it you eat doritos

fuck you are correct, I take it back.

Its me u facking fags, im gonna change the world


Its me

Hard to say. It really does depend on your definition of the word, "smart." Is a guy who has an IQ that is off the charts but never invented anything still considered smarter than someone with an average IQ who invented many things? Not to mention the fact that genius can take many different forms and is note relegated solely to science and mathematics. Was Mozart "smarter" than your run-of-the-mill scientist? It's all way too tough to call with any degree of certainty.

In my honest opinion, Isaac Newton

Tesla is a meme
Just like the car

Hello my name is William James Sidis and I am one of the "smartest" humans that ever existed, I had the mental potential of a fucking zerg mastermind but never did shit worth remembering except maybe learning a ton of languages, I died in oblivion, some consider me to be what Nietzsche called in his book "So Spoke Zarathustra" the Homo Sapiens-Sapiens-Sapiens, or the super human, the next step for mankind, nevertheless I died never to be remembered for what I was and still am, and will be for a very long time, The smartest man who has ever lived as of today you motherfucking faggot OP

>yfw this is the opinion a lot of people unironically have about themselves

Y-you're not one of those are you anons?

The answer here would have to be between the polymaths and renaissance men - those who break the traditional mold of the intelligent individual by maximizing the human mind's multi-talented capacities through their unending and insatiable genius. Mastering the realms of art and recreation, creativity on higher and lower levels, the scientific principles of their time, every facet of intellectual achievement, not just specialized in a single one as just anyone and everyone does. Some even went so far as to produce honed bodies as well as the mind. The most famous of such a man is perhaps the likes of Leonardo Da Vinci. These are the true geniuses of history. These are also the people who have greatly advanced many fields of study in their time, and were arguably the only ones who could at their respective times.

In other words, the universal geniuses. Aristotle, Zhang Heng, Ptolemy, Ibn Al-Haytham (considered one of the fathers of the scientific method, even Einstein, Newton, and Thomas Jefferson to varying degrees. These are the only minds worthy of that title so far. I believe Da Vinci pushed the limits of the human mind the furthest, it's a shame most of his work is lost to the annals of history to further compound on his already established mega-genius.

Of course not sempai. I know I'm not the smartest but I intend to do shit with my life.

News flash: every president and, in fact, great leader that ever were has enhanced and detracted from their society in every age. Our minds are not perfectly adapted to make the very best, most efficient decisions in systems of increasing sophistication, much less so in previous ages, let alone the modern age of exponential advancement and complexities. At our current level of intelligence, it's only going to become harder as society weaves and entangles further threads into the web of the modern age, and corporate sockpuppets such as Hillary and Trump who are influenced by donor money at every turn will fare much, much worse.

Those vague complaints are what someone has said about every leader that ever was.

If you can't see that, you might as well give up critical thought now.

>you try to invade this guy's country
>he incinerates you before you can even see him

no doubt it is this motherfucker

Since Newton has been mentioned I might go wth J.R. Oppenheimer, simply for his ability to successfully manage that many nerds working on the Gadget while Groves kept the heat off of him for being called a commie plant

Paul Dirac! Schroedinger BTFO


You dipshits wouldn't be able to shitpost without him

Not even close. He's esteemed in the English speaking world but his French, Italian and German contemporaries wrote miles above his level.

What's wrong with eugenics?

me and I contribute by shitposting

Other than the fact that it's a waste of time?

>who is the smartest man who ever lived ?
some unknown faggot
>how did he contribute to this world ?
probably didn't

probably to be quite honest

he was french btw
great mind but not the smartest

Whoever invented the wheel


Why not woman?


Oppenheimer's contributions are vastly overstated there are at least a dozen people who deserve at least equal credit with him.


That statement alone makes von Neumann, the smartes person to ever live in terms of raw intellect who's known.

Jacob Barnett

This is retarded without some criteria. If we're just talking about enormously creative influential minds, it's impossible to say. How does one compare the contributions of Archimedes to Newton to Grothendieck? Then how do you compare those to Plato/Aristotle, Kant, Wittgenstein? And then you have all of the enormously creative writers, artists, inventors, physicists. It's really comes down to "Lul I think X would have been harder to come up with than Y"--judgments made by people who couldn't have come up with either...

On the other hand, if we are purely talking BRAIN POWER--the power to quickly learn, to quickly understand something, assess a problem and solve it, etc... then the answer is unquestionably John von Neumann.

Also, just to rant, while gauss and Euler are top tier, I feel like Lagrange doesn't get enough love out of the older mathematicians. Also, modern day analysts in general don't get enough love. Differential geometers, number theorists, and algebraic geometers get all of the glory. If tao wasn't a child prodigy who proved theorems about number theory, he probably wouldn't even be that famous. Why do you think it is the internet shows so much reverence for geometers and number theorists, yet other super famous mathematicians like Lax, Nirenberg (well deserved Abel prize winners), Pierre-Louis Lions, Jean Bourgain, Brezis etc. are not so well known on internet communities? They've all contributed AT LEAST as much as Tao, and I'd argue far, far more.

I am become bait

I'd vote for Lao Tzu.

The first Chad/Daquan

Kary Mullis

Invent PCR while working in bakery

This is the sole valid option.


The one who makes my eggs without bitching

Newton for inventing fucking science

Leibniz. He contributed to almost every important field of human knowledge ez pz.

> Not creating your own computer based on Harvard architecture
Pleb af

Ada Lovelace
And she got that ass

The smartest man who ever lived.

Tie between J. Robert Oppenheimer and Wernher von Braun