Told you to get out at 18K while you could you idiots. The entire market in general is going to ruins.
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bnb support confirming they are investitating now lol.
Check out VIA on Binance.
So, the hacker is doing this guys a favor and they are complaining?
>BNB support
I'm still up 400% on initial investment
Jesus, how much in % was it at 03?
Also I see several other no-name coins suddenly blasting off. What's going on?
So hacker gave some people an easy 2x?
Bot APIs got compromised, bots sold linked accounts' alts and bought VIA
if you haven't been fucked already you're safe
over 13k % i think? from $2 to $265
more like bot using cancer BTFO
Lmao finally those fucking Bot faggots get what they deserve fucking faggots thats what happens for compromising the market with your bullshit machines lmao !!!
if the hacker put in $1000 and sold at the top, he made 13 mil
someone might have just become a billionaire
it wasnt bots retard. multiple normal people got rekt. its binance system fuck up
wrong. only bot users who gave their API keys to 3rd parties got their shit sold
>I'm sure nobody would lie on reddit about being a scumbag hated by everyone!
Just checked. My Binance coin stacks are right where I left them (alts included)
Fake news ?
I never used a bot and all my shit got sold guys. yes I used fucking 2FA
Not just bots, and not fake news.
It may have something to do with the mobile clinet.
Only happened to dirty bot users they deserved it
Nah, this is actually real. Just look at any alt chart and VIA chart and you'll see VIA blasting off while alts sank to shit in a flash crash. Only botters and people API with portfolio aps were hit, and only some among those.
Wrong! A lot of people who did not have their api-keys generated got chinked as well.
I’m gonna out myself here...
But what’s an API and what kind of app would need it?
My Bots are fine. So.....there's some other reason for this. So I'll keep taking your money.
>all BTC untouched on my Binance account
Guess this is when I buy back into my alts.
You faggots get to buy back in at a premium.
When you "open" your private data to say, a third party portfolio application for ease of access (think Delta, but with actual real time update on your private exchange data), you use an API. Without it, the app wouldn't have access.
withdrawing is suspended for me
This is not true.
bullshit. admit it you bot using faggots
Get fucked liar faggot, enjoy your SIA
Ok thx. I use blockfolio on my phone to keep track of my stacks but I have to manually enter the coins and trade price.
I wouldn’t feel comfortable knowing a 3rd party program could actually see my account.
2 fuck ups in 1 month makes me very leery of these chinks
>I have to manually enter the coins and trade price.
Thats the safest thing to do. Smart choice even if it can be a bit of a pain in the ass now and then.
>not transferring your money to an offline wallet right after making a trade
Fucking morons
Which mobile client did you use? I have iOS but I only used it to check my portfolio in December and haven't used it since. So far have nothing gone in account but kind of nervous
How do I short BNB?
>trusting Reddit
Come the Fuck on. That's step 1 for fud and those retards will always eat it up.
I use binance to TRADE
when my coins are on an offline wallet I cant trade
see the problem here?
Google authenticator not working for Binance. Exit scam confirmed
That you're too lazy to transfer to and from wallets manually when you want to TRADE?
>getting fucked by withdrawal fees if you trade more than once a day
Binance's fees are really high, you know.
wrong pajeet
I use mobile and all my bleeding REQ are right where I left them :')
Official Binance Announcement
*PLEASE READ* Regarding Unauthorized Market Sells
We are investigating reports of some users having issues with their funds. Our team is aware and investigating the issue as we speak.
As of this moment, the only confirmed victims have registered API keys (to use with trading bots or otherwise). There is no evidence of the Binance platform being compromised.
Please remain patient and we will provide an update as quickly as possible.
Withdrawals are temporarily disabled at this time
It worked for me literally 2 minutes ago. My shitcoins are still there too.
>mfw all these trading bot using faggots finally get their just desserts
I will be laffing all fucking week now
Damn, the market was already predicted to fall. With this on top,how low will it go?