Anyone else too afraid to check their folio? Haven't seen it in weeks, and with the buttfuckery that's been going on with Buttcoin you can only imagine how the altmarket is performing. We're getting our boipucci ravaged as we speak aren't we boys?
Anyone else too afraid to check their folio? Haven't seen it in weeks...
Whatever you do don't look
I'm down 10%
It isn't pretty bro., just leave it alone for a few weeks.
im literally losing a paycheck worth every time i check it
If you were smart your portfolio would say 0 because you would have sold long ago. Don't tell me you fell for the 'hodl' meme??
another day, another -$20k
It's worse than you think
Just pretend you lost it all
This guy fucks.
-30% down from my initial investment. Why did I fall for these fucking meme coins.
i fucking wish i sold in january, i don't even know why i kept holding, $250k profit at ATH, it would've been an amazing amount of money, more than enough to buy a nice house and live an easy life, but no, i had to be greedy.
Worth it to sell everything for tether right now?
yes, always sell during the dip.
sauce on pic?
ive become numb to this market, losses just are there. I am either going to make it, buying more each dip, or lose money I can afford to. Would probably spend it on weed and booze anyway
Seconded. What's the pic?
Arcana tales chapter 2
>yaoi furry porn
boner ruined
Damn it. Why are yaoi furry artists like the best artists?
oversold RSI, at a support level. We'll be fine.
>sudden drop in BTC
If anything the only bad thing is if you don't have some tether to buy some more now.