I'm looking to build a 50-70 GPU farm. (not one rig). I wanna build several 13 GPU rigs. Any reason why you wouldn't do that? and stick with 6 GPU rigs? Looking for any advice, tips, suppliers, anything you wanna give me.
bad timing.
come back tomorrow
With 13gpu rigs you'll need 2 extremely powerful power supplies, a special mobo (which might be out of stock most of the time and hard to come by) etc.
I'd say 6 gpu rigs are easier to set up due to the fairly straight forward setup both in terms of hardware and software.
Thank you. If I'm gunna have to put two PS on one rig, I'd rather just build 6 GPU rigs. Instead of hunting for special PS and MB's
Haha I know. Thank god I'm not effected but oh well I need to order parts now!!
wait for gtx 20xx/turing
You will get better value cards, better hashrate and the joy of gaymen kiddies tears
Hmm.. you have not thought that one through very well have you?
The 20xx cards will be approximately doubly as efficient in hashrate at a much lower price point - solidly below $800 on high volumes of available product.
If you think there's a problem with delaying startup for the new hardware, why do you think that?
Bought GPUs cheap in Jan, made a single rig for lols. My advice is, if you have the money to buy multiple 13 GPU rigs, then FFS do not buy into the mining meme. Buy a good looking dip, sell it ten minutes later and you will have made more money than in 6 months of mining. The risk/reward is just too high. Your sunk costs are massive, your ROI is a long way down the road, and there's no guarantee that by the time you reach your calculated ROI point, your chosen coin will even be around. This hack is huge, don't expect the bear market to end this quarter. By the time we bullish, it could be a very different marketplace.
I have a friend with a hardware store, won't have a problem getting 100 cards for msrp without tax
12-13 gpu rigs are fun, and you save a bit of money on the stuff that doesn't directly earn you money like motherboard, cpu, ram etc, but it also means if you have a problem with a rig, you have 12 cards offline instead of 6 or 8.
If you decide to wait for the new generation of cards, at least start stocking up on all the other parts. Decent sized PSUs (anything over 1000w platinum) were a bitch to get in January/February. I'm not sure if it's still hard, but it sucks having a pile of gpus and be missing one component needed to get them running.
Go corsair silver/gold, modular. They offer 20year warranty, and I have very good experiences from them.
Never spend less than $150/750w for psu, you will burn your sata connectors, then your rig, then your house.
EVGA psus are decent aswell, I use the 1600w gold ones to power heavy duty rigs (6x vega64 in this case) and also used one of those to power an s9 that I didn't have the bitmain psu for
Consider this.
Mining capacity doubles.
What happens next?
difficulty also doubles, meaning people with new hashpower maintain ROI and people stuck with older gpu bags get absolutely BTFO
Difficulty goes up. ETH switches to ASICs. Everyone mines Monero. Revenues go down, but overheads are still met.
What is your point?
^ This. How is waiting to get new hardware, which will be competitive, a bad idea?
>eth asics
That's a meme, and even if it isn't, it will simply be a bitmain case full of gpus. Doubt it will surpass 10€/mh, that would imply a chink company is beating AMD and NVIDIA in terms of advancement.
And if it turns out to really be an ethhash asic chip, vitalik will soft fork eth and leave thousands holding bitmain bags
And you suspect that the hash rate improvement will offset the difficulty increase?
Questions you should ask yourself.
What is Casper?
What was Zcash ROI mid Jan(before sub 10k dip) and what is Zcash ROI now(over 10k)?
How long has it been since mid Jan?
What is ETH market share compared to the rest of minable coins?
In your case, perhaps just do a little bit of research into GTX/Monero mining.
So I've got 13 and 6 gpu rigs using Asrock H110 and H81. Neither of them are out of stock and both have come down in price. Doing 13 gpu setups is about 16% cheaper if you shop around (one less hd, cpu, memory). You'll need a 1600w (9 gpus) and 850w (4 gpus) power supplies.
Total load on my 1600 is 1590w and the load on my 850 is 820w.
The problem with the 6 gpu set up is getting under the 1200w ... if you choose to use a 1200w psu. (depending on the cards you use)
Just my 2 cents.
Honestly mate, after being in the mining game for some time, i'll give you the rundown.
Don't bother with mining if you'll only mine popular, already pumped/consolidated coins. You can turn a profit yes but it'll be sub optimal, in this case just buy the damn coins and hold.
If you, however, use your mining rig to mine coins flying under the radar, like those who aren't even listed on any exchanges yet, now that's how you reap huge gains. It's not easy though, most of these coin never go anywhere, so you have to up your DYOR game quite a bit.
So basically you are implying all of mining will become obsolete.
I have news for you though, PoW>Piece of shit.
OMG the air in there must be so toxic..
Good luck.
ravencoin, btcp, turtlecoin here
Am I making it?
Of course I also switch to eth/etn to pay the bills
Any algorithm can have an asic made for it.
The coin price doubles you dummie.
Why mine when u can pump? I am making ~20% weekly while you mine for 10%/mo, join and pump for Jesus or be a poor goy
partially making it. and yes, separating some time to pay the bills is most often required, you're on the right course
So, you have no information, you're just posting to pose questions.
Good post.
Reported to Big Daddy Giancarlos.
>So, you have no information,
Ooooohh... I am gona be honest friendo, from my prespective none of the mining community... entrepreneurs, have been particularly impressive, when it comes to insight into their investment.
But it's all subjective I guess.
What compels people like you to talk, when you clearly have nothing to say? Either support your claims or fuck off to /pol/ or /a/ or wherever. The TA-fags aren't even as bad as this. They at least pretend to have a methodology informing their opinions.
What are DAG files?
wait for btc to end dipping, buy the dip, start mining later
if it goes up, then you will still make more profit mining, so you win either way.
worst case scenario is you start mining now and it goes to retest ~6k again(this means mining is barely profitable for you)
I have a decent size portfolio too, so already on it! Just wanna diversify into mining as well
Thank you, very good input
Thank you very much for the input! I still really wanna do 13 gpu rigs. What power supplies are you running? Sounds much more power efficient to do 13 rigs over 6
I'll add that even failed coins can be profitable you catch a good pump before it dies to unload your bags. Sure it may never happen, but it's not that hard to reap profits if you start mining it on ground zero. It's a game of patience and research though, way different than i thought it would be. If you start mining thinking it will auto-pilot itself into passive gains, you're doing it wrong.
>none of the mining community... entrepreneurs, have been particularly impressive, when it comes to insight into their investment.
he's right you know?
>the load on my 850 is 820w.
Prepare yer butthole
it won't go below 8.2k
EVGA gold and platinum. Platinums have become fairly expensive.
Do this. I wish I had of.