S&P500 DOWN 1%
S&P500 DOWN 1%
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>yfw the boganoffs are crashing the stock market too
OP is actually right Trump's finance guy walked out and the market is freaking out.
Trump's making the economy great again. All you NEETs are going to work a quality job along robots in steel mills and coal mines
Boomers are all retards.
Volatility is a bad thing you know
Republicans crash the economy
Democrats fix the economy
1% of a whole lot more money than ever fell for autistic basement dweller crypto scams that get shilled here on a constant basis.
>Imagine being this out-of-touch with reality
Veeky Forums's cuck God-emperor is fucking our economy up after an actual legit president worked 8 years to fix it.
>implying you wouldn't freak out if this was suddenly your shitcoin for 2018
all the bad stuff is about 1 month
We've got a master buisnessman steering the ship who's going to stick it to China by getting hard on Canada and the EU.
Trump must be the ultimate market insider, he doesn't care about walls or brown people, he just wanted the power to Short shit and then shitpost on the economy. GET UTTERLY REKT burgers
>legit president
Retarded boomer
obama had 0% interest from the FED and now trump gets several raises exploiting the broken economy
it was always broken they didn't fix it in 2008 just delayed it further
We have PPT. what does crypto have? nothing.
>I have my wagecuck savings on index funds so I can retire at 85 if the economy somehow doesen't crash
The absolute state of boomers
>falsely reporting unemployment
>printing trillions in future debt obligations
>selling out US industry to foreign "trade" agreements
>fixing it
i hope you're fucking trolling
When's that gonna happen? I've only seen him taking L's since last year.
Ya, hows that working out for you and all the other white trash rednecks in Bumbfuck, America? It's like a newfag giving a whale his bags.
Yes, borrow money and dump it on the stock market and on people through welfare. Fantastic long term economics indeed.
Trump's economic chief advisor or whatever quit because he didn't agree with Trump on tariffs and shit. From what I have heard, the advisor was really liked by wallstreet.
It's another nothigburger. Trump will tweet and the losses will recover by the end of the day.
Stop trying to meme this into reality, idiots. The Trump economy is here to stay like it or not.
whatever you say, Krugman
Face it, Obama was the last breath of air and the US's last chance at modernization before robots begin taking all the jobs.
My money is still in the stock, fuck yeah -5%.
Now, I will lick my father feet for some money to average down.
>hurr the president is something more than a puppet hurr
This thread really is full of boomers
>Bush Sr creates the worst economy in 50 years
>Clinton comes in and we have one of the largest economic booms we've ever had
>Bush comes in and crashes the housing market and sends us into the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression
>Obama comes in and saves us from that while also fixing healthcare
>Now Trump is crashing the economy that Obama built for him
Nah, you can basically force other nations to capitulate through price action. China has been fucking US since 1972 because we have played (lost) by the rules. Start fucking their game and they come around. Cheap US dollar means everyone flocks to US market to escape whatever turmoil. Also, who gives a fuck if robots come if energy costs plummet with new nuclear (it's coming). If goods and services cost virtually nothing it won't matter. It will be an entirely new economy and I welcome the bloodbath.
Lmao. You're not touching China. You're just a small little blip to them and Trump is the entertainer to the league of authoritarians he worships.
HOW STUPID is Trump, that he willingly relaxes rules so that the Wall Street elite is given leeway to fuck over the middle class and the poor, while dooming America by causing trade wars and rejecting economic liberalism
La creaturas really elected a dunce in the white house.
This was so obvious. The best is that in a tradewar the US does have a lot more to lose. The rest of the world has enough to keep buying from Chinese and Euros but no one will be buying the few shits that US produce.
> Just wait until we start to FUD the IT sectors which is the only think that keeps US afloat.
Thanks for puttin* that rope on your necks, rednecks.
* Puttin intended**
>Democrats and republicans over-leverage government
>Clinton does with Rick Ruben and Alan Greenspan say, while a Republican house reigns in spending
>Democrats force loan subsidize which crash the housing market
>Obama prints trillions of dollars propping up the economy, lies about employment, coerces americans to subsidize the healthcare of other americans driving up costs
>Trump leads to massive gains economically despite all naysayers pre-election
Maybe if you entice America into become slave labour you'll be able to compete with Chinese industrialization, but good luck preventing riots and labour unions. America needed to change to adapt and you have chosen regression. Sayonara
Show me the force-projection, internal resources, and foreign holdings that China has vs the US
go ahead, i'll wait
I can show you the internal resistance to whatever Trump is trying and tell you that it is fucking up your country.
>US adopts new-nuclear
>China immediately priced out
gee, that was hard
buttdevastated European/Sudaca
You're going to lose bigly with Trump, I understand you're upset.
>Actual president
>fixed economy
>78% increased debt in 8 years
I agree! Burgers should have elected someone that will borrow more money and expand welfare programs while strangulating private business!
Having to keep the borders open so that new consumers can come in and enrich the US economy!
Obama's fault !
Yup. Sad the few retarded puritan were not completely decimated in the civil war. This is what you get for letting obviously unfit people to reproduce with their cousins for 200 years.
Bro, cope harder. We already jumped on the China train and China has been investing around for long. Not even the exchange rates moves when Trump goes full retard.
God I triggered this faggots hard, because they know the ultimate market insider bit is fucking real.
> Civil war when?
Nuclear will never be used en masse it's too dangerous
>Jumping on the China train
What a joke lmao
what do you lads think about this
note how they trend pretty well together.
The whole Nuclear arsenal used at the same time would not even caouse a nuclear winter.
You know the burger is scared when they start to bring the nukes to the discussion.
> What a joke lmao
COPE HARDER, I'm getting moist
You didn't listen. YOU WILL LISTEN NOW.
Genuinely funny RotW thinks it can even challenge America when it comes to imperialist capitalism. You will all be begging at the end of this. Do you know that your banks would all be bankrupt without the Fed?
Everybody left, Cohn left, soon the dotard is alone with his thicc clicc of GS who tell him how to short the mongrellus when it's about time.
Sellout has begun, that's what unironically happens when you elect bipolar tv-divas for potus.
Do you know that america is basically bankrupt without China?
That's not even close to true.
hmm.. china is cool
uhh yes it is
The USA has been sitting on classified Zero Point Energy technology for nearly 40 years now... Unless China lures a bunch of military physicists away from the USA, they will be left sitting on buckets of oil and piles of worthless coal.
>tfw didn't buy ZPE Coin
Germany is making a plus while you drown in debt, did you know? The dotard just raised debt to expand the welfare program called military.
Lots of that debt is with China, everybody knows.
China is only relevant because of its humongous slave labor class. Automatization will kick it in the nuts
funny part is the globalists already declared a "trade war" on america around the time the soviet union fell. we've already been in a shadow trade war for years. or, rather, a looting of the american economy at a rapid pace. hasn't been much of a war until now.
deindustrilization of the american economy at the advantage of the chinese economy and for thee transnational elites, the "superclass" who operate above the law
the chinese were chosen decades ago because historically they've been able to use their people as slaves. people in the west were getting too free. our wages were getting higher, workers were fighting for better working conditions. globalists saw that they were leaking money where they didn't want to leak it on the people. they saw how the chinese had hundreds of millions of people that they could take advantage of like robots. robots hadn't been invented yet so they said fuck it, we'll prop up china. lets put mao in power there and slaughter millions to let the chinese know whos boss. decimate and suppress ancient cultures and create a new culture that worships the government and fears the government. rather than having the government fear its people. after everything was set in place and they started turbo charging the fully state ran chinese economy the chinese started buying more influence in politics, universities and the media around the world. thats really what it is.
check out this picure. this could have easily been an american city.
>the vast majority of American manufacturing is abroad, overwhelmingly in China
>domestically the US is mainly sustained by its tech companies, pharma and natural resources
>US debt is approaching 200% of GDP
M8 uncle Sam will suffer like nobody else if China decides fuck him. The second the chinks decide that they want to fully drop the dollar and the states can't use the entire world as a bottomless bag of money, there will be blood in the streets.
Then all it takes is for communist China to remember that it's communist and nationalize US company properties on its territories to take away the majority of America's income and the entire continent will become Africa in a couple years.
China is debt ridden polluted third world shithole, they are about to have their own 2008 crisis but they have no way to solve it because it's run by retarded commies
the debt in their banking system increased 30 trillion over the past decade, most EVER
Holy fuck nice info thanks
They're looking at automation to fix the aging demographic problem. If they have money and demand then assuming they keep their manufacturing competitive they should be able to pay a UBI for citizens. Look up that wallstreet journal video on automaton in Asian markets.
Let's say China has a debt crisis tomorrow. What happens to the US then? Protip: you still die because Chinese factories coming to a halt means that all your companies start losing millions a day and can't pay the taxes that keep our food stamps funded, or the wages that they pay you.
This crypto crash already reached Bloomberg lol
> Genuinely funny Mongols thinks it can even challenge Rome when it comes to imperialist conquering. You will all be begging at the end of this. Do you know that your trade routes would all be dry without the Juno Moneta?
NukularCope 2.0
Nice blogpost. Yeah it was pretty evident from a long time. Even if you don't go back 5K years and notice Chinese were always more innovative and focused than the whole rest of the world. Copying massproduced shit was them warming up on the low hangin fruit.
(((Yes he was)))
time to move to skycoin
From what I understand most of that is owned by SOEs, in some way. Bloomberg had a story about how the private corporations are actually not that highly leveraged. The public banks and state owned companies are all pumping money into infrastructure constantly, which it seems as though they are fine with failures. They basically just write it off by paying everything and moving on. Their debts are domestic and often internal to the government, so they just shuffle money around, like moving money from one pocket to the other. Except one pocket also has a portal to a dimension with mountains of money. The worst result of this could be government officials who might have some stake in a bunk project getting paid off anyways, meaning they'll feel comfortable pitching ANY project because they know the treasury will just get them their money to avoid any debt crisis. They have more inflation than us, but it hasn't reached a crisis level and it won't suddenly spike unless there is a supply shock. I imagine if it gets out of hand they'll be in a stronger position to control it than us because they can directly choose projects to allow to fail and experience cutbacks to slow spending, while also trying to limit exposure of the overall economy.
Tl;dr the commies are pretty effective right now. The mixture of what they're spending their money on and the level of control they have over the debt of these corporations heading that development means that the failures are basically already socialized. It won't create a private crises unless they allow it to, and if anything a China crisis will resemble Japanese stagnation rather than a collapse.
Be OP. Sell when the market goes down.
Buy when the market is up.
>Thanks Obama
yep, free market is only good if no one's cheating
state capitalism is how we'll get through the next century
Japan's debt is greater than it's GDP yet is still a leading manufacturer of advanced robotics. Government debt doesn't matter
Thank you Trump.
stock market mooning right now you fags
The damn kiosks were installed when he got in office. Bernie or Hillary would have installed even more.
>S&P 500 and Nasdaq go positive after White House hints Canada, Mexico could be exempt from tariffs
A respite in the trend
>he doesnt know china relies on usa way more than usa relies on china
This used to be the case, but china has the capital and the educated and skilled population it needs now to just not have to give that much of a shit anymore. The only thing holding it back is the degree to which its domestic companies respect intellectual property by american companies.
USA gets cheap Chinese goods
China gets overpriced US dollars and bonds
hahaha, good one.
>No, I'm serious