Thank goodness we didn't invest more than we're willing to lose

Thank goodness we didn't invest more than we're willing to lose.

R-right anons?

Other urls found in this thread:

If you didn't atleast 3x from the bull run , you should kill yourself

Pretty much, yeah.
Why, are there people who don't follow this rule?

BTC could drop to sub $600.

If only I had more money to buy this dip

Because you lost it the last time you bought the "dip".

Yep actually did. Brainlets larp that people like me will never make it blabla. Well there goes your life savings you fuckin assholes ^^. Dont know what i wish for more. Fags commiting suicide or years of crippling depression and then OD on fentanyl patches they stuffed up their asses. I know i know. What a spiteful user. But write this behind your fuckin ears. If you are not a fuckin professional trader, didn't study finance mathematics (apparently wojaks didn't since money management is actually a thing for freshmen) you are not visionary or smart for FOMO into some weird investment you dont understand.

Was 10x in December. 4x right now.

Not in any hurry because I didn't invest more than I was willing to lose. I'm patient nowadays, not like when I had 80 BTC in 2012.

Theres a square of butter.. on a crying cat... on some foil

Oh my fricken heck I have seen it all LOL

>Started 1 week before christmas with 4k
>3 weeks later ended up with 55k
>Now at 9k
Daily reminder that Putin saved crypto

I respect your autism.

Also all green IDs ITT are going to make it.





$700 out of 3k in savings. Still work. No working products or really finished products. Why are people investing in fucking vaporware and partnerships? We go down to 1k, the market gets regulated, and we move forward.

From a regular citizen's perspective, I wouldn't invest shit in this. It's unsafe. It's very easy to lose it all. Does anyone else think about this? We gotta get serious about this or (((they))) will win.


lol shut the fuck up retard

