
this kills the req
See you in heaven fellas


its all over user


Shut up and enjoy the lent discount you christian brothers.

I quadrupled my stack during this dip


can somebody please hold me
i fomo'd in at ath.

i went all in with my life savings

im fucking depressed

this will go below 10c tho. So.. yeah. Good job

leave the ship and try with something else.

>dip with no news
yeah totally legit
why does everything STILL follow Buttcoin?
>hurr durr it's the only one that matters
Bitcoin fucking sucks, hopefully Request works so we never have to be shackled to this dinosaur again

It's a make or brake situation bros.
The value is small and so is market cap meme. That means that manipulation is very easy. Hopefully we'll see a miracle and 10-100x.
I bought 30kReq yesterday.
Unless it goes officially out the market, you should hodl. Good lucko !

All will go below 10c.

>rejoice! throwaway discounts on the product you already bought

In this moment I am euphoric.

what if i told you i know a coin that is certainly going to 50x from here (conservative estimate)

youre a retard for investing more than you can afford to lose
but for the love of god dont listen to at this point you might as well go down with the ship or wait for recovery

also keep in mind literally all REQ news were bullish as fuck and the current shit price is due to an irrational market

>team delivers a biweekly update
>team has always been ahead of schedule

Crypto as a whole is not going to go anywhere but up in long term. These guys have been nothing but professional.

I bought at ICO and if this drops down to $0.1 I'm gonna buy even more.

learn to set stop losses buddy

>great team
doesn't matter
>consistent news
doesn't matter
>full on release coming this month
doesn't matter
None of that matters cause BUTTCORN LAWL

Should I all in on REQ? It is by far my biggest hold but I'm thinking about selling my QSP to increase my stack until it blows up

I'll give you fellas a bit of advice. When everyone has sold, when REQ has gone sideways with little volume and oscillation for weeks on end, that is when you buy. Don't look at the price, look at the fundamentals.


I'd say your are bullshitting

REQ 0.025c EYO


I'd say you're probably talking about REQ or XTO.