

big if true


huge if verified

Pls pump link next I feel for the memes

No fucking way

Link to the archive?

Looks like we found our man.

>No fucking way

hol up

It's fake, just checked the archive


Of course it's fake you fucking retard

What the hell is that supposed to be?

I mean are you a newfag or something?
Some whale told us to buy xvg at 56 in December and said they would pump it to 50 cents
This happened before

The post that was edited. It's fake

It's the post number. The OP image is, as expected, fake

Nevermind I'm dumb as hell as it turns out. Post brainlets.

do i buy leenk

>I mean are you a newfag or something?
>Some whale told us
>This happened before

Lmao yeeeeeah, see



think it might also be an open invitation to embrace skycoin. embrace the new internet. big thanks to the fcc, couldn't have done it without them

I'm with you brother, embrace the sky so you can fly


>gay porn videos tab

Thanks for the kek