Decreasing your IQ

I have an IQ of 190. Having a high IQ is a curse, I've been called autistic and retarded countless of times.

Veeky Forums is there a way to decrease your IQ by 70 points or something?

do drugs. it's worked for me.

By posting these threads on Veeky Forums.

Maybe weed
Reality TV

Do you want to be smart autistic or stupid autistic?

Shit thread.

>I have an IQ of 190

I wish it were true: it would be nice to talk with such a rare human specimen.

If you really had 190 iq, you would already know the answer.

Therefor fuck off.

What sort of drugs do you do?
I've abused countless substances over the last 3 years and while I'm definitely not as smart as I used to be, I'm not as dumb as I wish I was. I realize that sounds edgy but I truly wish I could just forget everything I know and be of average intelligence and have normie problems instead. Being religious sounds so comfy.


190 on which scale?

no, you don't get to lose IQ points and you don't get to be religious.
drugs make it easier to deal with by taking your mind off of those thoughts or giving you new ideas to think about.

I've done weed, hash, meth, cocaine, LSD and various pharmaceuticals and plenty of alcohol over the course of 10 years.

right now just weed and hash sometimes, alcohol casually and at celebrations.

I just want to be normal, like everyone else.

I am that rare human specimen, however I don't want to have such title. I don't want to be rare.

Having a high IQ doesn't equate to knowing everything.

Stanford–Binet Intelligence Scale.

Browse Veeky Forums

You are so dumb

I wish I was dumb, unfortunately I'm not.

He would at least know better than to ask Veeky Forums

Well, I want a scientific answer.