Buying Cardano was the worst decision of my life


hold tight bro we're in too deep to sell now

Cardano is good, the problem is faggots like you that don't know when to sell and end up holding like a cuck until the bear market ends.

You've had an easy life.

The problem is futures markets.

Word. My heaviest bags. Bought this vaporware at $0.80

Tfw bought at 4300 sats

Somebody tweet this to that fatass Cardano creator guy, can't remember his name right now

you trusted a Jew, HAHAHAHAHA

Jesus you people expect this coin to actually succeed? At least Vitalik is one of those stoic, masculine autists.

remember they wont have anything until 2019, the hype will run dry long before then, with "competitors" like tezos, eos, even neo all trying to ciompete with each other

POE is my Cardano

There is no hype left lol. Everyone just waiting for a small pump to sell.


its no.7 with over 6 billion and absolutely nothing to show for itself, it's got a long way to go.

I sold when it dropped 40%
It was my main hold

Cardano should be included in every Veeky Forums newb's buy high sell low profolio.

It was , cos of Tezso, cardono will be worthless in the next couple of months.

Just hold until the tech is done.

Buying crypto was the worst decision of my life.

Disgusting Soyboy

IKR, POE has more practical uses and you don't have to wait until fucking 2019. One of the few shitcoins that got a rebound not pegged to the BTC one.

I sold at 1.07, might buy back at .15 it’s still overpriced now

I sold at 1.07, might buy back at .15 it’s still overpriced now

I sold at 1.07, might buy back at .15 it’s still overpriced now

Dan Larimer's bots are going crazy

EOS crashed equally harder and that faggot is said to be leaving EOS/BO so whats your point? I was was just about to go all in in EOS last night but nah. ADA and EOS were my picks but both have many redflags when you look close enough.