Plasma Donation

Is plasma donation worth it? What do they actually use blood plasma for? I've heard conflicting reports, some say that it's used to save lives, others say it all goes into cosmetic production. Any plasma donation stories anyone would like to share?

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you usually get 20-40$ for it. America is worlds largest plasma producer because the poors donate as much as they can for the $$.

As for the plasma itself, its actually full of many useful things. Mostly various clotting factors and antibodies. Which companies purify out and turn around and sell to hospitals for a fuck load of money.

Ive never heard of it being used in cosmetics.

The CEO of rackspace highly recommended it. When he was starting his business, they needed extra cash so they donated blood.

But it turns out you could only donate blood once per week. This is not the case with plasma.

>your blood will be treated by the same machine as other patient's and mixed with chemicals before it is put back in your body

what could go wrong?

if a completely unnecessary medical procedure sounds like a good idea for a few bucks, please go ahead. But you are not the one making the money.
I for one don't buy the humanitarian act PR shilling

Where can you donate blood for money in the US on a once per week basis? The federal government prohibits the use of blood collected from paid donors for transfusions in hospitals, so it would only be used for research/cosmetics, and blood for transfusions is needed the most. I would imagine donating whole blood once a week would be a lot of stress on your body, I thought you could only donate whole blood once every few months?

Every piece of equipment, tubing, etc that your blood comes into contact with is replaced on the plasmapheresis machine every time, with every new donor. The only risk that your blood could be contaminated with someone else's blood is if someone else's vein explodes (I've seen it happen) and the resulting spray of blood lands on your arm at the point where the needle is inserted.

as if I trust anyone working in healthcare. I've worked with many doctors, when you see they can't flush the toilet properly, you starting to reconsider your trust in them. Everyone has a horror story how one of their loved ones died in a hospital because of negligence, amputated their wrong limb, went into anesthesia just not to wake again etc.

Healthcare is underregulated af, and these people will still complain they can't sweep every faults under the rug. They are moneygrabbing assholes with a healthy dose of arrogance to boot, because they sit years in medicool school. Your health is not their priority, that is for sure.

Only if you live in nigger territories would you get paid. Most places have roaming vampires, and you just sign up and give blood. They usually send a card in the mail.

I first gave blood because I had too much iron in my blood. Turned out to be an artifact from my diet (wheat bran has like, 800% iron in a cup of cereal). After that I've donated blood on and off, usually when the people are nearby, since I'm at a uni. I normally do the blood donation where you have to wait at least a month. Last time I think was a double-red, so they took out twice as much. It feels really gross, they take the red blood cells and then inject the blood/saline back, which is cold. Then they do it again.

I've seen an argument one shouldn't donate blood on ethical grounds. The people most likely to get donations are rich fucks who can afford transplants and surgery, and the poor who deserve to die for their stupidity and unfitness. Idk, I'm O positive. To be fair we're on /r9k/, I'm unfit so I have less concern with donating.

>as if I trust anyone working in healthcare
>I've worked with many doctors

What kind of job do you have?

I'm talking about getting paid for plasma donation, not blood donation. I used to get paid for plasma in Grand Forks, North Dakota (I've moved since then), which is hardly nigger territory, population in that area is well over 90% white.

engineering in chem/bioinfo domain, the people with their very long titles were mostly in research I will give you that

I do it whenever I can since I am AB-, my plasma doesn't contain any antibodies. If you are AB, you're doing a huge favor for other people and science.

u mad bro? heck I don't blame you. You have some valid points

why the fuck are they putting the blood black after a donation
in germany you donate blood and thats it no back

because its not a 'whole blood' donation

there are separate parts of your blood (plasma/platelets/etc.), some of which can be separated using a centrifuge so that they can take them without taking all of your blood

this is why people who donate this way can donate (in Canada at least) every 14 days (i think) as opposed to 56 days with whole blood

In the US it's twice every 7 days, with at least one full day in between donations. So if you want to donate twice a week consistently it's best to stick to a schedule because if you miss a day it will throw everything off

how much are they taking from you in each of those two sessions per week? it cant be as much as the (pint?) 450 millilitres right?

correct, one pint twice a week. It's replaced with salene and the body replaces all of the plasma within about a 24-48 hour period.


Welp. Another germanguy here.

It very varies where you're donating.
You can donate as a men all 2 months and get for 0.5 litre about 20 Euro (atleast where I donate). Plasma here you can donate every week if you're fit and have some kind of weigth and enough iron in your blood. For Plasma, I get 15-17 Euro. And yes, with plasma your blood gets into a machine, its filtered and the plasma is getting extracted and the blood is coming right back in your body.

I just don't know if regular donating is healthy or not.

t. donor for 4 years

>get paid for it
That's called selling.

I take it you've never donated blood in your life. Everything is in plain sight. You can see yourself if they do something wrong and call them on it and walk out.

my bad, i thought you were talking about whole blood

plasma is every 7 days in canada so much closer than 56 seemed

According to the law, you can't sell your bodily fluids or parts. You're "selling your time and energy" not "selling your plasma". Exact same case with semen "donation" for men and egg "donation" for women


TV's man they put it in TV's. Best picture quality by far.

I take you never saw nurses that kept on missing veins and infectious pvcs. Sorry to burst your moral bubble, but only gullible people are content with being paid peanuts to the tune of bigpharma.
At least I hope you can sue them for a fortune if someone fucks up your body.

Nope, I stay away from shitty plasma clinics. I also always request an experienced nurse.

Also, as far as infectious PVCs,
> "While a published meta-analysis suggests that changing PVCs every three days does not reduce infection risk, in one national survey, more than 90 percent of PVC sepsis cases were due to PVCs in place for three or more days. Another published study found an independent, linear relationship between PVC infectious complications and the length of time the PVC was in place."

In plasma centers, PVCs are inserted and taken out all within the timespan of about an hour, so infection risk is very, very small. You probably have a higher chance of being hit by a car in your day-to-day life.

>you usually get 20-40$ for it.
You actually get paid for it in the US? That's sick. In most countries you get absolutely nothing for it
Do you know why? It's to stop people from lying during the screening and donating blood if they have diseases.

>But it turns out you could only donate blood once per week. This is not the case with plasma.
In Belgium you can only donate blood (470ml) every 4 months and plasma every 2 weeks.
Donating plasma is less taxing on the body than a blood donation.

I've never donated plasma though.

>It's to stop people from lying during the screening and donating blood if they have diseases.

They test your blood and plasma for diseases on a regular basis at all respectable plasma clinics. Also if you're overweight, underweight, or generally unhealthy, you can't donate as they also will do a full physical on a regular basis as well. They also test your protein levels via finger prick as well as your heart rate before every single donation.

>According to the law, you can't sell your bodily fluids or parts. You're "selling your time and energy" not "selling your plasma". Exact same case with semen "donation" for men and egg "donation" for women

What a cute loophole.

I know. Even though everything only gets used only once, and blood gets tested, it's just one more extra precaution.