So I made a bit over half a milion bucks last year

So I made a bit over half a milion bucks last year.
I am a NEET and I have never had a job. I live with my parents.
What kind of clothes should I wear (should I deceide to leave home) to reflect my success on internet meme money?
What kind of clothes do you oldcoiners wear?

Newcoiners, bagholders, poorfags and wagecucks refrain to post. Stinkies allowed tho.

I made 200K and I haven't changed my lifestyle a single bit.

The only difference is I see wagecucks as subhumans now.

you could leave with crocks and beach shorts if you drive a nice car and have a nice house. crocks basically mean you are so rich you just don't give a fuck anymore at this point.

Linkie here, just wear whatever the fuck you want.

Nice blog faggot

I wear the same outfit every day. Black running shorts, athletic shirt, flip flops. Feels good man.

dress in a manner that embodies masculinity, discipline, hierarchy, tradition, and self-sacrifice. The look must be austere but also eye-catching

only this

I also havent changed my style and have made 6 figures also. I try to take as little as I can out as I need to pay bills because I know that its just going to keep growing.



>wins a lottery, identifies as somehow superior because he won a lottery

You dont need hyper-expensive label clothing to reflect your success.

linen trousers + linen shirts + balenciaga sandals
get a proper haircut and a nice watch

I wear Song for the Mute and MA+ and BBS

Wear nice shoes always too

Roses are red
Violets are blue
If you're so rich then pls donate
And I will forever appreciate you


Sigh, getting ready in case of a ban


6 figga nigga here.
The problem is having the skin color, face and hair like the model in your pic related to pull it all off. Yeah. Not happening.

Kek mob boss


You look like a fucking faggot wearing this you stupid gimp


Go to your nearest Bloomingdales. Everything you should pick out should be 'slim fit'. Pick out some nice button up shirt, If something you really like doesn't fit quite right, buy it and have it tailored.

raw denim jeans that actually fit - slim straight cut - APC is a nice brand, get a few pairs of nice chinos - again slim straight cut.

Macklemore made fun of people payin $50 bucks for a t-shirt, but the difference in quality can be remarkable depending on what kind of t-shirt you buy. Get some nice fitting, super soft t-shirts. Also get a few well fitting polo shirts.

Shoes - a pair of casual, but tasteful sneakers. Low profile sole. A pair of loafers in whatever color that mostly matches your wardrobe (black or brown)

Loungewear - look up Hamilton & Hare or Calvin Klein modal fabric shirts. Best sleep shirt you will ever wear in your life.

Jewelry - don't bother unless you find something meaningful to you, or it's your 'look' (I doubt it if you're looking for advice on how to dress on Veeky Forums after making it).

Cologne - pick up some Tom Ford. Pick something you like that sits well on your skin. Speaking of skin, take care of it well. My skin is low maintenance and I use a Kheil's facewash and moisturizer with 15SPF. A light sunblock in your moisturizer is important because it will reduce wrinkles and aging in your skin over time. You will have flawless skin in your late 50's if you use a moisturizer with SPF in it every day.

Any other Q's?

Is this a joke?

All you need is to be thin enough / athletic enough and not overweight/obese.

Oh and for a nice suit, go with Tom Ford or Cifonelli if there is one in your neighborhood.

And also love sucking cocks. No straight man would wear this outfit.

This looks absolutely fucking dogshit

you should NEVER do the bottom button up on a 2 button suit, or 3 button either.
only mutts would do this as they have no clue

spotted the coping redittor that went all in on raiblocks

never owned any crocks, but I usually go out with flip flops, gym shorts and a interior white shirt on summer

I thougth about about getting proper shirts made by a tailor to fit properly cause the few I tried in stores are usally too tight at the shoulders and when I try larger sizes they're too large at waistline, anyone ever went to one? how much do they charge?

>Song for the Mute

Wew lads, money will clearly not buy you taste.

can you fags fuck off to Veeky Forums please
this board is for heterosexual anons only

it doesn't matter, you can't buy style. you look and will always look shitty. accept it and wear what you like

>Shoes - a pair of casual, but tasteful sneakers.
Typical New Balance work or are you talking something less common.

>tfw you're balding and will never have hair like that again
fucking bullshit

someone's mad that they're too fat to pull off this look

once you make 100k its customary to start wear yamaka on your head. you are now chosen one

I'm Veeky Forums you fucking retard
I'm just not a neckbeard autist who thinks this is stylish


Lol. You Veeky Forumsnessmen sure are humble investors.

Where are you, as a NEET that lives at home still, going to wear tailored clothes too exactly? When you go to buy tendies at the store? For those parties you dont go too? The workplace you dont have?

By all means live your don draper fantasy though

>tfw you realize Veeky Forums clothing taste is beyond horrible

I walk 2x10 minutes each day to go to the gym. It's a start.

The Fred Perry Byron is my go to shoe. i've stoked up like 3 pairs of these, but they're discontinued. Anything similar is nice, and when these shoes get beat up, they're great for yard/housework. Also love me some Chuck Taylors but with the slim sole.

apart from that faggy tie and the gloves this looks aesthetic as fuck

Same pants at Walmart for 20bucks and nice polos on sale at Macy's for 20or30 bucks a pop too. Don't waste money on clothes, that's what niggers do.

Fuck man, my college roommate's dad invented Croc's. Dude MADE IT. My roommate and his family/friends were cool, but his dad was an absolute prick.

holy shit those all look terrible
im lmao thinking that some biz autists will walk around with these shitty outfits. go and hire some style coach if youre that desperate to impress people... because you fags have zero taste and will only embarrass yourself if you start picking shitty outfits like this

looks like he watches too many secret agent movies

Baron is so cute

Jeans - Go to a Levi store and try on a few different styles, find what works for your body shape, I like 511s. Buy a few different colours navy, grey, black. Also pick up some china style trousers, Hugo Boss are nice.

Shirts - Tommy Hilfiger, Hugo Boss, Ralph Lauren. All good quality, mid price and classic styles

T-Shirts - Above brands are good or find ones you like. Buy something with quality and small logos. Plain colours white, grey and black.

Shoes - I'd go for some suede trainers. Look for something like Air Max 1s, New Balance, Asics 5. Colour is something personal but i'd go with softer colours like teal green or lilac.
Also pick up a nice pair of brown and black leather shoes to wear with a suit.

Suit - Go to a store like Selfridges and get one that fits you well. Have it tailored if need be. Ermenegildo Zegna is very good quality.
Fashion brands like Gucci, Burberry, Armani can be nice but aren't the best quality for the price.

this is hilarious

German flecktarn vest and utility cargo pants.
That is what I wear.

nice troll user
maybe a bit too obvious. you want those fags to fall for it and actually wear those clothes in public, no? cant make it too obvious

>he that is despised, and hath a servant, is better than he that honoureth himself, and lacketh bread

wear a condome all the time, even when you pee

I'd look like a fucking soyboy wearing this

it's like fedoras, only a manly dude can pull them off, I'd look ridiculous in one


these kinds of clothes only look good on models/mannequins

adidas track suits

>spending thousands on clothes

lmao, enjoy raising your chances of being beaten and robbed by a pack of niggers

no matter how much money you have always dress humble, not like a tramp but don't go throwing money for over the top expensive meme brands

buy 1 expensive suit for special occasions, some nice dress shirts, some well fitted jeans, non-cargo shorts, and some polos and you'll be set for a long time.



This is the look I was trying to describe. Smart casual without looking like a pretentious cunt.

Or this.

very suave user!
wonder where you got the inspiration for this stylish look

You really like layers, don't you?

OP, you can follow this guy's aesthetic in terms of the overall feel (unconventional professional, prioritizing quality fabric) but you can def go with something simpler/fewer layers.

This is perhaps a little too casual. Aim for something more "clean" (avoid things that wrinkly easily).

the new fedora

wearing pants that tight makes you look like a giant faggot no matter what.

great outfit if you're looking for some euro dick to suck

just get one of these op and walk around in it

You sound a bit insecure.

Raf Simons, Rick Owens usually what I'm dressed in

>watch the latest 007s
>buy JB's clothes
I'm not even joking

>dressing like a gay model

Only normalfaggots wear business attire in a non office setting.

those guys can wear whatever the fuck they want

so can you? Nobody is pointing a gun to your head and forcing you to dress like an office drone.


Reminder that if you can’t wear this you haven’t made it.

t. jobless virgin

Also non-autistes who realise their personal comfort takes a backseat to basic societal norms and standards.

look no further than what the most intelligent man in crypto wears

However the fuck you want. But if you're in a situation where you want to be presentable or get a certain message across, Google 'smart casual' to get a sense of style.
Otherwise it's a blast to walk in to a nice car dealership wearing extremely plain clothes and embarrassing the sales guy in front of his boss when he refuses to give you a test drive because he didn't think you could afford the car. You bet your ass I'm petty.

>realizing early and partaking in a revolution not seen in scale since the colonization of america

cope harder

>it's a societal norm to wear an office suit in a public setting.

For an office job or a formal setting maybe, but in public? Nah. Just comes off as try-hard and cringy.

I only buy from

Wal-Mart have real comfy plain t-shirts for $3. Soft comfortable fabric, nice fit, it's awesome. Go them and some $10-$20 pants or shorts and you're set

>not buying cargo pants that unzip into shorts

>hermes belt


underrated song

wearing one in class right now

Excusively wear sweatpants and sneakers

If youre actually rich you would not give a shit what other people think

>thinks he is rich

my dude..