A Black Hole is a space vagina giving birth to galaxies. Discuss

That's what this article said about a Japanese satellite that monitored black holes before it malfunctioned. Black holes let out gases that form and maintain galaxies.

Black holes are space vagina's. God is a woman?


More mass goes into a black hole then comes out of it. Black holes don't maintain galaxies, they are the result of galaxies.

I disagree.

Life = aids
Stars = white cells
Black holes = ? (bruises?)


Oh, like you got a better theory?


oh cum on now. blackholes are not an /x/ thing. unless you think stephen hawking also belongs to /x/. In that case you'd need a PhD to oppose his ideas.

thats a nice picture but it fails to mention that blackholes dont exist

Ok, black hole is burned out star that didn't supernova and it's so dense and has so much gravitational force that even photons can't break the gravity? Is this the currently held theory?


So Japan is /x/ for making a satellite to monitor black holes?

I think you're the one who belongs on /x/

i am a universe; the universe itself

So. Not everything in the universe is good.

>unless you think stephen hawking also belongs to /x/

As a matter of fact.


Rubbish grant chasers.

The USA government spent millions/billions researching alien sightings and it is still shit.

What are you say Japan isn't making a satellite?

It's better than "black holes make galaxies therefore space vaginas"

The USA government spent millions/billions researching alien sightings, that's why its shit.


To further clarify, this black hole space vagina system only concentrates on the super massive black holes found in the center of a galaxy, not the collapsed star black hole hanging out in outer space in a random galactic spiral arm.

It is understood that black holes absorb matter, this is not disputed, but also according to that satellite before it was mysteriously destroyed, black holes at the nucleus of a galaxy release gases. These gases then form galaxies around the black hole, hence it, sorry she, is a giant space vagina that gives birth and her baby is a galaxy that grows and is maintained around the super black hole mother. Basically a galaxy is female.

Celestial bodies therefore have a gender.

But that does not mean the male has no place. Male celestial bodies are suns / stars, sending their rays shining down onto a planet and seeding it with their energy for life, if the planet is in a habitable zone. In the galactic order of things, galaxies are female and stars are male.

Planets can be male or female as can moons. Our Earth is female, mother Earth, while our moon is female as well, appropriately named Luna. Mars is a male planet, as is Jupiter, which have moons of various genders of their own.

Is the universe male or female then widening this scope? Perhaps it is male and female combined, or whatever is beyond the universe, perhaps other universes, controlling universes parallel & near, if there are other universes beyond our own, which would make it the One unifying force. Is that One unifying force what could be described as God? Pure existence? Reality? You, the reader and beholder, should decide.

Ultimately, super massive black holes at the center of galaxies are giant space vagina's and a galaxy is female, while her son's are sun's and the stars are male. Outer Space has gender models in gender roles. How conservative and precise. And it fits together, if you open your mind and let it all fall into place, scientifically, like that.

That's not what the paper says. Black holes co-evolve with galaxies, they don't form them.

What if the super massive black hole at the center came first and released the gases then that galaxy was maintained around that black hole which still released gases to continue galaxy expansion and maintenance. That Japanese satellite seemed to indicate so. The average black hole that is not in the center of a galaxy might be as you described but the super massive black hole in a galaxies center is different for reasons just described.

Fair enough. Each to their own.

Gas coming from SMBHs is highly ionised. It stops galaxies forming stars, it certainly doesn't cause galaxies to grow. The current thinking is quite the opposite. That AGN quench star formation.

That was not hinted at by the satellite. It seemed the black hole released gases in surprising ways, enough to demonstrate that they could have come first and were efficiently maintained to form and stay a galaxy from that point onwards. To bad they scrapped the satellite so it makes me look like a Zarkov and not a Hawking.

But gas later on would evolve, change, not be ionised? Later on nebula and stars would form. That is commonly agreed theory.

there are no black holes

>interpretting data from the point of malfunction to determine results

Fucking kek

A mouth can consume and release matter

Is a mouth just a face vagina and all men actually females?

Tell me about it. But enough data was released, just about.

But there are giant space vagina's in the center of a galaxy, the galaxy being the body around that giant space vagina, making galaxies female and stars male. Traditional gender roles in space. The universe is conservative. It all fits together if you let it.

I would really like to witness a mouth giving birth.

But I don't think I ever will.

A vagina and womb is a better example. And realistic. In a metaphorical way of astronomy, matter going in would be the intercourse, the gases released would be the baby. and the gases could have been released right from the start according to that satellite, the galaxy triggered herself. Space reproduction is complicated and somewhat different from our way but scientifically precise,

No it's not accepted theory. The cooling timescales for the gas can be very long. The high temperature gas also doesn't collapse onto the disk making cooling even slower, if it tries to recollapse it will be shock ionised again. This is why you need cold mode accretion.

There are many unaccepted theories, some accept them others do not, beauty is in the eye of the beholdfer, as is belief. This theory certainly has made it into *my* academic theory folder.

But don't forget the factor of time and duration and the hot gases spreading out and afar to galactic proportions, very far and distant and over a very long period of time those hot gases would then become nebula which would form stars and the planets around those stars. The satellite article confirms and even features that mode of galaxy creation, along with how additional black holes would act to guide the gases. A shame that Japanese satellite so mysteriously was destroyed before more data could be obtained for precision.

>Japanese satellite that monitored black holes before it malfunctioned.
Very bittersweet image. This was the second mission failure for this next generation X-ray instrument. That principal investigator is probably a hard drinker by now.

Believe whatever you want but it is not "commonly accepted".

>very far and distant and over a very long period of time those hot gases would then become nebula which would form stars and the planets around those stars.
And how do they collapse onto the disk without forming a shock?

>The satellite article confirms and even features that mode of galaxy creation
No it doesn’t. Read the paper and making shit up. The only type of feedback mentioned in the paper is quenching and that is really only in the abstract. The actual observations begin reported are of the ICM not the SMBH.

The black hole isnt "giving birth" to new matter either. If this is true, its releasing gas from the energy and/or matter its already consummed.

It's a galaxy that was given birth to which then becomes a whole, not just hot gases.