I was in a good mood today. Here's the new Clif High report. Don't say I never helped you. There are still good people on biz. Enjoy. imgur.com
I was in a good mood today. Here's the new Clif High report. Don't say I never helped you...
Gee whiz, a report made for ants! Thanks, OP!
No monaco? Worthless report.
>not just uploading the pdf
>uploading some shitty, unreadable low-res pictures instead
sometimes Im really not sure if you fags are braindead or genius trolls
Can you reupload it in better quality? Please?
Okay sorry guys here you go. I am new to this dropfile.to
Wow thanks OP!
cheers OP i appreciate it!
Is this guy a genius or a washed up LSD junkie? Started reading that and decided to save it for bedtime reading. Thanks for sharing user
>not a single mention of KMD
>this faggot still cant write in simple understandable terms
fuck you clif reeeeeeeeeeeee!!
OP delivered, bless you
wtf all my LINKs are gone
>Whiz Bang!Bang! 2018
Seriously who pays for this diaper wearing twat faggots downs-syndrome-esque mouth bile?
I've heard farts sound more coherant
This is weird I don't have any memes for when OP is a cool guy
Did you pay 100 bucks for this? Thanks anyway!
>implying those are always mutually exclusive
someone upload it on another site
Good point
when will he talk about link
Nigger I can't read this shit.
lol virus detected kys
lol tf cant see imgur
>the world is black and white
>good or bad
>obey consume comply
>section dedicated to Australia in report
>can't read the imgur link and the dropfile link is riddled with malware
a pdf virus? ok.jpg
ok clif
OP you’re the man
it does apparently have an open action though...
I read thru the cliff high and now I’m more confused.
This old clown has too many opinions.