Idk m8. Fuck it, I'd smuggle it wherever the hell I could. I need something to live for, something exciting, anything.
Same lad. I cashed out $30k between July and December of last year depending on the market. The rest is all on the market, mostly in ETH. Good luck to you, lad.
Levi Wilson
can you rich guys pls send me some bitcoin.. i make 25k a year at a shitty job where i have to travel 300 miles A DAY. EVERY DAY. please... help me... 3J5PXAPQeRhxJvB79PsZL79ooJ6jEkzDhs
Levi Lopez
It's crazy reading how many other people are in the exact same boat.
>107k a year job >100k+ in crypto >70k chainlink >lift weights >work on side projects to keep sanity >about to lose job (company shutdown) >can't bear to start another god awful 9-5 sucking supervisor dick and dealing with petty office bullshit that I just don't give a single fuck about >want to travel all year, smoke weed, read, visit different BJJ schools
Goddammit man :-(
Brayden Russell
Jews are greedy parasites who destroyed the world. They say "Dude we got this we will take care of anyone.", then they only take care of themselves, people literally fucking die or experience extreme pain and depression as a result, then they say "haha dumb fuck you consented to that you wouldn't have gotten conned if you didn't listen to me", and at the same time if you disagree with them initially they will figure out a way to fuck your shit regardless. They have figured out this amazing scam where anytime you get fucked by a jew, you have to tell yourself first "damn , if I criticize a jew my life will be ruined because I will be a nazi, so the first thing I have to do is try to sympathize with this fucking psychopath because they brainwashed the majority of the world into pitying their masters. Then after that you have to engage in black magic to counter their black magic because you can't just identify criminals anymore, you have to corner them.
*Omg nazi omg jealous omg why do you care (haha why do i care about people scheming to make me their slave for eternity) etc etc*
Fuck off bitch. They have been kicked out of countries hundreds of times. I also have a problem with whites, blacks, hispanics, asians, everyone group is full of fucking losers. My issue with jews is they are fucking murdering people for land right now, but they have somehow obtained enough to power to get people to beg for MY RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS to be taken. Other forms of evil are stupid and stay in the shadows, but these chameleon vampires have figured out a way to pretend like they are human.
I am Irish. I fucking hate Irish people. They are fucking niggers. If anybody said "That fucking mick fuck, fucking wife beating alcoholic ugly shitty teethed loser", I would say "Ok."
The problem with every group is they identify with their group, by saying I am black, that is no different than you saying "I am Tyrone Jamalison". You are taking on a super sole consciousness.
Gavin Morgan
You'd be better off buying bulk in a legal state and moving it to the east coast. Pounds in the West are under 2k now.
Connor Fisher
Good luck to you brothers. We are all at the edge of our sanity now but if this market does what it did last year we will all be in a much different place.
Thats rough. Best of luck to you dude. Buy some and hold, maybe you will be us next year (and we will be the guys who quit their jobs and made local news)
Oliver Foster
You just need to start to think about other people not for yourself and after you manage to overcome this egomelting period you should be relatively fine
Nicholas Mitchell
So you say "I am black" aka "I am tyrone" and every time a black person accomplishes something you pat yourself on the back and say "I did it." then when another member of the tyrone wavelength murders somebody, none of the other tyrones go "holy fuck we need to fix this now, remove that person from our consciousness immediately". So if you are going to take credit for Adam Goldbergs actions, Adam Goldberg is a sociopath who knowingly destroys hundreds of peoples lives through scheming during fucking peace time instead of figure out a deal where everyone benefits, then you are taking credit for Adam Goldbergs actions and you get war with me when you are a fucking douchebag.
100% of every problem is economic. The majority of people are humble and don't need that much but they want to live a fulfilling purpose filled life where there is competition and collaboration, not a conning.
I am willing to deal with "I should have known better than to trust somebody telling me to go down a path which leads me to alligators." That is true. I should have had better intuition to know that society was set up by con men. That doesn't mean that the next period of my life is going to be me sucking jew dicks. It's over faggots. Every single time I spot your kike black magic I will destroy it.
Justin Foster
>You just need to start to think about other people not for yourself Honestly, you're probably right; however, I counter with: >tfw no dog >tfw no gf >tfw only a few close friends
Noah Gomez
40k linkie
Planning to quit my office job by August, hopefully I'd have made enough to go through with that