even the normies know it's over
Crypto Craze - I want to off myself
>crypto crushed
>up 2%
still doing better than bonds
>El Gorgonzola
The cycle is almost reset
If the normies say it's over then it's time to buy some more
We are literally 6% down and still over 10k BTC even after HUGE fud about mt.gox and binance hack ???
What the fuck? We survived 6k in February why the fuck are people panicking so hard?
Normies always think it's over.
The fud and the hacks don't matter. What really matters is the jap market dumping his bags. The whole crash was him.
alts got hit way harder
>Tells them how to not fall into phishing attacks
It seems more like they're reassuring them so they get back into it.
Who would benefit from that and why?
>even the normies know it's over
Normies have been saying it's over since end of January.
>it's too late
>you'll never make money now
>beanie babies!
you say that as if it was not a fact kek
the whole piece was about how crypto exchanges are sketchy and not regulated and that the SEC needs to step in soon and regulate everything
after reading through this:
this thread is (maybe paid), but part of bigger, organized FUD
feel free to ignore
Lmao whoever made the headline or told them to make the headline is in a whale group for sure
It’s not even the Japanese market. It’s literally one motherfucker!
you are correct, notice how anytime something goes wrong the fud articles/segments come out in full force, almost in unison. you'll also notice a lot of moralistic "stop investing in cryptos" type posts when shit goes down
>crypto crushed
>orange juice @ 142
literally breakfast fud here boys.
normies knew it was over when we hit 1k
Up 10x since last year. What's your point, bud? You didn't buy in December, did you?
you're fucking stupid. exchanges cooperate with "him" so ??? can short every sell he makes.
This, but very unironically.
how much OJ can I buy for 142 bucks? I drink a lot so buying it wholesale may be worth it
Honestly the fewer normies the better, who the fuck in this day and age watches tv or the news....They can FOMO back in at the top so we can dump on them so they can sell the bottom again. Remeber kids BUY HIGH SELL LOW!
Crypto got crushed?
>still up 10x YoY
How did stocks do this year, well right? Wonder if they beat 1,000% returns.
(((they))) are fudding again. Trying to get cheap coins