Don't even bother trying to find a job where the manager is a Filipino by the way. You won't get it white boy.
Don't even bother trying to find a job where the manager is a Filipino by the way. You won't get it white boy.
>working in fast food
I had mcdonalds for lunch today and they raised the price again. Fuck this country.
Not even fast food.
Any entry level role.
I'm a young guy just trying to find sem-meaningful work. What the fuck.
Yeah this country is the fucking worst. WHERE THE FUCK DID MY $1.39 MCDOUBLES GO
So youre saying that privilage is determined by majority demographics? Hmm
filipino's are nice, hardworking, and not that racist. they are probably the most westernized asians. maybe your emotional instability is why you didnt get the job
>this country is the fucking worst
one of the best countries in the world
Flip detected. Or you're a cuck married to a Flip.
I lost my last job because I was the 1% white guy in a factory of filipinos. FUCK EM THEY CAN SUCK DICKS
Maybe back in 1995, now Canada is not even top 20
Go to any major urban center and be sickened. 10-20 years ago this was a great country. Then the flood gates opened.
This is not my country.
Rofl. Canada is not as multicultural as people say. If you're white and actually can't find a job I can't even begin to imagine how big of a loser you must be.
t. pajeet
>not as multicultural
You lucky bastard, must be nice living in a rural area.
>Go to any major urban center and be sickened
This is most obvious in shopping malls. I hadn't been to one in years, went to get something to eat from foodcourt, apparently shopping mall is now some kind of Indian/Arabian/Turkish bazaar. wtf?
Its not his fault he was born smart dumb.
>dumb motherfucker who thinks he is smart.
So many jobs in every industry you could poasibly imagine and this stupid shit cant even get an apprenticeship for electrician or commercial builder to guarantee 6 figure salary in 3 years. Topkek
>run by libtards that throw you in jail if you don't use the right pronouns
>most expensive internet/cellphone carriers in the world
>real estate tripled the past decade from chinks laundering their dirty money so everyone without a house already is screwed, baby boomers still win
>retards eat up nationalistic marketing by timmies when its the shittiest quality
>have to pay more than our southern neighbors for everything for no reason
>import millions of retards that take all the minimum wage and entry level positions, people who grew up here can't find work
>women get everything in family court
>muh one of the best countries
It's funny, hearing English being spoken is actually rare.
thats because your either a trany trying to be a nany, a nurse or working for a fast food joint you stupid nigger brain. those dirty jungle gooks literally only take the shittiest of jobs that nobody wanted to do anyways
nope, just visited there. nice people, kind of conservative and keep to themselves. good security, big guns. dueterte fucking offs drug lords and isis. lots more hateworthy minority groups out there, if you blame every non white for your plight you will be miserable as fuck, because in our current state white males are getting buttfucked by women, blacks, lgbt, and everyone else when it comes to getting jobs.
These little flips are infiltrating every area of the workforce.
>visited the Philippines
absolutely disgusting
Actually this is true. Brown people only hire other brown people, whereas whites just hire the best person for the job. Almost impossible these days to get a job as a civil servant in a city as a white man because the recruiter will almost always be non-white.
you forgot to mention the scam after scam that gets swept under the rug never to mentioned. political corruption in Cuckanda is extreme but nobody mentions. anybody remember that 3 billion dollar gas plant that was never built?
Without immigrants canadas economy would be in shambles. Its the truth,you need constant population growth to compete with other western countries.
>go to gov't of Canada interview for entry-level but decent gov't job
>all the recruiters are east Indian or Arab
>over half the interviewees are brown
this is true
nice ponzi scheme
i love this meme
where abouts do you live? what jobs have you applied to? how many flips are there? i thought they were just spics of canada that took nigger/spic tier jobs?
My female friend had this problem in psychiatric care. The Filipinos would give work days to eachother and my friend who is on call would get very little work. Ps. Their language is fucking annoying.
are you kidding me? I feel like getting a job at the federal gov is massively easier if you're white... everytime I go to interview at the feds everyone is white.
Over 5% of the population is Filipino after only 15 years.
10% within 5 years no doubt.
>retards eat up nationalistic marketing by timmies when its the shittiest quality
Timmies is as artificially sugar-packed as the shitty CBC multicultural spirit. This country has diabetes.
Anyone else looking to ditch this country?
I was seriously debating saving 100k and living of swing trading in mexico
tell me more so i can lose more hope I have for this country.
flooding the labour force with cheap workers makes everyones quality of life shit except for those at the top
the sickening thing is people actually order their coffees filled with huge amounts of cream and sugar. Ordering anything over 1 cream and 1 sugar in your coffee is fucking disgusting
Me. This is not the country I grew up in. Either moving to another country or moving to a rural area if I make it.
Baby Boomers about to exit the workforce en masse and whites not breeding enough, so we need an influx of tax payers to pension the Boomers.
so yeah basically a ponzi
what countries did you think of? I unironically don't care if my kids are latino (I'm white) as long as they can live in a country that is truly home.
My gf is Mexican so Mexico is a plan.
Latinos aren't bad at all, especially the ones who migrate here legally.
hahahaha 5%. HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA thats fucking cute. try 30-40% of those dirty little fuckers, im just abit north of the gta, and they used to make up for atleast half the passangers on the buses here. thank fuck i got my own ride now, never seen those jungle coons do anything other than flipping burgers, cleaning toliets, nannies and dick masagers tho. sometime nurses and low tier government workers. pritty spic tier if you ask me
I'm just quoting the (((official statistics)))
probably much higher.
>my gf is mexican
my gf was mexican too..
good taste
multiculturalism is basically just another word for less white people. it's a big joke and everyone is in on it but whites. all this third world trash want to do is come to the west and rape our welfare system and when they do start a business they don't hire any but their own race. they are all nothing but insurgents setting up little bases of operations for themselves.
It seems to be some sort of genetic trait to have their own "tribe" survive and flourish.
White people don't seem to have it anymore. The biggest problem white people face is themselves.
i wonder how the government feels about having their daughters blacked? heard about the amerifags being 56% white? welp, we just might be in the high 40%s or low 50% as of 2018. fuck me, we actully might hit 30% by 2025 or something. fucked up because one of these nigger faggots here did point out how canada is just a ponzi scheme as we dont have enough people to pay for the boomers when they mostly retire. in a fucked up way, we did this by choosing to not have kids over abortions and fucking dogs while pajeets come here and shit out 8 kids. if they can pop out 8 kids by feeding them dollar store bread, so can we. we're all under impression that it costs a fortune to raise a kid, which is false if you dont take them to daycare and shit and have your wife/parents/her parents look after them. its how every other fucking niggers/chinks/pajeets do it here expect US.
and now you've narrowed your dating pool to brown women.
You should be blaming the Conservatives with their nigger tier spending as if the oil boom would last forever. You should be blaming the retards who voted NDP as if their reactionary policies aren't digging the province even deeper.
I live in fucking brampton lol. Literally full of sand niggers and pajeets. Doesn't mean they're in any position of power.
I blame exteme feminism.
What's so wrong with being a stay at home mom? Fuck I'd be a stay at home dad.
NOTHING. it kinda ruined the job wage thing too. ever wonder why the pay never went up as women (eg other 50% of the population) joined the work force?? seriously women are retarded, but we cant blame them. its the weak men that didnt condition the women thats at fault.
urgh, not 100%, 8 kids are extreme unless your a jew/pajeet. but it sure looks dim finding a white women to wana have atleast 3-4 kids and her being a stay home mom.
More people would have kids if they could afford it. Flooding the labour force with immigrants dilutes their wages.
I guess we could raise kids like pajeet does to afford it, might as well shit on the street like him too.
Yeah, feminism didn't help. Flooding the workforce with women just means everyone gets paid less.
>seriously women are retarded, but we cant blame them. its the weak men that didnt condition the women thats at fault.
Boomer generation really fucked up everything.
Women working doubled the supply of employees, that's why wages are stagnant.
sure is nice being rich from 1s and 0s while the rest of the western world is collapsing.
They said im just a dum Jibroni, but i'll show em, one of these days i'll show em
what did you think was going to happen when they raised the minimum wage to 15 dollars an hour you stupid canadian faggots
bullshit, that's what they want you to beleive
the reason for immigrants. Its' to keep the wages low
Can't have you making 100K at your job now, can we?! Cause that will allow more people to retire earlier and that's bad. They want you working until your 75 so you pay the lions share of taxes
just work in technology my man
Man boomers really fucked over their future generations like noone else.
that is correct, and another elephant in the room the liberal left doesn't want you talking about
i tried so fucking hard to make it. i followed every shitty boomer advice.
i went to university got a msc in engineering and i cant find a job. its not a larp.
will probably get another diploma . something useful this time.
fuck boomers.
>am immigrant
>in berta
>took ur job
>double what i made at home
>half the effort
>weed everywhere
>canadians crying over the exact same thing my home country cried about 20 years ago
>"where can i get a 30$ an hour job like my dad used to have"
>influencing your culture while you cling to the past
>melting pot
>year 2018
>applying to Timmies when you're Canada born
come on faggot. Warehouses is where its at for unskilled work with decent wages btw
Tech companies with less than 500 employees are decent. Anything above that heavily outsources to poos and you're on the block if they can save another buck
Whenever I read shit like this I am truly baffled by how detached you guys can be from reality.
Everything he posted is a fact.
What's the best Eastern European country to move to?
Warehouses are filled with Flips too many whats wrong with you
Right. Lets take the first claim and go from there.
Pease find me one instance of a Canadian jailed for using the wrong pronoun.
you two are genuine leafs, Its unfortunate cause this country is a genuinely glorious place full of natural wonders the world over.
And its been completely ruined for all future generations due to inept liberal corrupt mismanagement. it sucks.
Its not there yet but you wait
Liberty Village here, can confirm
120ish employees and enjoying catered lunches twice weekly and beer fridge.
Then again I'm a dev and not a brainlet cuck like most of you kek
> allowing things to degenerate that much before doing anything
ya amazon pays so well
what exactly do you expect us to do? brutally beat and maim you fellows in the street? i'd say we're getting close to that (in quebec atleast) but you fucks basically have us out numbered now so i don't like the odds
Okay so the first claim is 100% false.
Shall I continue?
Cell Phone plans, as a % of income we dont rank top 100 countries for most expensive. For home internet and landlines we arent that expensive at all. For mobile absolute value we are top 5 (developed countries) and admitedly #1 amond the G7 in data plan USD prices. But there are probably bigger issues.
Degenerate from what?
>inb4 well I saw a Peterson youtube video then read on /pol/ that Justin Trudeau said something dumb and I cant read actually policy that is publicly available on government websites!
Conservatives ruined Alberta and that's a fact. Compare the Heritage Fund to the Norway Oil Fund or the Alaska Permanent Fund. The issue is incompetence and corruption from all sides.
PCs did.
Kenney is alright and the merger means they have to keep Wildrose members happy. Notley isnt terrible as far as NDP goes, certainly better than fucking Horgan and less radical lefty than Ontario Libs. Alberta is gonna be okay.
>most westernized
hence bad
Kenney is a greasey fucking slimeball and Brian Jean should have won.
not really, for temping it's quick and ez $12-13 if you have absolutely nothing. maybe more if you operate a walkie
reach truck / forklift experience and you get $15 to $20 at most starting wage.
full time wages are not better.
I'm not as optimistic as you. I think it's going to be painful decade especially if Trudeau gets re-elected.
>Flooding the workforce with women just means everyone gets paid less.
actually it means that plus unnessisary competition added to the already dwindling job market. now men have to compete with a gender that never really even had to work before feminism.
I know some "Conservative" governments are equally responsible (especially here in worst case ontario); what I originally meant by my lib comment was reference to Canada's holier than thou leftist ideology and its absolutely disastrous neoliberal economic policy. Sorry for any confusion. I understand you're probably a grumpy old school leftist canadian boomer who got completely cucked (my_dad.jpg) over the past 3 decades.
It is going to be a painful decade in this country; housing is about to crash; the chinese realize now is the time to sweat us for all we're worth, with our current debt to income levels most canadians will be lucky if there even slightly in the black in a few years
Jean is too much of an ideologue/populist SoCon idiot. I dont hate him he is good opposition and the PCs needed him to put their feet to the fire. But he would be a shit Priemiere. Kenney had an impeccable record in Harper' Cabinet and Im kinda sad we have Scheer instead of him.
Canada has been a beaucracy run country since Chretien. Thats why there is the huge gap between his sentiment and policy. He still isnt "great" and Scheer is a weaker challenge then Id like but it isnt the end of the world. Im also worried about some of his cabinet like the american chick in charge of Foreign Affairs having 0 economic understanding and lacking the chops to put the Trump admin in its place. Wish the trade depo got the NAFTA task. Hopefully that Champain frog stages a coo if Cons cant take it.
Im more worried about Horgan as a BCfag though.
The holy trinity of Neoliberalism (Chretien, Martin and Harper, with a (dash of Mulroney even)) literally are responsible for saving this country though.
Imagine how much you need to suck, if some random Filipino without any proper education can take away your job.
Serves you right bitch, get your shit together.
And the Jew will laugh those same words when an Indian takes yours.
/pol/ is that way -->
here at biz we discuss about investing fortunes
>The holy trinity of Neoliberalism (Chretien, Martin and Harper, with a (dash of Mulroney even)) literally are responsible for saving this country though.
you could make the argument that they were some of the best shepherds of their citizens through the worst period of neoliberalism, however I wouldn't exactly call them a holy trinity. Neoliberalism was too much of a global western paradigm to really defend against, and from my view Canada is now about to experience all of the pain they have delayed in the past three decades. We've been helped by growing markets for our resources (especially oil in harpers time) and some competent aspects of government (ontario need not apply). The country is sorely lacking all of that right now, and globalist policies are going to rape this country into the third world as boomers try to cash out. Currently we're uncompetitive and we know it
As a Filip myself I disagree, they are double-faced faggots. You're right about hardworking but they're backstabbing asses once they get what they want. Call me a LARPer or whatever but it's true.
Sorry. I was previously unawares I was replying to a regard. Please carry on.
They also like to gossip.
>To a regard
>"canadian" larps about filipinos taking his shitsweeping job
I think we all know where this thread belongs