

Other urls found in this thread:

By September 2018: a user-facing demo/prototype that will let users explore the potential of the protocol being built.
By September 2019: a functional test network implementing the essential features of the Witnet protocol.

Holy fuck, this looks actually better than Chainlink. They solve oracle AND security problem at the same time.


The tone this was written with raises an eyebrow.

Now this is real FUD.

Everything checks out, they solved the Oracle problem without having to rely on trusted hardware. If they can follow through with their goals than the only benefit Chainlink will have is the first mover effect.

All Veeky Forums linkies need to be made aware of this

ok so i buy a shitload of this shitcoin too. i win either way. still not selling my link

fuck off, chainlink is already working with swift you cuck, do you know how hard it is for banks to change systems?

Testnet coming September..... 2019.

Tokens not being released untill mainnet.


It would be a shame if something happened to the devs