Red pill me

Just started looking into this project.
Anyone want to red pill me? Seems promising, but there's obviously a lot to go over.

Tell me why you're invested in this coin...

its like chain links
but even better

not at all like link. go away pajeeeeeet

its a bank and whatever the amount of cash and assets flowing in and out of that bank = the market cap of jnt, not including speculation

they have fucking massive partnerships that are going to be dropped, seed is just beginning.

Fuck off. Smart fags only pajeets allowed.

Come on biz...why have you, or why have you not put your money in Jibrel?

Have they acquired a traditional bank? Is this something they plan on doing?

They are getting banking licenses or partners in multiple countries, due to KYC/AML requirements.

They have multiple pilots running with central banks.

They have so much interest from banks that they can basically pick and choose,

Timeline for accumulation: Until Q3.

t. holding 350k

only 6k, ~500 from ico. i'm getting more after today. boggles the mind why clients who are doing business with jibrel and know how this work aren't buying more.
maybe people are clueless, or maybe i'm just fooled by talal who talks a good game and nothing will happen.

buy Jibrl . . . but whatch out for the Shadow Fork

This would be frontrunning/insider trading. The central bank staff cannot buy Jibrel, because it would cause a conflict in interest.

Imagine you work for a central bank and have 200k JNT. A JNT competitor comes along and applies for the same thing. How are you to judge them objectively?