What functions does something like this? Thanks in advance

What functions does something like this? Thanks in advance

Other urls found in this thread:

wolframalpha.com/input/?i=plot (erf(-ln(2/x-1))+1)/2 where 0


l need that the steepnest varies in function of a like pic related, the smallest a is the more step the function is and the bigger a is the less step the function is

That looks like an arctangent function compressed to a range of (0,1)

You're probably talking about the integral of a normal distribution gaussian with the width given by a. As far as I know it doesn't have a neat algebraic form.

Note that as a goes to 0 the gaussian becomes a dirac delta and the integral of a dirac delta is a step function which is what is probably talking about

the higher the absolute value of (a) the more "step-like" it is.

This. Something like

CDF[NormalDistribution[a/2, a/5], x]

should do it (in Mathematica, plug that into Wolfram Alpha with your desired "a" value to get your function).

logistic function

Seriously guys? It's obviously tanh

Well, you're right, but it is compressed and translated.

It's any number of things you fool.

I agree with you more than that guy. That said, tanh is a good choice.

Quantities are a social construct.

1/(1+exp(k*(x + a))) for some positives k, and a, I think

you are trying to decrease the learning rate wrt the cost?

i use just shift the sigmoid -4 and squeeze by a factor of 4 (or 8 but then you should divide the learning rate by 2 as you don't really want to be over 0.5 in most cases)

also i don't know why this isn't the norm, been doing it for a good year now, momentum is a retarded solution for this.



Look up logistic curves

[math]f(x) = - \frac{\textup{erf}(\textup{ln}(\frac{a}{x} - 1)) + 1}{2}[/math]

wolframalpha.com/input/?i=plot (erf(-ln(2/x-1))+1)/2 where 0

Sigmoid functions have domain (-∞,∞) and range (-1,1), so even if they have a similar contour, they're not valid answers. You have to first map (0,a) to (-∞,∞), which you can do by taking the inverse of another sigmoid function (here the logistic function) with appropriate shifting.


looks like a distribution function in [0,a]

>Graph something to an odd power
> turn paper 90 degrees

polynomials don't have asymptotes, genius

I didn't say a polynomial asstard.
>f of x to the third

das da the hemoglobin binding curve senpai

x to the third is a polynomial, it won't have asymptotes, and if it's a monomial of odd degree then it's a diffeomorphism. so unless f had asymptotes in the first place (it was already the function you wanted) then composing it with cube is not going to do shit

retarded fucking newfag

The error function or complementary errorfunction.

Scale it and shift it.