More bad news boys....Skycoin is a scam..
More bad news boys....Skycoin is a scam
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you're retarded and i'm not clicking that link
yeah, no. That website is a scam. go advertise your hitpieces somewhere else.
these faggots never give up, do they?
skybros see through your propaganda
lets fly
Wha....I already took the fucking L so you could take the M....I fed the fish, drove aimlessly in my small car with no Blood
SKYCOIN is a scam you fucking idiots Hahaha it's confido 2.0 enjoyy your bags
Why is there a screenshot of the second email but not the first? This all seems questionable given how weak the FUD of the first article. Cant wait to hear Synth's response lmao, Skycoin drama is too good right now
Google skycoin literally the first thing that pops up skycoin is a scam..
well I guess synth has no choice than to turn the whole project into a scam, pack it in boys. SEO saves the day. it was a good six years of development, too bad thenextweb says it's a scam.
somebody let SPO, MDL, MTL, SUN and all the other skyledger companies know, I don't have the heart.
oh poor Jane zhang, she really had her heart set on all this. I hope she doesn't kill herself when she finds out she's a scammer.
don't forget your sage on the way out, asshole
Hello Sam
look, we know it's you, cut the fucking crap before you push too far. you're lucky your retarded games have been tolerated as long as they have.
Stay away from this scam coin!!!!
I really hope there aren't anyone who unironically think Skycoin isn't a scam. I feel sorry for anyone with such poor intuition, won't make it even if they manage to get off Skycoin before it sinks.
fud harder, pajeet
I hope you are for real, get burned faggot.
what do you have to offer the world other than trying to drag others down? you're fucking pathetic.
I think my calling out this scam is noble. You're the one trying to drag others into financial harm.
you are fabricating false information to get people to sell you their bags at a loss. we know exactly what you're fucking doing. im not shilling anything. you are pure scum. you'll get what you deserve, people like you make their own punishment. I know this will just make you double down, that's my aim.
>you are fabricating false information
>i'm not shilling anything
says the guy that's literally 50% of the posts in this thread, exclusively shilling
I now really hope you actually believe in everything you say so you get fucking rekt, go all in m8
Nice save Skycoin.
fuck, women pilots make me anxious as fuck, statistically proven to preform worse in emergency landing or crash sitiuations
countering slander is shilling? look, you can invert anything I say, I get it. You are the other half of this thread, I'm just sticking to one ID. I know I'm not the only person that is smart enough to do their own research. I also know there are plenty of other investors that feel exactly the same way I do and are sick of your shit, so I'm taking the liberty of speaking for them. I hope you are enjoying your herpes.
I can see the picture of the author. Looks like a soyboy faggot
Veeky Forums has taught me much....
/pol/ has taught me that you should assume that every "woman" you see pictured here is a trap, unless otherwise proven.
Veeky Forums as taught me that every crypto is a scam, it just takes longer for some to be outed.
IcelandAir has a fucking sexy female pilot
also, my motives are clear. I proudly own skycoin. what's your true motive? it's quite obvious that you aren't doing charity work like you pretend
>/pol/ has taught me that you should assume that every "woman" you see pictured here is a trap, unless otherwise proven.
/pol/ didnt teach you that
/lgbt/ that are obsessed with /pol/ brainwashed you into being a protofaggot always expecting a cock
they are trying to do the same here but find MASSIVE resistance due to the general love of thots and HETEROSEXUALITY here
Oh yes you and the other """investors""" are sad when people bad mouth the project preventing it to moon NOW, real confidence you show there. Even the collective swarm of linkies seem confident enough in the realization of their project of choice that they don't mind it being trash talked. Difference is the Skycoin FUD sticks, because it's true. Wanna know the dynamics of a false FUD? It dies eventually, skycoin has been carrying the weight of scam FUD forever because it's not properly debunked.
>You are the other half of this thread, I'm just sticking to one ID
>it's quite obvious that you aren't doing charity work like you pretend
Point out where that becomes obvious, I don't want people to be fucked by this scam, that's it.
why would you buy sky? just wait if they ever make a testnet and join with your own computer and get sky for free. why are ppl actually buying coins? the only real coins that have a value were the ones distributed and mined for free, that has no value, look at btc, completely no value at start, ppl can mine it overnight themselves bfor asics.
oneday if you can transfer data for the skynetwork if it ever launches you get free sky... untell then why buy it?
mine another free coin and wait for a moonshot to sell it, then mine another free one, rinse and repeat.
hearing all these horror stories of ppl maxing their credit cards and buying out ico tokens... cmon guys! just mine coins the way they were meant to be
It's not that, it's just that the posters on this site are well known for their smart assery
I don't suppose anyone has an archive of their "team" page from months ago.
Stay the fuck away from this! buy PRL, legit coin that will bring decentralized internet without being a scam!
>Point out where that becomes obvious, I don't want people to be fucked by this scam, that's it.
so you're making 3-4 threads simultaneously? this isn't my first rodeo....get the fuck out of here
if it's not a scam it will be a failure
Sorry mate, you're just me with another ID, also if you or anybody else post in another thread as long as it is critical of Skycoin it's the same person, me. Sorry to be the one to break it to you. You don't exist.
>buy a miner
>to mine premined tokens
Any project that isn't a privacy coin, where the developers remain anonymous is either a blatant scam or will be a failure. Skycoin is the exception as it's destined to be a failed scam. This teenager who is their leader is on par with edgy anonymous legion faggots. Listen to any of the videos where he talks and prove me wrong.