A-Am I gonna make it Veeky Forums?

I went from being too diversified to feeling like I'm too consolidated. What do you guys think? How fucked am I?

If you had any recommendations to make, what would you suggest? Ive considered selling some of both GVT and AMB and putting in BTC as a hedge, but I dont even know if I care to do that.

I've also wanted to get into other projects but I just dont know if they will produce as well as these 2 POTENTIALLY could.

I sold out of OMG and most of my Nano to get where I am now. Thoughts?

Also, portfolio rate thread?

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I remember you portfolio buddy! Really wanna go all in on GVT this nano and amb is bleeding so much

Thats hilarious, I saw your thread and was just about to comment in it. I say HOLD man, but I dont know. I have real good feelings about AMB and GVT both but I feel like im too focused. But at the same time, I dont want to take anything out of either of those.

AMB just pumped in sats earlier today. Means good interest and if BTC doesn't shit the bed, AMB is a good hold.

Also, I think patience is key with AMB. Right now, sure, it sucks. But I got a good feeling its just a matter of time before it starts to kick in and take off.

But really, I am not thinking of exiting the market, but whether or not I should diversify a little more. I just hate the idea of taking money out of GTV. So that leaves AMB and a little bit of Nano. But I really like AMB and think its got big upside, but I also wana get into the following projects:

NAS/RLC and maybe ITC. Honestly, I liked holding Nano and OMG as well but I just felt GVT and AMB were more important.

Fuck Crypto can be tough to decide what to do.

Yeah I'm HODL'ing gonna sell all my nano at a $50 loss and buy more GVT won't get any lower than it is now

Probably right. GVT may dip lower, but its been just going steady up lately if not breaking ATHs recently.

I really think getting some Bitcoin could be a wise idea. Other than that your portfolio is pretty L I T senpai

genesis vision is an unregistered security. SEC shutting it down soon