Jeff Bezos Is Worth More Than Every Nigger On This Board Combined


wht if he browses this board? then he is not

>implying Soros, Rothchilds, and Buffet, Musk etc are not on here constantly

You actually think so?

>he doesn’t know

No they aren't the Bog brothers are on here and they sell market tips to the GLOBAL ELITE

pls don't include a clown ass carnival barker like Musk in with that crew

I agree, but hes still rich as fuck.

yeah? least im not a bald manlet though

Yet he is still owned by CIA and (((them)))

>can't cash out

Jeff Bezos? More like Jeff the Bozo lmao

Bald men are the fucking best

>those small fries


there's been a few sketchy posts on /pol/ and /x/ in the past. most likely just larpers though.

10/10 shitpost

well they kinda have to be if you think about
Veeky Forums pretty much 24hrs to years ahead of the newz cycle.

It has better analysis because of the waebos, neets and autists

better product info

no yes men liek all thier friends.

so yeah nah are they going to hang out on CNN? of ABerza, ABC, leddit or what the fuck.

Hell we have pigu desu, jdif larping as jdif, KGB, CIA, and satoshi, as well as some emu, the PLC, best korea and who ever else know the fucks up, so yeah they are all in here.

Keyword here being 'nigger'

I like him - he is fucking two competitors at same time

- online shopping
- Cloud service

>implying you know how much I have