Fucking bitch crashed buttcoin
Who is this guy?
Wtf is this thing? Who in their right mind would voluntarily choose to be led by such despicable creature
Danny DeVito
The Diane is such a financial disaster that I am now 100% confident that BTC is not a ponzi scheme, and does not need regulating.
I been watching this crypto shit since forever and I knew that as soon as I decided to jump in it the government was going to stick it's cock in it.
Sorry I did this to you brothers
more like diane abo
This has to be a shoop.. even ozzie abos are hotter
>dose evil RAYCIS crackas are making money in a PONZI SCHEME and if we get in power we will subpoena the BLOCKCHAIN HEADQUARTERS so that we can begin to regulate
Needs glasses.
Oggaaa Boggaaaa
It's an abo, it's basically an ancient human-denisovan mix.
As for who? Lefties.
fuck, lost
Forrest Whitaker
wtf is that thing
is she in charge of something somewere
The absolute state of the UK
govt cucks calling crypto a ponzi scheme - it's because they fear that with crypto they wont get all those tax dollars, funding all their worthless jobs where they add no economic value to our country. seriously 50+% of people working for government are worthless
Not enough beard hair
Is this abomination of a sand nigger actually someone in the U.K. government? Fucking kek. You brits are done.
HAHA stupid lefties. Now lets look at what the based right wingers thi - oh.
The guy who played the Oompa Loompas in the Tim Burton Willy Wonka reboot.
fucking hell
The gang
... but, it is a ponzie scheme.
quintessentially british
US gov put out info saying they would start banning unregistered exchanges, seizing funds that you didn’t obtain through a legitimate exchange.
Effectively killing crypto for Americans.