I'm in Link's secret Telegram AMA
what other coins do you talk bout in there
How much does this project smell? And what price do you predict by end of Q4?
ICOS are discussed with more interest than coins. Most are crap, so it's all about how to get together and get whitelisited for the few really good ones.
Don't be vulgar.
when moon?
>Finally bought my ledger nano s
>Will be able to get my stack to 10k by mid next week
Anyways, let me know if there will be another big dump soon that I should wait to buy into. Could only buy 1k today
Let me know when you have 100K.
As for dumps, what do you think is going to happen after SXSW?
How much of a circlejerk is it?
What's your favorite part about larping?
Op is lying
I can confirm because I'm the only one in the secret group. Kek
Quite a bit, but there's good research. It was the first place where I heard about the Matrix ICO.
Do I need the full 100k in one wallet? how do you check for plebs
How do I get in?
The hazelnut ice-cream.
post pruuf
One wallet, yes. No pooling.
You send one link to another address. That's it.
Kek no. I'm doing this for fun and don't want to get kicked off.
give us some valuable info
People have forgotten about AssBlaster's original claim to fame. Look into that.
can I join if I have 100k link?
do I get kicked out if I sell some off afterwards?
What's the name of the group?
What about 50k?
100K minimum. There's talk of making it 150K if it dumps hard.
No there's no talk of making it 150k
Wait and see.
You can't get in because I'm the only one in the group. It's a solo secret link group where I talk to myself about how link will be $1000 eoy, because I'm a delusional linkie.
When you do your timed dump, do you expect it to kill the price of Link forever, or just crash it for a while?
Members believes in the project. If someone dumps, they'll do it without telling the group and leave in silence. It's happened more than once.
Like the day before yesterday?
I've got 100k, how do I get in.
Just rechecked the chart, I guess it was yesterday actually. Dump started about a half hour after midnight Pacific time. Then he comes on here and announces he is done dumping about five minutes after I woke up and sold to try to buy in lower. That little shit...
200k here, will be on my ledger soon, hook a marine up if it’s legit
Ask on the public Telegram and someone will message you. Repeat after 48 hours if no one does.
Remember: there is no fee, don't fall for scams.
how often do you crave for validation?
You should be nice. People like him are the future of mankind.