Any south africans looking to hire a gun to help defend your land? There are apparently a lot of vets looking for work like this.
Any south africans looking to hire a gun to help defend your land...
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How the fuck are poor farmers that can't afford to get out of nigger land going to afford to hire mercenaries from halfway across the globe fucking retard.
This why wouldn't they just hire a child a retard
Ever read Atlas Shrugged? Let them have it. They will die by natural selection, no need to exert any violence against the parasites.
Ever read a work of fiction by hideous ugly hooknosed kikess (((Ayn Rand)))? Stop fighting dude, that's how you win xddddd
If they attack you, you must fight back. Else, you must not help them, and let them self-destruct.
Evil can only exist with the sanction of the good.
Is there a possibility of coming to south africa from abroad to help with defending farmlands? I'm in eastern europe currently, willing to travel.
Brain dead
Lots of resources up for lootin should shit hit the fan, you could easily recoup your initial investment. Bantu are too stupid to profit from this, stay out of the way of the chinks and cia, and things should be fine.
Fuck you retard we dont need you, stay in your shithole country
Fuck god this shit doesnt exist, fuck you u fucking religious retard
I think I understand the negroes from south Africa now. I wish them luck
Nice larp, nigger
Poor whiteys, they can't enslave blacks and take their land anymore. Cry me a river.
Shit is going to get bad for white South Africans but in the long run its the Bantus that will really suffer. Without White people there to build everything and pay all the taxes (whites pay an estimate of 80% of the taxes while making up about 47% of the population) and grow all the food the bantus will all starve to death.
South Africa has about 2 million Zimbabweans living there. They came when Mugabe destroyed everything. Where will they all go once they destroy South Africa? Cant go South anymore. They will be truly fucked and it will be glorious.
*7% of population
can't wait to watch these niggers die
I don't understand how they always make the wrong choices. There are countless exzamples of them kicking out white people from their countries and then having a dictator come in and the whole country starves to death. Zimbabwe is a recent example but even its neighbor Mozambique tried this like 40 years ago. At one point they didn't even have bird life as they where all eaten by the natives after they kicked the whites out and decided to have a civil war for 20 years.
They never learn.
if theres a proper civil war im sure tens of thousansds of european young men will go fight there
Found the nigger
>Their land
American here. I vacation in Cape Town regularly. Will gladly ship out and defend in exchange for a sweet vacation/retirement home.
Africans were constantly at war with each even before the Europeans had arrived. Giving them modern weapons only sped things up.
nice try mbwuife
>ever read Atlus Shrugged
Veeky Forums never fails to make me laugh.
The correct term is "kaffir".
It's a great book, I guarantee you haven't read it.
Because when you have an IQ of 85 your ability to reason is akin to a 5 year old child; when somebody has something you don't have you will kick and scream until you get it.
I hope the whites salt the Earth so nothing grows for a hundred years, better yet I hope they lace the soil with arsenic and mercury.
I thought this was an ancap board
Collectivist scum back to
whites created an unbalanced, dependent position for blacks, like providing too much food. Then, safe in their indispensable position, proceed to be huge dicks to the natives.
The tragedies after they are purged are a necessary step for the natural, original state of being to return
>but muh efficient farms
nobody wanted them here, fuck off
niggers (all niggers, anywhere) are incapable of cause-effect thinking
to them, the future literally does not exist, and does not factor into their decision making process
>whites came in and did things like give us industry, food, and medicine
>we didn't learn how to create any of those things, despite decades (centuries) of opportunity provided to us to do so
>so basically white people can all fucking die, those colonizing oppressors
oh and they weren't 'huge dicks', apartheid IS the natural state, and africans practice inter-tribal aparthied as a matter of fact everywhere else, and prefer to be segregated from whites even in the usa, as we have seen
you fucking niggers are lucky you weren't wiped off the face of the continent so it could be made suitable for proper cololonization
I have I did enjoy it. I was a lolbertarian teen once too and I still like the D'Aconia speech and stuff. But you might as well say "havent you read harry potter it shows X!" Its hardly Orwell or Huxley. More self indulgent confirmation bias. Please dont take it too seriously user.
>whites came in and did things like give us industry, food, and medicine
all of those created a dependent position for the blacks, warping their natural state of living. It's the same as giving aids to someone and complaining when they hate you for it.
you gave shit nobody wanted for land that everybody wanted. fuck off leach.
I would love to see Trump drop some MOAB’s on the local SA nigger population. Then if any white SA’s wanted it offer them refugee status here in the states while we clean up the rest of the nigger trash from their land.
Why should the human race leave an entire continent of resources to parasitic niggers?
If Trump was involved I imagine it would be defensive not aggressive, and all the socialist Europeans would pout, maybe giving sanctions too
>warping their natural state of living
Genocide, starvation, dying at 30 from disease, endless tribal warfare, child rape, cannibalism, and slavery - which africans have been engaging long before whites ever thought of it.
The only mistake whites made was assuming that you fucking niggers were also human, and could be domesticated and educated.
Clearly they were wrong.
85 is pretty generous. Sub Saharans are likely an entire standard deviation below that on average
I like it because it goes to the core of the statist mindset. It's got its problems, but I honestly think it's the best prediction of any piece of dystopian sci-fi. I see the same shit happening everywhere now - these black safricans are pretty much exactly the looters from the book.
Combined with Brave New World and 1984, it's required reading.
I'm surprised you liked the d'Aconia speech so much, do you mean that part where he sperged out at a party? I barely even remember it, it was hardly a high point of the book. The Galt speech was fucking awful though.
>stating parasitic, if not straight destructive intent
>say others are parasitic in that very sentence
projecting faggot detected
>creating civilization is destructive
Spotted the nigger
>I hope the whites salt the Earth so nothing grows for a hundred years, better yet I hope they lace the soil with arsenic and mercury.
And whites wonder why weren't wanted. fuck off the continent.
apartheid assumes existence of whites in living space you fucking moron. not the way things were
>creating civilization at the top of a destroyed one is not destructive
the brainlets in this thread
Hahahahaha yes those damn white people trying to give niggers clean water, food, and an actual civilization that’s not a bunch of mud huts strung together with filthy aids niggers fucking each other indiscriminately.
>Having productive white farm
>Support the growth of millions of niggers
>Build an entire nation from the ground up, with infrastructure, hospitals, schools and energy
>All this work is destroyed in a few decades of socialist niggers
>Be routinely slaughtered like animals on your own farms
Hey nigger
>8 b8s by this ID
Nice work
>Black Panther is not a documentary
>grass huts and lip piercings don't constitute civilization
How is mud huts a civilization? Niggers don't even have a written history. Moreover, much of South Africa was essentially deserted when whites arrived
your reading comprehension is lacking moron. whites created artificial dependency by bringing those things. then proceeded to abuse the natives.
just like your mother was abused by your father after she dropped work to be a housewife
My sides dude. Very good one.
>artifical dependency
Damn dude if you want to live in a mud hut and chuck spears just put the computer down LMAO
>How is mud huts a civilization
>muh true scotsman
don't redefine words to fit your narrative
Theres a checklist for what constitutes a civilisation, and neither the zulus or xhosa filled the requirements for it
You're right they should have just killed them all off in the first place, so they wouldn't suffer the abuse of a modern civilization.
give it
Unlike whites who always lived at peace
Shame on Whites for giving blacks everything from the wheel, yes even by the 1800s blacks had not started using the wheel even with whites being there from the 1600s, to things like education, medicine and medical care, industry, electrcitiy and everything that makes humans civilized. The term savage was not coined by mistake. It is literally what blacks where back in the 1600s and it seems to be where they are heading back too.
The only reason whites came to Africa is to steal. the fact that they attempted to make good by giving useless, ultimately destructive, trinkets is meaningless.
they are still a straight up parasite on the organism of the peoples dwelling there previously, having their simple lives supplanted by a foreign, unwanted one.
>he doesn’t even know what constitutes a civilization.
Nigger detected.
They are, I have worked and lived in sub Sahara Africa for many years. You only truly understand how different we are once you deal with them on a daily basis. Europe and America have forgotten the lessons that where hard learnt by their ancestors.
>I like it because it goes to the core of the statist mindset.
It doesnt it's a strawman.
>It's got its problems, but I honestly think it's the best prediction
Its not Rand has the economic know how of a tin can.
>Combined with Brave New World and 1984, it's required reading.
I wouldnt put it anywhere near the aame level...
>I'm surprised you liked the d'Aconia speech so much, do you mean that part where he sperged out at a party?
Yeah its pretty GOAT actually quotable and a refreshing take on things.
>I barely even remember it, it was hardly a high point of the book.
Literally is though
>The Galt speech was fucking awful though.
Its fine.
Nobody wanted Bantu there either. Unless you're a literal bushman you should fuck off too. Bantu came for the gibs,it's the modus operandi of congoloids
You don't need to define civilization, you can just look at a variety of objective standards, such as child mortality rates, prevalence of disease, literacy rates, average life expectancy and many more.
Your perpetuating the myth of the noble savage, that their primitive state somehow had an inherit value for it's simplicity, ignoring the brutal reality of prehistoric societies.
lol, you could leave the locals with the most fertile land, and maps to all the mineral deposits and come back in a 100 years you would find about 1% of the land being farmed and not one new mine built.
>potable water is a trinket
Holy fuck you are retarded, go back to the ssocialist subreddit you came from
It's called hyperbole faggot.
Orwell didn't literally think that 1984 would happen either. Rand wrote exaggerated characters and situations in order to amplify the traits which she wanted to get across. Art doesn't have to imitate life, especially in sci-fi.
Meant to reply to
the natives had enough for their need brainlet. they lived like that for millenia
and? the fact that they didn't use the minerals justifies shitting all over them?
white kiddies and their NAP, applied only when it suits them
Did you know the natives are aligning with the whites on this matter? Bantu scum that run the anc are not native
>wants to travel across the world to help SA farmers defend land
>one anonymous post on a Chinese internet money forum changes your entire view on the conflict
Serious question, why are you on the internet (and probably welfare)?
Why not go and live in the bush with no technology or civilisation, just like before the evil white man stole your infant mortality rates?
>their land
No, prehistoric societies have high birth rates and high death rates, they do not live comfortably, they do not have 9-5 jobs and two kids, and it's the same for every prehistory civilization.
Niggers lived and still live like this for tens of thousand of years, in brutal savagery, and only niggers have failed to adapt to modern civilization.
Stop giving niggers excuses
living with a life expectancy of 35, having to have 15 children because12 off them will die to disease or other easily cured illness, not even inventing the wheel to help move your crops that consist of 3 root vegetables. sounds great to me!
Funny how ever black I meet wants to wear expensive suits, wear fancy watches, drive fancy cars but yet would be so happy living in a mud hut.
Free Markets == Extremely Good
Ayn Rand == Dumb bitch who shouldn't be the spokesperson for free markets.
>their land
>I was a lolbertarian teen once too
You were NEVER EVER EVER a libertarian.
Stop fucking lying you absolute brainlet.
You think central banking and corporate/state corruption is GOOD now?
>No, prehistoric societies have high birth rates and high death rates, they do not live comfortably, they do not have 9-5 jobs and two kids, and it's the same for every prehistory civilization.
if you don't like it, then get the fuck out of africa and don't infest it with what you consider civilisation you ignorant fuck.
b...but muh equality!
>tfw society will rediscover the White Man's Burden in my lifetime
>Funny how ever black I meet wants to wear expensive suits, wear fancy watches, drive fancy cars
yeah, all of that bullshit was brought there by whites. they simply can't stand to suffer alone, and have to spread the aids of consumerism all around the world.
>they don't have to follow
whites created a situation where if you don't participate, you die. just like a ruthless warlord
>whites created a situation where if you don't participate, you die
no they didn't.
what the fuck are you talking about?
try living off-grid without substancial resources put beforehand
I wouldn't want to live off grid.
Civilization is a good thing and I'm thankful for it.
try doing anything without "substancial" resources put beforehand you retarded nigger
Why is this /pol/ shit on Veeky Forums? Please take your juvenile understanding of politics back to where you cretins belong.
you must be new here
It's you who's obviously new here. This board used to be good, even when crypto made a comeback early last year. But that pol shit never had a place here.
Btw, I've got nothing against you racists, it's just that your level of understanding (or lack thereof) of basic political and social tenets is painful to read.
>It's impossible to live "off the grid"
>We'd all be better off if whitey never invented the grid in the first place
Seriously, just go and live in your bullshit tribe. We won't bother you, just stop taking welfare.
Onkonkwo go cut out your sister's uvula and stop posting here.
Sad to say it but niggers will destroy the planet at this rate.
We don't need billions of extra niggers in the coming century but that is their population projection in Africa. When the pressure gets too much on the rest of the planet I hope China releases a virus that specifically targets hominids with no Neanderthal admixture in their DNA profiles to cull these coons.
>It's you who's obviously new here.
You're projecting pretty hard.
You're actually shocked that there are libertarians and racists here? lol come on ki