I just realised

We are never going to make it anymore are we. Its done, no one trusts this shit. I'm checking in here less and less and wage slaving move and more.

why don't her swim bottoms fit properly?

>no one trusts this shit
no shit, that's why it's called trustless. why did you retards think you would get rich buying literal 1s and 0s?

I stretched them out

uggg tattoos. Would not wife.

maybe not you but I sure as hell am gonna make it, I refuse to live a life of slavery doing some wagecuck job for the rest of my life.

not a stretchy material

Dem birthing hips

maybe there's still a way. one in which the internet is unrestricted, safe and p2p connected

look up to the sky and see

Who is this??


The night is darkest before the dawn
You beta fag

Gonna need a name on this semen demon


Lmao, this.

> met a qt at the party
> we were both on coke
> spend whole night dancing kissing
> next morning text her
> see her fb profile pic
> she fine af
> another pic
> cursive text tatoo on a visible place while fully dressed
> didnt even ask what it is
> started treating her like shit
> she didnt even notice
> about to pump n dump her

Fucking thots

Just tell us her name you dumb fucking niggers

>pump and dump

>degenerate thinks he's better than other degenerates

>according to Veeky Forums, making lots of money will get you pussy
>according to Veeky Forums, lifting to get a great physique will get you pussy
>according to /pol/, fighting the political-culture war and establishing a white ethnostate will get you a trad wife
>according to Veeky Forums, becoming an established author will get you pussy
>according to Veeky Forums, being a very good chef will get you pussy
>according to /s/, /hr/ and /gif/, i don't need pussy i can just beat off whenever i want to high-res pics.

i left out:
>according to /tv/ only weinstein gets pussy

>no mention of /a/ the only relevant board

tl;dr women like men who appear to have their shit together
