Can I make decent money as an Uber driver?

Can I make decent money as an Uber driver?

no, the universal answer is no.

Absolutely no.

I made $1.67 for every mile I drove last year. I drove 20k miles.

Car is older and paid off.

So short answer is depends on market, tier you drive and when you drive.

Yes you can i make 600 weeekly working for uber

In nyc yeah


But you can at least make more than minimum wage right?

No. Do Doordash. Thank me later.

I live in a small town a couple hours away from Toronto. Uber isn't even available where I live

But I'm thinking of driving to Toronto and trying it out for a full day just to see what it's like and how much I can make from it.

How many hours a week do you work?

I drive Seattle , one of highest paid markets.

Moving up tiers to Select and Luxury soon... drive smart, right times and don’t go after every fare. Only ones close to you.

If you drove 40 mph on average, that means you made $66.80 an hour when you were driving, assuming my math is correct

Do you pick up a lot of hot chicks?

Actually yes and get hit on quite a bit. It’s fun... in spurts.
I’m married with kids so the attention is nice and that’s where it stops.

This is working only prime hours.
Friday , Sat nights and some other days.
Tourist season is very busy here... airport runs in an XL can pay well.
Surges were great , Uber is slowly taking those away.

I've noticed that Uber videos on youtube often feature a lot of hot girls as passengers.

I'm guessing it mostly happens when you're picking up drunk chicks from the bars and clubs at night?

I work for Geico, just a heads up, your insurance company will absolutely non-renew your policy if we catch you ride-sharing.

maybe, I think it's not worth the effort though. It seems like work that should pay higher than minimum wage to me, since it requires a car, and good knowledge of driving and roads in your city or it would probably drive you nuts.

what about car sharing services?
they claim to replace your own policy up to the second it starts getting driven

only in Tailand

How does even make any sense? People drive differently if they’re licking someone up?

False USAA and others have rideshare policies.

i would think so user.

We do offer rideshare policies which are essentially reskin commercial policies.

I was talking about your personal auto policy which is what most people have. We'll non-renew you if you refuse to get a ride-share policy

False ... there is a rideshare addendum. It’s $8 month and covers all periods Uber does not.. meaning waiting for a pax.

Although I may be interested in a commercial policy if the price was right... get fares on my own without Uber would be nice.

nigga, I literally work there. I can't speak for other companies though, only Geico

Yeah sorry I was being a smart ass with my “False” start...

not once you factor in expenses

It's okay. A decent chuck of what I have to deal with on a daily basis is Boomers screaming about how they don't want a rideshare policy because "my personal policy works JUST FINE" and how I have to tell them it's either that or we non-renew them and they throw an absolute shitfit. Fucking boomers are the absolute worst

About 35

Whats that?

I did for a while, pulled in $150 - $200 in about 4 hours fri/sat night. Finish up around 10/11 and still got to meet up with whatever was happening. Solid side hustle

You'll make enough money to cover your gas money for your trip to and from Toronto

Well thats not bad at all. Over $17 bucks an hour

you'll rage at pakis and chinks and run over cucks and faggits. the time in prison isn't worth it