I'm processing a 25 lb squash

i'm processing a 25 lb squash


Gourd for you!!!

What are you going to make with it?

spoon out the seeds, quarter it, grease a sheet pan, lay them face down, oven at 400 for 20 minutes. cool down. spoon out flesh. soup.

canned squash


>quarter it

do you have any idea how much 25lbs of squash is?

A little over 24lbs

holy shit this is a fuckhuge squash

the canner is full, i'm out of jars and i still have this much to do

What's the price on such a thing?


That's crazy good by my countrys standards. How much of it is inedible by weight?

not very much.. the inside is mostly hollow except for seeds and a bit of slime

the seeds are good toasted, the slime i throw away

and there's a millimeter or so of rind which i peel off so i'd say a pound or less

That's sweet. I was just thinking how if I could only ever eat pumpkin soup for the rest of my life I'd be ok with that


I thought you werent supposed to process pumpkin yourself

No, you totally can. It's easier if it's smaller, though. Once made pumpkin pie with my mom with fresh pumpkin puree, and it was pretty good. But she says its a fuckin hassle and not much different in taste or texture. I agree with her, but it might be a different case if you aren't pureeing it.

do you mean for canning?

you can't can puree but you can cube it and puree it when you open it again

Oh, I might've misunderstood you. Disregard

interesting, mind taking some pics of the canner/canning process?

i managed to find five more liter jars so i'll try to finish up what i have left tonight and i'll take pictures as i go

here's the first run of 1/2 liters still boiling away

parboiled in small 2 liter batches for 2 minutes

into the hot jar

fill the empty space with boiling water

lids and rings

I have 40 lbs of butter nut squash sitting in my garage and I'll eat it in the space of a month or two.

ready to process

canner's vented
weight's on
let it get to 11 lbs and set the timer for 90 minutes
shitpost on Veeky Forums while i baby sit it, because if it dips below 11lbs you have to reset the timer

>my favorite part
turbojew cost breakdown!!!

$12.00 squash
$3.48 canning rings
$0.02 water
$2.19 electricity


e.d. smith pure pumpkin @ walmart.ca


been buying squash off a farm for the past month or so and they blow grocery store squash out of the water
it's gonna be a long winter/spring/summer though

How does one go about making pumpkin soup? Is it a broth or does it have chunks?

>t. Someone who's only heard pumpkin used in deserts.


>take some kinda blend of soup vegetables, make soup
>but add pumpkin as dominant incredient
>puree that shit
>pumpkin soup
some people bake the pumpkin first, not sure what the theory is behind that
I like to puree it with some peanut butter, that's GOAT

Thanks, will possibly try this sometime soon. It looks pretty great.

>not sure what the theory is behind that
Holy shit you're bad at cooking.

Thanks that cleared it up.

too much bacteria getting mixed in when you puree?

how does libby get it done?

it's too dense, can't guarantee it will reach a high enough temperature to kill the botulism

commercial canning =/= home canning

Fuck you.

I'd roast a quarter of it, scoop out the flesh into a food processor. Blend it into a puree. You can make straight soup from the puree, or use it as a base for a curry. The curry option is a great way to use it up and is delicious if mixed with coconut milk.

too bad it's low kcal so you can't live on it.

Fucking reddit

The usda guidelines for canning are what you have to follow. I canned a bunch of smoked salmon this year, but it was like 110 minutes at 10lbs presure in a pressure canner and I must say it tastes great. It won't be much shorter for any non acidic vegetable.

So you can do it safely, but you have to be capable of understanding written instructions which if you're from the US is questionable. Be careful.

i do beans and peas too

$1.75 navy beans
$1.25 pasture raised organic pork
$0.25 molasses
$0.25 brown sugar
$0.25 seasoning
$1.67 canning disks
$0.02 water
$1.42 electricity


shit tier walmart pork and beans that i can’t find the ingredients for

heinz pork and beans
Water, white beans, liquid sugar, tomato puree, blackstrap molasses, fancy molasses, brown sugar, pork, salt, modified cornstarch, calcium chloride, spices, onion powder, garlic powder

why u canning though?

Like, this is the average size of the squashes in Latin America afaik, in fact when you get to buy veggies at the farmer's shop they sell you slices of that shit.

Fuck now i want Cazuela and it's really hot.

saves time and money and is healthier than buying canned food from the store

>win win win

looks like cantaloupe