What's Veeky Forums's opinion on marmite?

What's Veeky Forums's opinion on marmite?

Oi m8 u fucked off ya cunt?

Is the taste similar to nutritional yeast?

Superb condiment


Forget the love it / loathe it ad campaign

It's decent. Nice on crunchy brown bread.

I was in London a couple years ago and in the hostel an Australian was spreading brown stuff on his toasts. I asked him if it was feces, he said it was marmite.
He pointed that there were some in the condiment basket and I tried it. It was awfully salty.
IMO for breakfast condiments:
Peanut Butter>Preserves>Jams>Caramel spread>Nutella>Butter>Feces>>>>Marmite

Added some to my oats the other day, it's very versatile

Marmite thinly spread on toast is great.

If you are making cheese on toast, add a thin layer to the bread before putting the toast on top for an extra bite.

Also stir about 1/2 teaspoon into your gravy mix . . . .you won't be disappointed.

Aussies carry on about their copycat version - so called 'vegemite' . . it's OK but the Marmite that is sold in Oz is not the same as the British version.

A beef and Tomato Pot-Noodle also benefits from half a teaspoon of Marmite too!

>before putting the toast on top
*before putting the cheese on top

>I like sweet and greasy foods not savory ones
>stop liking what I don't like

>Is the taste similar to nutritional yeast?
If you roast a chicken and you get burnt bits on your roasting tray - it tastes similar to these but more concentrated.

Add a teaspoon to bbq marinade. It's really good.

Delicious. I like it spread thinly on toast. It's also a must-have for seasoning savory soups, stews, and sauces.

it tastes good, but Americans think it's disgusting because they either put too much on, or eat a fucking spoon of it

I tried a quarter teaspoon all by itself the other day, and while pungent, it was still delicious.

I have to try this :3

i really like it
i am definitely a more savory person though
i don't eat chocolate or cake or ice cream or anything like that unless i am socially obligated to do so
if a banana has 0.5 brown spots eating it makes me wretch

i wonder if there are many marmite haters who are the opposite?

also i am tired of the thinly-spread meme, if you aren't spreading it at least one knuckle deep you are probably a little bitch

How can I make my own marmite?

That shit is a FUCKING AMAZING hangover cure!

That's 'cos it's full of B vitamins.

Vegemite is just a jarred version of a shitpost. Marmite is wanderful

Just bought a jar of vegemite because it was double the size of the marmite, but was on sale for the same price.

Tried it, and wished I had gone for the marmite. Not bad, but not the same, delicious taste I wanted.

I'll throw a dollop of it into dishes to make them more savory. Too strong to use on its own.

BritBong here, got to say this is the best description of marmite I've ever heard.

"concentrated flavour"

A thin smear of Marmite on thick, hot, buttered toast = better than sex (I would guess)

Mexican here.
I love that shit. I eat a slice of toast with some butter and Marmite (or Vegemite) every day for breakfast.

This makes marmite gas



Spread thin on a toasted English muffin with a little butter. The key is just a thin layer, don't lay it on like it's peanut butter

For me it is the McChicken, the best fast food sandwich

I'm counting down the days until the McChicken meme dies out and superior ja/ck/posting is allowed again

Thinly spread on toast with grated cheddar.


Will this make English qts want to kiss me on the lips

Marmite is shit. Bovril is best.


Vegemite crisps are the definition of delicious.

Lush, hoy it in a stottie wi' a bit brown sauce and some bacon.


it was actually pretty good
I liked it
I think it went well with crusty whole grain bread and sardines.

it was so good why did they discontinue it

It's good, but very strong.

I ordered a jar online because I was expanding my horizons on glutamates/nucleotides/flavor compounds or whatever the fuck to use it in stews. I think seriouseats plugged it for that a few times. It's aight but not worth the price with shipping, and is basically like vegan instant beef stock.

I have the Marmite Cookbook. Haven't made a thing from it, mind you.
I Love Marmite.

Yeah, of all the glutamates you might choose I certainly wouldn't pay a premium price for this one.

You get a chance to play with doubanjiang yet? (Chinese fermented chili bean paste). That's a real standout in my opinion, and readily available at any asian market.

my dad puts it on rye toast. remember tasting it as a kid... tastes fucked.

no, but I am interested in torula yeast, as it's in a lot of commercial products. The problem is I can only get it from Australia for $30 a pound due to the super high shipping charge. I think it's normally around $6-7. The only alternative source in the states is a science supply company where I order a hundred pounds or some shit for a lot more money than I care to spend. Not even sure if it's food grade, but it might be...

I got Bragg's nutritional yeast seasoning, but while I like it on its own, just having a couple shakes in my mouth, I don't really like it much in whatever I make. I probably add too much though.

Tastes like how the outside section of department stores smell.