Americans voted on what they believe to be the top 5 most childish foods, and here are the results

Americans voted on what they believe to be the top 5 most childish foods, and here are the results.

1. Chicken tenders
2. Curly fries
3. Baby food
4. Kraft Dinner
5. Nando's XXtra Hot Sauce

What do you think of these results, Veeky Forums? Do you agree with what Americans believe to be childish?

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i'm america, the fuck is nandos?

They make chicken with a spicy sauce that Americans hate because they think it tastes childish. They think Nando's needs to be more cheese focused.

>curly fries

Fucking degenerates, those are amazing

I've literally never heard of Nando's and I've been in most of the 50 states.

This "survey" is completely fucked.

It's a worldwide casual dining chain that mostly does grilled chicken with marinades of varying spice levels. Nando's came to the DC area a few years ago (and apparently also Illinois).

Aren't you the same dipshit that makes the "why aren't tendies allowed at american bbq" threads?

There is no survey. OP is just disabled.

So OP's survey came from a small selection of people in an area non-representative of the US as a whole.

Either that, or it's a shitpost meant to attack anyone who's ever tried this obscure place and enjoyed it.

Either way, I'm having difficulty figuring out why some lunatic would make this thread in this way.

>Kraft Dinner

I'm on to you, leaf.

Only Canadians insist on calling mac 'n' cheese "Kraft Dinner"

OP is shitposting, son.

I asked real Americans on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and these were the results. Other popular choices included Chicken Dino Buddies and IPA beer.

That's my brother.

Yes I am Canadian but I asked real Americans what they thought.

>He's never been to Nandos
What do you even do on cheese day?

>cheese day

why the fuck is curly fries doing on that list they are the best fast food fries.

I like them too, but Americans think they're childish.

The fact that baby food isn't #1 is hilarious

This shit is pretty much baby food.

If you're not lying, you're only reinforcing how mentally handicapped you are

I don't usually eat them, but what's wrong with chicken strips?

It's a mark of a picky eater, someone who won't try new things at a restaurant so they just stick to an item that's almost impossible to fuck up.

more childish than fucking TATER TOTS???

cmon, man.

Americans would rather eat baby food than chicken tenders or curly fries, how messed up is that?
My doctor said I'm mentally healthy
There's nothing wrong with them, Americans like just view them as childish

>americans americans americans
You have to go back

>tfw i was eating with my acting crew last night and at least 3 out of 10 of us ordered chicken tenders from Applebees.

We're college students. One guy ordered a white wine, thought it was a red, was only eating appetizers. The two beers I wanted, bottled, the restaurant had none of. And everyone ordered appetizers except for like maybe 2 or 3 others including myself. It was a very awkward diner.

do americans really give american babies all these things to eat every day?

>IPA beer
Definitely. These and organic free-trade espresso triple-chocolate russian imperial stouts are the two go-to manbaby beers.

>my, my. *teleports behind u* it appears you prefer beers with no flavor in them. all me to educate you. *draws katana and cleanly cuts ur glass in half* if it costs less than $4 per bottle then it's not a truly high-quality craft beer. *tips fedora and vanishes in a puff of smoke*

>boneless chicken wings aren't a step up from chicken tenders
lol, I couldn't stand it. i spent like 15 dollars on a gift for our director for thanks for everything she had done for us this semester and everyone kinda just took credit for pitching in.

Anyway, I had a Pub Philly. A Philly Steak sandwich with jalapeno, American and Blue Moon beer cheese, bell peppers, and fried onion.

>organic free-trade espresso triple-chocolate russian imperial stouts
those don't even exist

ignorance is truly bliss

I know sweets are generally shit and are just ground up donkey hoof snorted and regurgitated by used up hookers in some miserable maqueladora, but fuck I want good sweets. They're harder and harder to find here in Australia.

I googled that shit... not that beer, but the other thing, and nothing came up but Old Rasputin Stout. Idk, maybe Google is just a bunch of shills.

Do Millennials eat anything but their chicken tendies?

I'm gathering data on what Americans believe to be the top 5 most mature and sophisticated foods, I'll get back to you in a day or two

citation needed

I kinda like those non-name eucalyptus things you get at all those "not a real store" shops.

How is the lack of bones able to make a completely normal food into baby tier?

It's childish

90% of the time at restaurants they have chicken tenders for picky little toddlers who won't eat anything off the actual menu

there are other kid's foods like that but chicken tenders seems to be the most common in my experience

>restaurants they have chicken tenders for picky little toddlers

Quite a strong argument, on many different levels, to never, ever, go to a restaurant.

If I'm with friends and we're going out to a restaurant I've never been to, chicken tenders are always a safe choice food quality wise, and they can also give a pretty good indication of the quality of the rest of the restaurant

I remember when you were a Traditional Irish Chef™. I remember when you cooked all the Traditional Irish Foods™. Potatoes. Cabbage. We name it. You'll cook it.

PS: your style is easily identifiable. Learn to write in various ways to better mask your identity and shitpost with greater efficacy.

-it's overly and somewhat unnecessarily processed food
-it's synonymous with immaturity because it does frequently show up on children's menus
-it's not particularly healthy which is fine i guess
-it's not particularly flavorful as a strong dipping sauce accompanies it
-there are much more interesting alternatives
-it's something you would pay a premium for despite being very easy to make
-it's tough to tell the quality

I honestly can't stand people who order chicken tendies in a restaurant. Not a lot of things bother me about what people order but that's one of them. There is just something so 'incomplete' about both the meal and the person ordering it. I get the same feeling about fish and chips honestly but British food doesn't really qualify for any culinary positives.

Why do Americans hate chicken tenders so much?
>lower case i
Don't insult me by comparing me to some no name hack like this with only two threads made. You won't like me when I'm angry. I am the white void, I am the cold steel, I am the just sword.

go fuck yourself yuropoor

you have nothing to offer with your obsessed shitposting.

Canucks voted on whether they're faggots or not they all agreed that they were faggots. Oh and they all said poutine a shit.