Why did we dip so hard last night

why did we dip so hard last night
why are we going up now?

bull trap

Nobuaki Kobayashi

Nobody knows

Bog giveth, and Bog taketh away.
Bog works in mysterious ways.

everyone on reddit knows at least, this board is full of absolute retarded normies now. mt gox trustee still dumping on people 4 years later

bear trap

lurk more

The bogdabots received orders to shake off all weak hands prior to the meteoric moonshot.

you people never learn do you

Unironically Bog means God in russian.

lel. I almost sold my cold storage at 9k yesterday. Had the tx signed and everything, but then I remembered that BTC will be worth 30k or more in a year.
Can't be bothered now to sell for useless fiat desu.

Why do you care?
Either you believe crypto will increase or you don't. Determine your position accordingly.
Unless you're actually dumbfuck enough to daytrade.

Bear trap for this bull trap


only sell low if you need rent money

Because bitfinex and bitmex control the market. Shorts just got rekt, guess who's next. Screen cap this.

ITS BOUNCING RETARD. GET YOUR SHORTS READY. WE ARE 100% IN A BEAR MARKET. screencap this post unironically

Dump it

Because large wallets are selling and they know you think it's going to dip and then go back up. So they have tricked you, all the way down and now you're gonna get it even worse.

They can't sell all their stuff at once. It must be done over large periods of time in small chunks. If they just keep selling the price goes lower and lower, so they wait for you idiots to buy back on the dip and then they sell more.

200 da MA, get your basics right. long term support and res at 9k. happens to also be with moving averages.

Sadly this is probably right. I think we see another dip soon

Bog - God
Danoff - Given

dont worry user, "it will never be below 9k again"

to get people like you to sell

Fuck off you retarded reddit faggot. Mt gox dumping was all we were talking about 15 hours ago. Kys